Gene Birdwell, CEO of the Birdwell Foundation, says, “no one heals alone,” and he means it. The Birdwell Foundation (https://www.birdwellfoundation.org), which serves Veterans and First Responders desperately needing support from PTSD, is now tackling the volatile subject of MST (military sexual trauma) with the soon-to-be-released book, “The MST Healing Manual.”
This ground-breaking manual provides a fresh and hopeful view of recovery and healing. It includes foundational support, education, and practical tools for individuals suffering from MST or PTSD who genuinely seek recovery and healing.
The manual is currently scheduled to be released in mid-December 2022. Birdwell says, “It is safe to say that there has never been a healing manual such as the MST Healing Manual released before with such an impressive group of contributors and premium content. There is no doubt it will provide extraordinary benefit to MST and PTSD survivors.”
Key nationwide experts in the field of MST and PTSD contributed to the compilation of the manual. Therefore, the pivotal wisdom shared therein is derived from professionals with vast experience and includes inspiring insight from the most remarkable healing book in history, the Bible.
Pre-release reviews by top counseling, ministry, and medical professionals have given the “MST Healing Manual” high praise.
As an experienced Houston-based entrepreneur and Veteran who has been on a mission to help people living with PTSD for over twenty years now, Birdwell knows far more than a thing or two about the journey of Veterans and First Responders with PTSD. The Birdwell Foundation’s demonstrable record of accomplishment proves that this CEO is seriously engaged in his mission.
One need look no further than the approximately 50,000 individuals and family members supported and served by the Birdwell Foundation in a year.
From his initial introduction to the plight of PTSD veterans until today, Gene Birdwell has been in the trenches since founding the Impact Houston Foundation, which became the PTSD Foundation of America. There he established Camp Hope.
More recently, in 2018, he founded the Birdwell Foundation and Camp Valor. The Birdwell Foundation now (https://www.birdwellfoundation.org) actively lends support resources to Veterans, First Responders, and families dealing with the challenges of either MST or PTSD.
Services of the foundation include regionally based in-person support groups, national remote support via telephone, a proven program for recovery, temporary housing for Vets while in recovery, and the provision of aid for various needs of participants through collaboration with other organizations.
Since “no one heals alone,” the mission of the Birdwell Foundation and Gene Birdwell, CEO, is to assure that individuals suffering from MST are not left trying to “go it alone” due to the negative psychological impact of low self-esteem, depression, fear, isolation, lack of education, insufficient financial resources, and hopelessness.
The Birdwell Foundation has mitigated various risks for individuals struggling with PTSD and MST, not the least of which is self-harm.
Individuals and families seeking help for the challenges of MST are strongly encouraged to read the “MST Healing Manual” as a lifeline to hope, recovery, and healing for all involved.
If MST or PTSD currently challenges you, an acquaintance, a friend, or a family member, please know that help is available.
Trying to heal alone is not optimal. Reach out to the Birdwell Foundation today!
Are You a Veteran or First Responder Who Needs Support Now?
Males in Crisis Call: 844-449-6247
Women in Crisis Call: 877-678-7873
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