WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER

                        PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16
                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the month of December 2003

Commission File Number 3337776

                             TV Azteca, S.A. de C.V.
                 (Translation of registrant's name into English)

 Periferico Sur, No. 4121, Col. Fuentes del Pedregal, 14141 Mexico D.F., Mexico
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports
under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

                           Form 20-F [X] Form 40-F [ ]

Indicate by check mark if the  registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as
permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): ____

NOTE:  Regulation  S-T Rule  101(b)(1) only permits the submission in paper of a
Form 6-K if submitted  solely to provide an attached  annual  report to security

Indicate by check mark if the  registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as
permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7): ____

NOTE:  Regulation  S-T Rule  101(b)(7) only permits the submission in paper of a
Form 6-K if submitted to furnish a report or other  document that the registrant
foreign  private  issuer  must  furnish  and make  public  under the laws of the
jurisdiction  in which the  registrant  is  incorporated,  domiciled  or legally
organized  (the  registrant's  "home  country"),  or under the rules of the home
country exchange on which the registrant's securities are traded, as long as the
report or other document is not a press  release,  is not required to be and has
not been distributed to the registrant's  security holders, and, if discussing a
material  event,  has already been the subject of a Form 6-K submission or other
Commission filing on EDGAR.

Indicate by check mark whether by furnishing the  information  contained in this
Form,  the  registrant  is  also  thereby  furnishing  the  information  to  the
Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

                               Yes [ ]    No [X]

If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in
connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82-________________________.


         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                         TV AZTECA, S.A. DE C.V.

Date: December 12, 2003

                                         By:  /S/ OTHON FRIAS
                                         Name:    Othon Frias
                                         Title:   Attorney-in-fact

                                                                DECEMBER 4, 2003


                                   TV AZTECA

                             TV AZTECA, S.A. DE C.V.

                               PERIFERICO SUR 4121

                          COLONIA FUENTES DEL PEDREGAL
                               14141 MEXICO, D.F.

                            BMV(1) TICKER CODE: TVAZTCA
                              NYSE TICKER CODE: TZA

This  information   memorandum   ("Information   Memorandum")  was  prepared  in
accordance  with article 35, section I of the General  Provisions  Applicable to
Stock Issuers and Other Participants on the Stock Market, (2) in connection with
the  proposed   Spin-Off  that  is  subject  to  the  approval  of  the  General
Extraordinary  Shareholders  Meeting of TV Azteca,  S.A. de C.V.  ("TV  Azteca,"
"we", "us", "our" or the "Issuer"),  to be held on December 19, 2003. To approve
the Spin-Off,  an  affirmative  vote of the majority of the Series "A" shares of
the capital stock of the Issuer is required.  The majority  shareholder,  Azteca
Holdings, S.A. de C.V., intends to vote in favor of the Spin-Off.

The Spin-Off  will create a new company known as Unefon  Holdings,  S.A. de C.V.
("Unefon  Holdings").  The Issuer will survive as the spinning-off  company. The
main assets to be transferred to Unefon Holdings are shares  representing  46.5%
of the paid-in capital stock of Unefon,  S.A. de C.V. (BMV ticker code "Unefon")
and shares  representing  50% of the paid-in capital stock of  Cosmofrecuencias,
S.A. de C.V., owned by the Issuer, respectively.

As a result of the Spin-Off,  the  shareholders  of TV Azteca will have the same
percentage of capital  stock of Unefon  Holdings as in TV Azteca;  however,  the
distribution  and delivery of the Unefon Holdings Shares will not be carried out
until  such  shares  are  listed  on the  Mexican  Stock  Exchange  and the U.S.
securities  exchange  or  quotation  system to be chosen  by the  Issuer,  after
approval from the applicable authorities, as described herein.

The shareholders of the Issuer will receive one share of capital stock of Unefon
Holdings  for each share of  capital  stock of TV  Azteca,  with  respect to the
Series "A", Series "D-A" or Series "D-L" shares.

The Issuer will maintain its capital  structure as well as the  securities  that
currently trade on the Mexican and U.S. stock markets,  TVAZTCA CPO and TZA ADR,
respectively.  The  securities of the Issuer are  registered  in the  Securities
Section of the  National  Securities  Registry and have the ability to be traded
simultaneously on the Mexican Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange.

No  payment  will be made to TV  Azteca  or to Unefon  Holdings  for the  Unefon
Holdings Shares issued as a consequence of the Spin-Off.


(1)   Translator's Note:  BMV = Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (Mexican Stock

(2)   Translator's Note:  Disposiciones de Caracter General Aplicables a las
      Issuers de Valores and a otros Participantes del Mercado de Valores.


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


I.       TERMS AND DEFINITIONS....................................................................................2
II.      EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................5
III.     DETAILED INFORMATION REGARDING THE TRANSACTION..........................................................10

         A.       Detailed Description of the Transaction........................................................10
         B.       Object of the Transaction......................................................................13
         C.       Expenses Derived from the Transaction..........................................................13
         D.       Operation Approval Date........................................................................13
         E.       Accounting Treatment...........................................................................14
         F.       Tax Consequences...............................................................................14

IV.      INFORMATION CONCERNING EACH PARTY INVOLVED IN THE TRANSACTION...........................................16
V.       RISK FACTORS............................................................................................22

         A.       Risks to Issuer................................................................................22
         B.       Risks Derived from the Transaction.............................................................22

VI.      SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA.................................................................................24
VIII.    RESPONSIBLE PARTIES.....................................................................................27
IX.      EXHIBITS................................................................................................28

         A.       Opinion of the Independent Auditor.............................................................28
         B.       General and Pro Forma Balance Sheet............................................................28



      For purposes of this Information Memorandum, the following terms will have
the meanings assigned to them below and will retain such meanings whether used
in the singular or plural forms:

      "TVA SHARES" means the 9,154,284,479 shares of capital stock of TV AZTECA,
which include 2,228,133,859 CPOs in circulation to December 31, 2003.

         "UNEFON  SHARES"  means the  1,170,000,000  shares of capital  stock of
Unefon held by TV Azteca.

         "UNEFON  HOLDINGS  SHARES"  means the shares of capital stock of Unefon

         "ADS" means the certificates known as American Depositary Shares issued
by BONY,  each equal to 16 (sixteen)  CPOs and  therefore 48  (forty-eight)  TVA

         "ADS  UNEFON  HOLDINGS"  means  the  certificates   known  as  American
Depositary  Shares  to be  issued  by BONY for the  distribution  of the  Unefon
Holdings Shares in the U.S.

         "BMV" means Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, S.A. de C.V.

         "BONY" means The Bank of New York.

         "CNBV" means the National Banking and Securities  Commission  (Comision
National Bancaria y de Valores).

         "CPO" means the Ordinary  Participation  Certificate  (Certificados  de
Participacion Ordinaria) issued by National Financiera, S.N.C., representing one
Series "A" share,  one Series  "D-A" share and one Series  "D-L"  share,  all of
capital stock of TV Azteca.

         "COSMOFRECUENCIAS" means Cosmofrecuencias, S.A. de C.V.

         "GENERAL PROVISIONS" means the General Provisions Applicable to Issuers
of Securities and Other  Participants  on the Market,  published in the Official
Gazette of the Federation(3) on March 19, 2003.

         "ISSUER" means TV Azteca.

         "SPIN-OFF" means the Spin-Off to be carried out by TV Azteca subject to
approval by the General Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting to be held on October
19, 2003.

         "RADIOELECTRIC   SPECTRUM"   means  the  space  that   allows  for  the
propagation,  without  an  artificial  guide,  of  electromagnetic  waves  which
frequency bands are fixed conventionally below 30 GHz.

         "INFORMATION MEMORANDUM" means this Information Memorandum.

         "GHZ" means gigahertz.

         "GRUPO ELEKTRA" means Grupo Elektra, S.A. de C.V.

(3) Translator's Note:  Diario Oficial de la Federation.


         "INDEVAL"  means  S.D.  Indeval,   S.A.  de  C.V.,  Securities  Deposit
Institution (Institucion para el Deposito de Valores).

         "LGSM" means the General Law of Mercantile Corporations (Ley General de
Sociedades Mercantiles).

         "MEXICO" means the United Mexican States.

         "MHZ" means megahertz.

         "NYSE" means the New York Stock Exchange.

         "OPERADORA DE COMUNICACIONES"  means Operadora de Comunicaciones,  S.A.
de C.V.

         "MEXICAN  GAAP"  means  "Generally  Accepted   Accounting   Principles"
(Principios de Contabilidad Generalmente Aceptados) in Mexico.

         "TV AZTECA  ANNUAL  REPORT"  means the Annual  Report  presented  by TV
Azteca before the CNBV on June 30, 2003 with respect to the fiscal year ended on
December 31, 2002.

         "UNEFON  ANNUAL  REPORT"  means the Annual  Report  presented by Unefon
before  the CNBV on July 28,  2003 with  respect  to the  fiscal  year  ended on
December 31, 2002.

         "SEC" means the Securities and Exchange Commission of the U.S.

         "MR. SALINAS PLIEGO" refers to Mr. Ricardo Benjamin Salinas Pliego.

         "MR. SABA" refers to Mr. Moises Saba Masri.

         "COMPANY" means TV Azteca.

         "TV AZTECA" means TV Azteca, S.A. de C.V.

         "UNEFON" means Unefon, S.A. de C.V.

         "UNEFON HOLDINGS" means Unefon Holdings, S.A. de C.V.

         "U.S." means the United States of America.

         "US$" means US Dollars, legal tender in the U.S.

         "$" or "PS.$" means pesos, legal tender in Mexico.


         In this Information Memorandum,  references to "Pesos", "Ps.$" and "$",
refer to the  legal  currency  of  Mexico  (pesos)  and  references  made to the
"Dollar"  or "US$",  refer to the legal  currency  of the  United  States.  Some
figures  and the  percentages  contained  herein  have been  rounded for ease of


                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

      Since  both TV Azteca  and  Unefon  are  subject  to the  information  and
registration requirements established in the Stock Exchange Law (Ley del Mercado
de Valores) and other applicable  securities  regulations,  TV Azteca and Unefon
presented annual and quarterly reports as well as information regarding relevant
events  and  other  information  before  the  BMV  and  the  CNBV  (the  "Public
Information"). As a supplement to this Information Memorandum and to obtain more
information  regarding TV Azteca and Unefon,  the Public  Information  presented
before the BMV may be referenced on the BMV website ( by means of
the electronic  checking  systems of the BMV  information  system located on the
Mezzanine  of the Centro  Bursatil,  located at Paseo de la Reforma  numero 455,
colonia  Cuauhtemoc,  Mexico,  D.F.,  telephones  (5255)  5726-6794  and  (5255)
5726-3602,  or on the  website  of TV Azteca  (  and  Unefon
(, respectively.

      Such Public Information is incorporated in this Information  Memorandum by

      TV  Azteca's  investor  and  analyst  contact  persons  are Bruno  Rangel,
telephone number 3099 9167  ( and Omar Avila, telephone
number 3099 0041 (

      Unefon's  investor  and analyst  contact  persons are Gerardo  Ibarra Gil,
telephone  number 8582 5133  (  and Alan Infante  Xibille,
telephone number 8582 5134 (


                             II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

      This  summary  does not  intend to  contain  all  information  that may be
relevant  regarding the operation  described herein. The investing public should
read the  Information  Memorandum  in full  including  the sections  entitled TV
AZTECA  ANNUAL  REPORT and UNEFON  ANNUAL  REPORT which are  referenced  in this
Information Memorandum.

      1.    TV AZTECA

      TV Azteca was incorporated on July, 1993 as a result of a privatization by
the Mexican Federal Government of its media assets.

      TV  Azteca  is  a  leading   producer   of   Spanish-language   television
programming.  We are one of the two major producers of Spanish-language  content
for  television  in the world.  We operate  two  television  channels in Mexico,
Azteca 13 and Azteca 7, through  more than 554  transmissions  stations  located
around the country.

      Our 44 local  stations  operate as  part-time  transmissions  stations  of
regional  programming and sell local advertising through our national signal. In
another 63 local  transmission  sites,  we are able to block our national signal
from Mexico City in order to insert local programming.

      In addition to our Mexican television transmission  operations,  TV Azteca
owns capital stock of the following companies:

      o     Azteca International Corporation ("Azteca America"), 100% ownership.
            Azteca  America is a company  incorporated  in the U.S. to operate a
            television network focused on the growing Spanish-speaking market in
            the U.S. Our affiliate stations reach 69% of the Hispanic population
            in the U.S.;

      o     Unefon,  46.5% ownership,  a cellular telephone services operator as
            well as provider of an ample variety of telecommunications  services
            which focuses on the mass market in Mexico;

      o     Todito, 50% ownership, Todito is a Mexican company which operates an
            internet portal in Spanish,  an internet  connection  service and an
            e-commerce market; and

      o     Cosmofrecuencias,   50%   participation,   Cosmofrecuencias   is   a
            high-speed   internet   service   provider  known   commercially  as

      (See also "The  Company - - History and  Development  of the  Company" "La
Compania - Historia y Desarrollo de la Empresa" in the TV AZTECA ANNUAL REPORT).

      The  operating  strategy  of TV Azteca is to  increase  its  income and to
improve  the yield of its  operations  and  profitability.  TV  Azteca  seeks to
increase the cash flow  generated  by its  television  transmission  services by
means of:

      o     Maximizing advertising earnings.

      o     Building upon existing cost reduction programs.

      o     Selling  internally-produced   programming  to  television  stations
            outside Mexico.


      o     Identifying  and  creating   additional  income  sources  that  will
            complement existing  television  operations and which do not require
            the significant disbursement of capital.


      Once  the  Spin-Off  takes  effect,  Unefon  Holdings  will  be  formed  a
corporation with variable capital incorporated under Mexican law.

      Unefon  Holdings,  at the  onset,  will  have  the same  shareholders  and
shareholder participation as TV Azteca currently has. Unefon Holdings will have,
as its principle assets,  46.5% of the shares of capital stock of Unefon and 50%
of the shares of capital stock of Cosmofrecuencias.

      The capital  stock is made up of a single  Series with full voting  rights
for its holders, whether national or foreign.

      Once the Spin-Off takes effect,  the securities of Unefon Holdings will be
listed on the BMV and on the securities exchange or quotation system in the U.S.
to be decided.


      By means of the Spin-Off, TV Azteca will transfer to Unefon Holdings 46.5%
of the  shares  of the  capital  stock of  Unefon  and 50% of the  shares of the
capital stock of Cosmofrecuencias.

      1.    UNEFON

      Unefon,  a Mexican mobile  telephone  company focusing on the mass market,
was founded in 1997. In 1999, it was restructured as a joint venture between Mr.
Saba and TV Azteca.  In December  2000,  Unefon placed part of its capital among
the investing  public in general,  obtaining  US$98 million from the sale of 176
million  Series A shares  (7% of its  capital  stock)  by means of a  successful
primary public offering on the BMV.

      Unefon has 30 MHz of the  Radioelectric  Spectrum on the 1.9 GHz frequency
band on the national level,  by means of which Unefon offers cellular  telephone
services to 16 of the most important cities in the country.

      Unefon  started  commercial  operations  in February  2000, in the city of
Toluca. At the close of 2000, Unefon offered cellular  telephone  services in 12
of the most important cities in the country,  including Mexico City, Guadalajara
and Monterrey. Through October 2003, Unefon offered services in 15 cities within
Mexico,  expecting to initiate operations in the cities of Celaya and Pachuca in

      Since its  inception,  Unefon has  experienced  constant  growth.  For the
fiscal years ended 2000, 2001 and 2002 it had 156 thousand, 825 thousand and 1.5
million users,  respectively.  Unefon has more than 1.8 million users at the end
of October 2003.

      (See also "The  Company - - History and  Development  of the  Company" "La
Compania  - Historia  and  Desarrollo  de la  Empresa"  in the TV AZTECA  ANNUAL

      The capital  stock of Unefon is made up of Series "A"  common,  registered
shares with no par value divided as follows as of December 31, 2002:


Shareholder                                                           Number of Shares       Amount (par value)
----------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
                                                                     (Thousands of Ps.)      (Thousands of Ps.)
TV Azteca                                                                1,170,000                1,161,730
Moises Saba Masri                                                        1,170,000                1,161,730
Various (public at large)                                                  176,129                  174,884
Option Plan                                                                310,983                  308,784
                                                                         ----------               -----------
Total Authorized                                                         2,827,112                2,807,128
Capital Stock Authorized but not shown                                    (310,983)                (308,784)
                                                                         ----------               -----------
Total in circulation                                                     2,516,129                2,498,344

      (See also "Management - - Administrators and Shareholders" "Administracion
- Administradores and Accionistas" in the UNEFON ANNUAL REPORT).

            When the Spin-Off takes effect, the capital structure of
                           Unefon will be as follows:

Shareholder                                                       Number of Shares         Amount (par value)
----------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
                                                                  (Thousands of Ps.)       (Thousands of Ps.)
Unefon Holdings                                                          1,170,000                1,161,730
Moises Saba Masri                                                        1,170,000                1,161,730
Various (public at large)                                                  176,129                  174,884
Option Plan                                                                310,983                  308,783
                                                                         ----------               -----------
Total authorized                                                         2,827,112                2,807,128
Capital stock authorized but not shown                                    (310,983)                (308,784)
                                                                         ----------               -----------
Total                                                                    2,516,129                2,498,344

      Notwithstanding  the  Spin-Off,  Unefon  will  keep  the  securities  that
currently trade on the BMV: UNEFON.


      Cosmofrecuencias  was  incorporated  in August 2000.  Its current  capital
structure is as follows:

                                                                          SHARES                  SHARES
SHAREHOLDER                                                            FIXED CAPITAL         VARIABLE CAPITAL

TV Azteca                                                                     25                  305,270
Moises Saba Masri                                                             25
Grupo Corporativo Accionario, S.A. de C.V.                                                        305,270
Total                                                                    ----------               -----------
                                                                              50                  610,540
                                                                         ----------               -----------

When the Spin-Off occurs, the capital structure of Cosmofrecuencias will be as follows:

                                                                          SHARES                  SHARES
SHAREHOLDER                                                            FIXED CAPITAL         VARIABLE CAPITAL

Unefon Holdings                                                               25                  305,270
Moises Saba Masri                                                             25
Grupo Corporativo Accionario, S.A. de C.V.                                                       305,270
                                                                         ----------              -----------
Total                                                                         50                 610,540
                                                                         ----------              -----------

      Operadora de Comunicaciones  has the main subsidiary of  Cosmofrecuencias,
with 99.99% of its capital stock owned by Cosmofrecuencias.


      Operadora de Comunicaciones  has the concession to use and operate the 3.4
GHz frequency band of the Radioelectric Spectrum.

      Operadora de  Comunicaciones  offers its fixed or mobile  wireless  access
services  under the brand name  Telecosmo.  Telecosmo  was the first  company to
provide high-speed and broad-band wireless interconnection services in Mexico to
both residential and corporate clients. This type of technology supports various
applications including: video frequencies,  voice internet protocol (VolP), file
transmission protocol (FTP), on-demand videogames, video transmission,  computer
programs, electronic mail, web hosting among others.

      Using state of the art  technology,  Telecosmo  offers its services to the
Mexico City metropolitan area.

The Spin-Off......................The  Spin-Off  will take  place in  accordance
                                  with the provisions of article  228-Bis of the
                                  LGSM  and  requires  approval  at the  General
                                  Extraordinary   Shareholders   Meeting  of  TV
                                  Azteca to be held on December 19, 2003.

                                  The  Spin-Off  will not take  full  force  and
                                  effect until (i) 45 calendar  days have passed
                                  from  the date on which  the  approval  of the
                                  Spin-Off  is  published  pursuant  to  article
                                  228-Bis,  section  V of the  LGSM and (ii) the
                                  registration  of  the   certification  of  the
                                  minutes   of   the    General    Extraordinary
                                  Shareholders  Meeting  are  entered  into  the
                                  Public  Registry  of  Commerce  of the Federal
                                  District  (Registro  Publico de  Comercio  del
                                  Distrito   Federal),   so  long  as  no  legal
                                  challenge to the  Spin-Off has been  presented
                                  by the  creditors  of TV  Azteca  during  such

                                  As a result of the  Spin-Off and once the same
                                  is in full  force and  effect,  a new  company
                                  will be  created  known  as  Unefon  Holdings,
                                  whose  securities  will be  registered  in the
                                  Securities Section of the National  Securities
                                  Registry as well as on a  securities  exchange
                                  or  quotation  system in the U.S.,  subject to
                                  approval    by   the   CNBV   and   the   SEC,

                                  The main assets of Unefon Holdings will be the
                                  shares   representing  46.5%  of  the  paid-in
                                  capital  stock  of  Unefon  (BMV  ticker  code
                                  "Unefon") and 50% of the paid-in capital stock
                                  of Cosmofrecuencias.

                                  The  shareholders  of TV Azteca  will have the
                                  same  percentages  of  the  capital  structure
                                  within the capital  stock of Unefon  Holdings,
                                  keeping,   in   addition,    their   ownership
                                  percentage in TV Azteca.

Distribution of the Unefon
Share Holdings....................Initially,  after the  Spin-Off is approved by
                                  the General Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting
                                  of TV Azteca,  the


                                  Unefon  Holding  Shares will not be  separated
                                  from  the TVA  Shares  and may only be held or
                                  traded together with the TVA Shares.

                                  The Unefon Holdings Shares will be distributed
                                  and issued to the  holders  only after (i) the
                                  Spin-Off  takes  effect  and (ii)  the  Unefon
                                  Holdings  Shares  have been  listed on the BMV
                                  and on the  securities or quotation  system in
                                  the U.S.,  after  approval  is  obtained  from
                                  applicable authorities.

                                  TV Azteca will timely and publicly publish the
                                  date on which  the  shareholders  of TV Azteca
                                  have the right to receive the Unefon  Holdings
                                  Shares  ("Registration  Date"), as the date on
                                  which  the  Unefon   Holdings  Shares  may  be
                                  delivered     ("Distribution    Date"),    and
                                  therefore,  held or traded separately from the
                                  TVA Shares.

                                  TV Azteca  expects  that such dates will occur
                                  during the month of March  2004;  however,  it
                                  cannot guarantee such a timeframe.

Approval of the Spin-Off
by the Shareholders...............In accordance with the corporate by-laws of TV
                                  Azteca,  the Spin-Off  requires  approval from
                                  the  majority  of the  Series  "A"  TV  Azteca
                                  shareholders. Azteca Holdings, as the majority
                                  shareholder of such Series "A" shares, expects
                                  to vote its  shares in favor of the  Spin-Off,
                                  which  would  result  in the  approval  of the
                                  Spin-Off,  even  without  the  approval of any
                                  other  shareholder.  The  holders of the "D-A"
                                  Series  shares  have  no  voting  rights  with
                                  respect to the Spin-Off,  in  accordance  with
                                  the provisions of the corporate  by-laws of TV

Certain Creditors' Rights.........During the 45 calendar day period starting the
                                  date the  Spin-Off  has been  approved  by the
                                  General Extraordinary  Shareholders Meeting of
                                  TV  Azteca,  the  Spin-Off  may be  subject to
                                  challenge   in  the  Mexican   courts  by  any
                                  creditor  of TV  Azteca.  In the  event of any
                                  challenge,  a judge, under certain situations,
                                  may  temporarily  suspend  the  Spin-Off.   TV
                                  Azteca cannot predict the consequences arising
                                  out of any such challenge.

Certain Tax Consequences
in the U.S. and Mexico............The Spin-Off is not a taxable event for Income
                                  Tax  (Impuesto  Sobre la  Renta)  purposes  in
                                  Mexico.  With respect to any tax  implications
                                  for   non-Mexican   shareholders,   U.S.   tax
                                  attorneys for the Company have reported to the
                                  Company  that  the  Spin-Off  may be an  event
                                  subject   to   taxation.    Each   non-Mexican


                                  shareholder should check with a tax specialist
                                  regarding  the  fiscal   implications  of  the
                                  Spin-Off with respect to applicable tax laws




      The Spin-Off and Its Effects

      The  Spin-Off is  regulated  by the LGSM.  TV Azteca  will  create  Unefon
Holdings  which may  receive,  by means of a transfer,  a portion of the assets,
liabilities and capital of TV Azteca. The transaction  differs from the Spin-Off
procedure in the U.S. where a controlling  company  distributes  the shares of a
subsidiary to its shareholders.

      TV Azteca will execute the Spin-Off  pursuant to the terms of the Relevant
Corporate  Restructuring  under article 35, section I of the General  Provisions
with the primary  objective  of  separating  from its assets the current  equity
ownership TV Azteca currently holds in Unefon and Cosmofrequencias.

      As a result  of the  Spin-Off,  TV  Azteca  will  survive  under  the same
guidelines, capital structure and corporate by-laws currently in effect. The new
company Unefon Holdings will be financially and legally independent.

      TV Azteca will maintain the listing of the securities that currently trade
on U.S. and Mexican  markets:  TVAZTCA CPOs on the domestic  market,  which have
been registered in the Securities Section of the National  Securities  Registry;
and TZA ADS on the NYSE, respectively.

      The  shareholders of TV Azteca will own the same percentage of the capital
stock  of  Unefon  Holdings,  maintaining,  in  addition,  their  percentage  of
ownership in TV Azteca and therefore,  initially,  TV Azteca and Unefon Holdings
will have the same  shareholders,  shareholder  ownership  and the same group of
controlling shareholders.

      The Spin-Off will take effect once 45 calendar days have passed  following
the date of the  announcement of the approval of the Spin-Off under the terms of
article  228-Bis,   section  V  of  the  LGSM  and  once   registration  of  the
certification  of the meeting minutes  approving the Spin-Off have been recorded
in the Public Registry of Commerce of the Federal District.

      During the 45 calendar day term,  any creditor of TV Azteca may  challenge
the Spin-Off before a Mexican judge. In the event of any such challenge, a judge
may suspend the Spin-Off  temporarily if the party in opposition to the Spin-Off
provides a bond that is sufficient to guarantee the possible  payment of damages
such  challenge  may  cause TV  Azteca.  TV Azteca  is  unable  to  predict  the
consequences of any such challenge.

      Distribution of the Unefon Holdings Shares

      Once the  Spin-Off  is in full  force and  effect,  Unefon  Holdings  will
commence  proceedings  in order  to  register  its  securities  in the  National
Securities Registry in Mexico as well as on the securities exchange or quotation
system in the U.S.  that has been  chosen by the Issuer.  During that time,  the
Unefon Holdings Shares may not be held or separately traded from the TVA Shares.

      Upon  authorization  by the  CNBV and the SEC of the  registration  of the
Unefon  Holdings  Shares on the National  Securities  Registry and on the chosen
securities  exchange or quotation system in the U.S.,  respectively,  the Unefon
Holdings Shares will be issued to their holders through  INDEVAL,  as one Series
"A",  ordinary,  nominative  share with no par value of capital  stock of Unefon
Holdings for each share of


capital stock of TV Azteca, whether with regard to a Series "A", Series "D-A" or
Series "D-L" share. For such effects,  the shareholders  will be advised through
publication of the Distribution Date on which the Unefon Holdings Shares will be
at the disposal of such  shareholders  at INDEVAL.  Only as of the  Distribution
Date may the Unefon Holdings  Shares be held and negotiated  separately from the
TVA Shares.

      Parties  with a right to  receive  the  Unefon  Holdings  Shares are those
shareholders  of TV Azteca that are registered  with INDEVAL in accordance  with
the  registries  kept  by the  securities  intermediaries  for the  purposes  of
determining the identity of the shareholders on the Registration  Date (that for
such effects will be published in a timely manner by TV Azteca).

      Transfer of Assets and Capital

      In order for the  Spin-Off  to take  effect,  TV Azteca  will  transfer to
Unefon Holdings the following assets and stock:

      1.    The assets to be contributed by TV Azteca to Unefon Holdings consist

            (a)   Investments   in  shares  of  the  Unefon   company  equal  to
                  1,170,000,000  Series  "A" shares  consisting  of 46.5% of the
                  duly  subscribed and paid-in  capital stock of Unefon owned by
                  TV Azteca.  The value of such shares,  according to their book
                  value as of October 31, 2003 is $513,220,000.00.

            (b)   Investments  in shares of  Cosmofrecuencias,  equal to 305,295
                  shares  representing 50% of the subscribed paid-in and capital
                  stock of  Cosmofrecuencias  owned by TV  Azteca.  The value of
                  such shares,  according to book value to October 31, 2003,  is

      2.    The portion of the accounting capital to be contributed by TV Azteca
            to Unefon  Holdings  is in the amount of  $625,298,000.00,  of which
            $68,000,000.00 will come from capital stock and $557,298,000.00 from
            other accounting capital accounts.

      3.    No liabilities will be transferred to Unefon Holdings.

      4.    TV Azteca as well as Unefon  will keep all other  assets and capital
            other than those  mentioned above and transferred as a result of the
            Spin-Off to Unefon Holdings.

      Certain Relationships Between TV Azteca and Unefon Holdings.

      In  connection  with the  Spin-Off,  TV Azteca  and Unefon  Holdings  will
maintain a  relationship  in order to  complete  the  Spin-Off  and assure  that
related  resolutions  and  agreements  are  executed.  At this  time,  it is not
expected  that TV Azteca and Unefon  Holdings  will have a material  contractual
relationships;  however,  TV Azteca will  continue to maintain  the  contractual
obligations it currently has with Unefon, which are described below:


      In June  1998,  TV  Azteca  and  Unefon  executed  a 10  year  advertising
agreement  for an amount of US$200  million by which TV Azteca agreed to provide
Unefon with advertising spots.


      The principal  terms and conditions of the contract and its  modifications

      o     The Company will provide Unefon with  advertising  spots for a total
            of  120,000  Gross  Rating  Points  ("GRPs")  during the term of the
            agreement,  for a maximum of 35,000 GRPs per year.  For  purposes of
            the agreement,  GRPs are equal to the number of total ratings points
            obtained during the 60 second  transmission of a commercial.  30% of
            such GRPs may be used  during  prime  time.  Unefon may only use the
            GRPs until December 2009;

      o     TV Azteca receives income over 3% of the gross sales of Unefon,  for
            which it is obligated to pay the Company 3.0% of its gross income up
            to a maximum of US$200 million. As of December 31, 2003, the Company
            had transmitted advertisements to Unefon at a total value of Ps.$147
            million (nominal).  Payments maturing in 2000, 2001 and 2002 will be
            paid in a  deferred  manner  in four  equal  installments  every six
            months during 2003 and 2004, the first of such payments  maturing in
            June,  2003.  The  deferred  payments  accrue  interest at an annual
            interest  rate of 12%.  Starting in 2003,  the payments by Unefon to
            the Company will mature constantly; and

      o     The failure of Unefon to pay advance payments will not be considered
            a default  under the  agreement;  however,  the  Company may suspend
            television services to Unefon.


      In May 1998, the Company  signed a lease  agreement with Unefon for Unefon
office space. The lease has a valid term of ten years,  which commenced in June,
1998,  and may be renewed for an  additional  ten-year  term by prior  notice to
Unefon.  The rent is for an amount of  Ps.$2.5  million  per month to be paid in
advance each month.

      3.    CREDIT BACKING

      In July,  2003, the Company and Mr. Saba announced their intent to provide
credit  support  to Unefon in an amount of up to  US$80.0  million  each.  As of
October 31, 2003,  the Company has granted  US$31  million as credit  backing to
Unefon. The Company has decided not to grant any more credit backing to Unefon.


      TV Azteca has three  directors in common with Unefon:  Messrs.  Ricardo B.
Salinas Pliego,  Pedro Padilla  Longoria and Jose Ignacio  Morales  Elcoro.  The
directors of TV Azteca and Unefon are obligated, in accordance with the LGCM and
the corporate by-laws of each of the companies  mentioned herein, to disclose to
the Board of Directors any  situation  that may involve a conflict of interests.
Any directors  should  abstain from voting on proposals in which they may have a
conflict of interest.


      The  principal  objective  of the  Spin-Off of Unefon from TV Azteca is to
separate   the   investment   currently   held  by  TV  Azteca  in  Unefon   and
Cosmofrecuencias  from the rest of its  assets  and in this  manner  convert  TV
Azteca into a company dedicated exclusively to media, as it once was.


      The Company  anticipates  this separation will allow TV Azteca to continue
to  grow  as  a  successful  signal  transmission  and  television   programming
production   company.   Once  the   businesses   of  TV   Azteca,   Unefon   and
Cosmofrecuencias  have been  separated,  TV Azteca  believes  it will be able to
focus more  efficiently on the  improvement and increase of its ownership in its
core business  which  differs  substantially  from the  businesses of Unefon and
Cosmofrecuencias,  which  consist  essentially  of the rendering of basic mobile
telephone services and wireless broad band internet access, respectively.

      Furthermore,  each  company  is  capable  of  growing  by means of its own
resources, without the existence of internal competition in obtaining additional
resources, whether financial or otherwise and the financial community may focus,
independently  and  separately,  on the  analysis  and  ownership of each of the
projects of such companies.


      The expenses of the Spin-Off are as follows:

      Fees  paid to legal  and  accounting  counsel,  independent  auditors  and
notaries (fedatarios publicos), as well as expenses arising out of fees paid for
recording in the Public Registry of Commerce of the Federal  District  (Registro
Publico  de  Comercio  del  Distrito  Federal)  and  publicizing  the  Spin-Off.
According to the LGSM the amount will be approximately $1 million.


      Board of Directors

      On October 21,  2003,  the members of the Board of Directors of the Issuer
will expressly and  unanimously  ratify the approval that such members had given
outside of a board meeting  during the period of September 30, and October 1, of
this year.

      General Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting

      TV Azteca  published its  announcement  on December 3, 2003 of the General
Extraordinary  Shareholders Meeting to be held on December 19, 2003. During such
Meeting,  approval  of the  Spin-Off  will be placed  before the  holders of the
Series "A" shares of the capital stock of TV Azteca.

      In accordance with the corporate by-laws of TV Azteca, the Spin-Off is one
of the  matters  of which (i) only the  holders  of the Series "A" shares of the
capital  stock  of TV  Azteca  may vote and (ii)  require  the  approval  of the
majority of the Series "A" shares of TV Azteca.

      Azteca Holdings,  the majority  shareholder of the Series "A" shares of TV
Azteca,  expects to vote in favor of the  Spin-Off,  which  would  result in the
approval of the Spin-Off even if all other  shareholders do not vote in favor of
the Spin-Off.


      In order to register  the effects  derived  from the Spin-Off set forth in
this Information  Memorandum,  the Issuer proposes  applying the MEXICAN GAAP in
accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Bulletin  B-8  "Consolidated  and  Pooled
Financial  Statements  and  Evaluation  of  Permanent   Investments  in  Shares"
("Estados  Financieros  Consolidados  and  Combinados y Valuacion de Inversiones
Permanentes en Acciones") issued by the Mexican Institute of Public  Accountants
(Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Publicos, A.C.).


      The Issuer will  recognize,  pro rata to its  shareholdings  in Unefon and
Cosmofrecuencias,   the  loss  relating  to  the  results  of  those  companies,
reflective of the structure of its ownership of those  shareholdings,  resulting
in the following pro forma effects:

                  (i)  a   decrease   in   the   investments   in   Unefon   and
         Cosmofrecuencias    of    $1,242,727,000.00     and    $251,097,000.00,
         respectively,  and (ii) the recognition of a loss of  $1,493,824,000.00
         in 2003.

      Derived from the pro forma registries  described above, the investments in
Unefon   and   Cosmofrecuencias   will   be   equal   to   $513,220,000.00   and
$112,078,000.00, respectively, for which on a pro-forma basis, the Spin-Off will
cause the following effects in TV Azteca:

                  (i) a decrease in the capital stock of $68,000,000.00,  (ii) a
         decrease in other accounting  capital accounts of  $557,298,000.00  and
         (iii) the  corresponding  unincorporation  of the investments in Unefon
         and   Cosmofrecuencias   in  the   amounts   of   $513,220,000.00   and
         $112,078,000.00, respectively.


      The Spin-Off is not a taxable event for Mexican Income Tax purposes.

      For  those TV  Azteca  shareholders  who are not  Mexican  residents,  the
receipt by Unefon  Holdings  Shares with respect to the Spin-Off are not subject
to income taxation on individuals, income taxes on companies or value added tax.

      TV Azteca  will not be subject to Mexican  Income Tax for the  transfer of
resources in favor of Unefon  Holdings based on the Spin-Off as long as at least
51% of the subscribed  and paid-in  shares of TV Azteca and Unefon  Holdings are
not  transferred  within the following year to the date on which the Mexican tax
authorities have been notified of such Spin-Off.

      For Mexican tax purposes, an individual resides in Mexico if he or she has
established a residence therein,  unless such person has resided abroad for more
than  183  days,  whether  consecutive  or not  in any  calendar  year  and  can
demonstrate  that he or she has taken residence in such country for tax effects.
A company  resides in Mexico for Mexican tax  effects if, when  incorporated  in
Mexico, it has its main office or domicile in Mexico. A presumption  exists that
a Mexican citizen resides in Mexico unless such party can prove the contrary. If
a non-resident in Mexico has a permanent  establishment or fixed base in Mexico,
it will be subject to Mexican taxation in accordance with the applicable  fiscal

      No fiscal stamp, issuance,  registry, tax or similar tariff exists must be
paid by the shareholders of Unefon Holdings with respect to the Spin-Off.

      With respect to tax effects on non-Mexican shareholders, the Company's tax
attorneys have informed it that the Spin-Off may be an event subject to taxation
at the time such Spin-Off takes effect;  however,  each non-Mexican  shareholder
should  consult with a tax  specialist  regarding the tax  implications  of such
Spin-Off in accordance with applicable laws.



                                    TV AZTECA

      The  description  of the business and its evolution is contained in the TV

      (See also "The  Company - - History  and  Development  of the  Company - -
Description  of the  Business"  "La  Compania - Historia  and  Desarrollo  de la
Empresa - Descripcion del Negocio"] in the TV AZTECA ANNUAL REPORT).

      The corporate structure of the Company as of October 31 is as follows:

                                                      A                 DA                 DL              Total
                                                     CPO               CP0                CP0              Shares
                            ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ----------------- -----------------

AH                            2,301,957,280       817,835,848        817,835,848       817,835,848     4,755,464,824
RB                               23,252,092       142,630,100        142,630,100       142,630,100       451,142,392
COTSA                           144,673,530        44,226,751         44,226,751        44,226,751       277,353,782
                            ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ----------------- -----------------
Majority Shares Held          2,469,882,902     1,004,692,969      1,004,692,699     1,004,692,699     5,483,960,998
                            ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ----------------- -----------------
Total Paid Shares                        --     1,223,441,160      1,223,441,160     1,223,441,160     3,670,323,481
                            ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ----------------- -----------------

   Held Publicly              2,469,882,902     2,228,133,859      2,228,133,859     2,228,133,859     9,154,284,479
                            ================= ================= ================== ================= =================

                            ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ----------------- -----------------
Total Treasury                  234,318,842       475,743,891        475,743,891       475,743,891     1,661,550,517
                            ================= ================= ================== ================= =================

Total Authorized              2,704,201,744     2,703,877,751      2,703,877,751     2,703,877,751    10,815,834,996
                            ================= ================= ================== ================= =================

      Grupo Elektra has the right to exchange Series N shares of  Comunicaciones
Avanzadas,  S.A. de C.V.  ("CASA") owned by it, in whole or in part, at any time
until  March 26, 2006 for  approximately  226.5  million  worth of CPOs owned by
Azteca  Holdings (the  "Reserved  Elektra  Shares").  This exchange right allows
Grupo Elektra to acquire  approximately 7.6% of the capital stock of the Company
owned by Azteca Holdings, which will reduce the direct and indirect ownership of
Azteca Holdings of the capital stock of the Company to 49.8%.

      There has been no  significant  change in the  ownership of the  principal
shareholders during the last three years.


      CPOs are operated on the BMV. ADSs are issued by BONY (as  depositary) and
operated on the NYSE.

      The following table provides, for the periods indicated below, the highest
and lowest sale prices  reported  for CPOs on the BMV and the highest and lowest
sale  prices   reported  for  ADSs  on  the  NYSE.  The  prices  have  not  been
re-calculated  in constant  monetary  terms,  but are presented in the following
manner in order to reflect the division of shares described below.


                                                        M PESOS PER CP                     NYSE US$ PER ADS
FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER                          HIGH              LOW               HIGH               LOW
1998.....................................        Ps. 11.5152     Ps.  2.7780        US$ 23.0625         US$  4.2500
1999.....................................             5.3100          5.1900             9.0000              8.9400
2000.....................................             5.9400          5.8000            10.0000              9.7500
2001.....................................             6.5800          2.2000            10.6500              3.7800
2002.....................................             4.9200          2.7000             8.8000              4.3000

                                                        M PESOS PER CP                     NYSE US$ PER ADS
QUARTER                                             HIGH              LOW               HIGH               LOW
   First Quarter.........................         Ps.  6.5          Ps.  4.1          US$ 10.6           US$  7.3
   Second Quarter........................              5.2               3.6               9.0                6.4
   Third Quarter.........................              4.0               2.2               6.9                3.7
   Fourth Quarter........................              3.9               2.2               6.8                3.7
   First Quarter.........................              4.8               3.7               8.8                6.6
   Second Quarter........................              4.9               4.0               8.7                6.3
   Third Quarter.........................              4.3               2.9               7.0                4.6
   Fourth Quarter........................              3.4               2.0               5.6                4.3
   First Quarter.........................              3.3               2.8               5.1                4.2
   Second Quarter........................              4.6               3.0               6.6                4.0
   Third Quarter.........................              5.1               4.1               7.5                6.3


                                                        M PESOS PER CP                     NYSE US$ PER ADS
MONTH ENDING ON                                     HIGH              LOW               HIGH               LOW
   31 December 2002......................         Ps.  3.0          Ps.  3.0          US$  4.8           US$  4.6
   31 January 2003.......................              2.9               2.9               4.3                4.2
   28 February 2003......................              3.2               3.2               4.7                4.7
   31 March 2003.........................              3.1               3.0               4.7                4.6
   30 April 2003.........................              3.7               3.6               5.9                5.7
   31 May 2003...........................              3.9               3.8               6.2                6.1
   30 June 2003..........................              4.3               4.1               6.7                6.5
   31 July 2003..........................              4.4               4.2               6.8                6.5
   31 August 2003........................              4.5               4.4               6.6                6.5
   30 September 2003.....................              5.1               5.0               7.5                7.3
   31 October 2003.......................              5.6               5.5               8.1                8.0

      On March 27, 1998, the shareholders of the Company approved a four-for-one
division of the shares of capital stock of TV Azteca.  The division was declared
effective  on  April  22,  1998.  As a  result  of the  division,  each  ADS now
represents 16 CPOs.


      As of May 2003, approximately 109 million CPOs have been repurchased since
the Company started its repurchasing in April 1998.

Behavior of the Shares on the Stock Market

TICKER                     TV AZTCA
SERIES                     CP
TRADES ON                  BMV

DATE                                            MAXIMUM            MINIMUM             CLOSE             VOLUME

31   12  1997                                     $11.52             $11.29             $11.29          76,000
31   12  1998                                      $4.28              $4.17              $4.17         138,000
30   12  1999                                      $5.31              $5.19              $5.25         438,000
31   12  2000                                      $5.94              $5.80              $5.84       2,371,000
31   12  2001                                      $3.88              $3.76              $3.76       2,506,000
31   12  2002                                      $3.08              $3.04              $3.05         878,020

30   03  2001                                      $4.41              $4.12              $4.38       4,922,000
29   06  2001                                      $3.71              $3.61              $3.62       2,095,000
28   09  2001                                      $2.29              $2.21              $2.28       5,196,000
31   12  2001                                      $3.88              $3.76              $3.76       2,506,000
27   03  2002                                      $4.85              $4.77              $4.83       2,020,000
28   06  2002                                      $4.28              $4.20              $4.22       9,471,200
30   09  2002                                      $3.16              $3.00              $3.12      14,211,800
31   02  2002                                      $3.07              $3.04              $3.05         287,800
31   03  2003                                      $2.85              $2.70              $2.85       1,748,200
30   06  2003                                      $4.31              $4.16              $4.16       2,747,100
30   09  2003                                      $5.17              $5.00              $5.14       7,292,300

30   05  2003                                      $3.59              $3.50              $3.52
30   06  2003                                      $4.31              $4.16              $4.16
31   07  2003                                      $4.43              $4.26              $4.40
29   08  2003                                      $4.50              $4.43              $4.47
30   09  2003                                      $5.17              $5.00              $5.14
31   10  2003                                      $5.64              $5.50              $5.53


TICKER                     TZA
SERIES                     ADR
TRADES ON                  NYSE

DATE                                            MAXIMUM            MINIMUM             CLOSE             VOLUME

31 12 1998                                         $6.94              $6.69              $6.69          55,000
31 12 1999                                         $9.00              $8.94              $9.00         159,200
29 12 2000                                        $10.00              $9.75              $9.94         175,700
31 12 2001                                         $6.90              $6.71              $6.79          74,000
31 12 2002                                         $4.81              $4.69              $4.79          14,000

      On March 27, 1998, the shareholders of the Company approved a four-for-one
division of the shares of capital stock of TV Azteca.  The division was declared
effective  on  April  22,  1998.  As a  result  of the  division,  each  ADS now
represents 16 CPOs.

      As of May 2003, approximately 109 million CPOs have been repurchased since
the company started its repurchasing in April 1998.


      Recent Events as of Last Annual Report.

      1. Payment of reimbursements,  resulting from the reduction in capital and
preferential  dividends to  shareholders  approved in the General  Shareholders'
Meeting held on April 30, 2003.

      On June 30,  2003,  the Issuer  paid the amount of US$122  million for the
reimbursement  of  reduction  in capital and US$3  million for the  preferential

      2. Extinction of shareholder rights of TV Azteca to acquire Unefon Shares.

      In October 2000, the Company granted its  shareholders  rights to acquire,
on a  pro-rated  basis,  ownership  held by such  Company  in Unefon for a total
exercise price of US$177.0  million.  The exercise of such rights is subject to,
among other things,  the  presentation  and  effectiveness  of a declaration  of
registration before the SEC,  registering the shares of capital stock of Unefon.
The rights to acquire the Unefon Shares would  originally have been exercised on
December 11, 2002, but in December  2002,  the Company  approved a change in the
exercise date to December 12, 2003.

      Since, to date,  some of these  conditions have not been complied with and
it is expected that such  conditions  will not be complied with, such rights may
not be exercised and will be extinguished.

                                 UNEFON HOLDINGS

      Unefon  Holdings  will  be  incorporated  as a  variable  capital  company
organized  under the laws of Mexico.  Upon  incorporation,  Unefon Holdings will
have the same shareholders and division of shares as TV Azteca currently has.


      Once the Spin-Off has taken effect,  Unefon  Holdings will be incorporated
as a holding company representing 46.5% of the capital stock of Unefon, with the
shares representing 50% of the capital stock of  Cosmofrecuencias.  As such, the
main corporate purpose of Unefon Holdings will be the following:

      "To promote,  incorporate,  establish,  organize, develop, exploit, manage
      and represent all types of companies or corporations  and  associations of
      any other  nature  both  domestic  and  foreign,  including  acquiring  or
      subscribing  shares  and  partnership  interests  of  such  companies  and
      acquiring their own shares under the terms of the Stock Market Law."

      Capital Structure

      If the Spin-Off had occurred on October 31, 2003, the capital structure of
Unefon Holdings would have been the following:

      Unefon Holdings,  as the resulting  company,  would have had capital stock
worth $68,000,000.00.

      Therefore,  the value of the  total  assets  of  Unefon  Holdings  will be
$625,298,000.00,  capital  stock  in the  amount  of  $68,000,000.00  and  total
shareholder equity in the amount of $625,298,000.00.

      Shareholders' Rights; Management of Unefon Holdings.

      The  shareholders  of TV Azteca will own the same  percentage of shares in
the capital stock of Unefon Holdings.

      The  shareholders of Unefon  Holdings will have the rights  conferred upon
them by the Stock  Market  Law,  the LGSM and the  corporate  by-laws  of Unefon
Holdings,  which will be substantially similar to those of TV Azteca;  provided,
however,  that the  capital  stock of Unefon  Holdings  will be  represented  by
common,  ordinary  shares  with full voting  rights,  which  contrasts  with the
capital stock of TV Azteca, which is represented by both common, ordinary shares
with full voting rights and by shares with limited voting rights under the terms
of article 113 of the LGSM.

      Furthermore,  the Unefon shares will be subject to subscription and may be
acquired by any person or company,  whether national or foreign,  as long as the
applicable  legal  provisions  regarding  foreign  investment,  with  respect to
percentages of the  participation of foreign  investment in the capital stock of
such company, have been complied with.

      Unefon  Holdings  will be  managed  by a Board of  Directors  made up of a
minimum of five members and a maximum of twenty members, to be determined by the
General  Ordinary  Shareholders'  Meeting.  At least  20% of the  Board  will be
independent under the terms of article 14 Bis of the Stock Market Law.

      All the  members  of the  Board  of  Directors  will  have  the  following
obligations  and will follow the following  principles:  (i) advise the Chairman
and  Secretary  of the  Board of  Directors  of any  situation  that may cause a
conflict  of   interest,   and  abstain  from   participating   in  the  related
deliberations;  (ii)  use the  assets  or  services  of the  Company  solely  in
compliance with its corporate purpose and define clear policies when such assets
are  to be  (exceptionally)  used  for  personal  reasons;  (iii)  dedicate  the
necessary  time and attention to the tasks assigned to the members of the Board,
particularly  attending at least 70% of the meetings that are called;  (iv) keep
all  information  that  may  affect  the  Company's  operations,  as well as any
deliberations  carried  out by the Board,  completely  confidential;  (v) remain
informed  with  regard  to the  matters  dealt  with in the  Board of  Directors
meetings;  and (vi)  support  the  Board  of  Directors  by  means of  opinions,
recommendations  and references  derived from the analysis of the


performance  of the company,  in order for the decisions to be adopted and to be
duly  supported  by  professional  criteria and by  qualified  personnel  with a
broader  and more  independent  focus  with  respect  to the  operations  of the

      Furthermore, Unefon Holdings may form one or more committees to be created
by the Board of  Directors,  which will each be made up of three  members of the
Board of Directors of Unefon  Holdings.  The  committee(s)  will act as a single
body, provided that two of the three members be independent  directors under the
terms of the Stock Market Law.

      Unefon Holdings anticipates the following committees:

            1.    COMPENSATION  COMMITTEE: to review and make recommendations to
                  the Board of Directors with respect to remuneration (including
                  incentives and bonuses) to the directors of Unefon Holdings.

            2.    AUDITING  COMMITTEE:  to issue opinions  regarding  operations
                  with  related  parties;  propose  the  hiring  of  independent
                  specialists in the cases it deems convenient; review financial
                  reports and financial systems governing internal controls; and
                  review the  activities  and  independence  of the  independent
                  auditors and the activities of the internal auditing team.

            3.    INVESTMENT  COMMITTEE:  to review  any/all  important  capital
                  investment   decisions  made  outside  the  normal  course  of
                  business,  which are not  included in the annual  budget,  and
                  evaluate the riskiness of such business endeavors.

            4.    TRANSACTIONS  WITH RELATED  PARTIES  COMMITTEE:  to review any
                  important   transaction  with  any  related  party  of  Unefon
                  Holdings or its majority shareholders.

      Once the Spin-Off takes effect,  the securities of Unefon Holdings will be
sought to be registered on the BMV and on the  securities  exchange or quotation
system in the U.S. that will be chosen for such effects.

      Currently there is no  intermediary  market for the Unefon Holdings Shares
or the ADS Unefon  Holdings,  and the  establishment  of such  market  cannot be
ensured.  TV Azteca is currently trying to receive approval to list or trade (i)
the  Unefon  Holdings  Shares on the BMV and (ii) the ADS Unefon  Holdings  on a
securities  quotation  system or  exchange  in the U.S.  The prices at which the
Unefon  Holdings  Shares and ADS Unefon  Holdings  may be  negotiated  after the
Distribution Date cannot be predicted.

      At the date of this Information Memorandum,  the requests for the registry
of the Unefon  Holdings  securities  both in Mexico  and the U.S.  have not been
presented to the corresponding authorities. Once such requests are presented, TV
Azteca  anticipates  they will be modified before the respective  authorizations
are issued. Once the securities of Unefon Holdings have been authorized to trade
both  in  Mexico  as well as the  U.S.,  Unefon  Holdings  will  be  subject  to
periodical  reports and other information  requirements,  in accordance with the
laws governing the stock market applicable to Issuers in the U.S. and in Mexico.




      (See Also  "Annual  Information  - - Risk  Factors"  "Informacion  Anual -
Factores de Riesgo" in the TV AZTECA ANNUAL REPORT).


      Opposition from Creditors:

      In terms of section VI of article 228-Bis of the LGSM, any creditor with a
legal  interest  can  legally  oppose  the  Spin-Off.  In  the  event  there  is
opposition,  the Company cannot envisage the results of such opposition,  and in
the event the opposition is duly  grounded,  the Company does not assert that it
will reach a settlement with the party in opposition.

      The  Spin-Off  Will  Substantially  Change  Operations  and the  Financial

      In the event the Spin-Off is agreed upon, Unefon Holdings will receive the
transfer of certain assets and all the Unefon  Shares,  as well as the shares of
Cosmofrecuencias owned by TV Azteca. As a result of the above, TV Azteca will be
less diversified  than it is currently.  The Company cannot forecast whether the
results of such a divestment in Unefon and Cosmofrecuencias will be positive.

      The Spin-Off May Affect the Price of the TV Azteca Shares.

      In the  event the  Spin-Off  is  agreed  upon,  the price of the TV Azteca
securities on the market may fluctuate. In this sense, the Issuer does not claim
that,  if such  fluctuations  occur in the price of the TV Azteca  shares,  such
fluctuations will be positive.

      Sale of the  Unefon  Shares  and/or  Cosmofrecuencias  Shares  Owned by TV

      As a result of the  Spin-Off,  TV Azteca will not continue to maintain its
shareholder interests in Unefon and Cosmofrecuencias;  therefore, in the future,
it  will  not  have  any  cash  flows  from  the  sale  of  the  Unefon   and/or
Cosmofrecuencias shares.

      Dividends,   Products  or   Reimbursements  of  Capital  from  Unefon  and

      As a consequence of the Spin-Off,  TV Azteca will not have, in the future,
any cash flows  arising out of capital  dividends,  products  or  reimbursements
distributed by Unefon and/or Cosmofrecuencias to their shareholders.

      Participation in the Results of Unefon and Cosmofrecuencias:

      As a result of the  Spin-Off,  TV Azteca will not continue to maintain its
shareholder  interest in Unefon and, in the event Unefon  reflects  positive net
results,  those  results  may not be  reflected  by means  of the  participation

      Capital Gains on the Unefon Shares:

      As a  result  of the  Spin-Off,  TV  Azteca  may not be  able to  continue
maintaining its shareholder interest in Unefon and, in the event Unefon reflects
increases  in its market  price,  these  increases  may not be reflected in such

      Lack of Registration of the Unefon Holdings Shares

      Once the Spin-Off takes effect,  the necessary  procedures will be carried
out to register the Unefon  Holdings  Shares in the  Securities  Registry of the
National  Securities  Registry  and in a securities  or quotation  system in the
U.S., after obtaining  authorization  from the CNBV and SEC,  respectively.  The
Company  does not aver that it will obtain such  authorizations,  but if it does
obtain them, it cannot predict when they will be granted.

      Lack of Liquidity of the Unefon Holdings Shares

      Starting in 1995, the Mexican stock market has  experienced a considerable
decrease  in the amount and number of  operations  carried  out on the same.  In
addition, the level of operations on the BMV is less than on other markets. As a
result,  the  existence  of a secondary  market for the Unefon  Holdings  Shares
cannot be  guaranteed,  nor can any  guarantees  be granted  with respect to the
conditions  that may  affect the  market of the  Unefon  Holdings  Shares in the
future.  Further,  neither the  capacity of the  shareholders  to assign nor the
conditions  under  which,  as  applicable,  they may assign  such  shares can be

      Financial Information Included in This Information Memorandum

      This Information  Memorandum includes the General Consolidated Balances of
TV Azteca and its  Subsidiaries  for the years ended December 31, 2001 and 2002,
respectively,  as well as the ten-month periods ended October 31, 2002 and 2003,
respectively.  Additionally,  the Consolidated General Balances before and after
the Spin-Off of TV Azteca and Subsidiaries for the period ended October 31, 2003
and the  years  ended  December  31,  2001 and 2002 are  included.  The  general
balances of Unefon  Holdings are prepared as if Unefon had been  incorporated on
October 31, 2003,  using as a basis the historical  financial  information of TV
Azteca.  As a result,  such balances reflect the situation of Unefon Holdings as
if such company would have been  operating  during the financial  years ended in
the years of 2001 and 2002, respectively, and during the ten-month periods ended
October 31,  2002 and 2003,  respectively.  However,  it does not claim that the
financial  results  of Unefon  Holdings  would have been the same if it had been
incorporated on said date.

      These  factors  and the other risk  factors  referred  to in the TV AZTECA
Annual Report are not necessarily all the important  factors that may cause such
real  results  to  differ  substantially  from  those  expressed  in  any of the
declarations regarding the future of the Company. Other unknown or unpredictable
factors  can also  negatively  affect the future  results of the  Company.  Such
declarations  regarding the future included in this  Information  Memorandum are
made solely as of the date of this Information Memorandum,  and the Company does
not  represent  that such  projected  results or facts will  occur.  The Company
waives any obligation to update any of these declarations  regarding the future,
whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.






                                                       AJUSTE                      AJUSTE
                                                      PRO       PRO               PRO       PRO
                                                       FORMA     FORMA             FORMA     FORMA
DATOS DEL ESTADO DE RESULTADOS:               2001      2001     2001     2002      2002     2002
Ventas netas                                 PS.6,286           PS.6,286 PS.6,869           PS.6,869
Costo de programacion, produccion y
   trasmision                                 2,536              2,536    2,578              2,578
Gastos de venta y administracion                982                982    1,000              1,000
Depreciacion y amortizacion                     620                620      396                396
Utilidad de operacion                         2,148              2,148    2,895              2,895
Otros gastos - Neto                            (250)              (250)    (453)              (453)
Costo integral de financiemiento               (340)              (340)  (1,133)            (1,133)
Utilidad antes de provision para impuesto
   sobre la renta e impuesto
   sobre la renta diferido y partida
   especial                                   1,558              1,558    1,308              1,308
Provision para impuesto sobre la renta e
   impuesto sobre la rento
   diferido                                     (11)               (11)    (297)              (297)
Partida epsecial - Efecto del
   reconocimiento del metodo de
   participacion de Unefon y
   Cosmofrecuencias                                   PS.(306)    (306)           PS.(627)    (627)
Utilidad neta                                 1,546     (306)    1,240    1,011     (627)      384
(Perdida) utilidad del interes minoritario       (2)                (2)       0                  0
Utilidad del interes mayoritario              1,548     (306)    1,242    1,011     (627)      384
Utilidad neta por accion de los
   accionistas mayoritarios                     0.17    (0.03)     0.14     0.11    (0.07)     0.04
Promedio ponderado de acciones en
   circulacion                                9,025              9,025    9,057              9,057
Inmuebles, maquinaria y equipo - Neto        PS.2,366           PS.2,366 PS.2,291           PS.2,291
Concesiones de television - Neto              3,843              3,843    3,842              3,842
Inversion en Unefon                           1,898   PS.(1,898)     -    1,803   PS.(1,803)     -
Inversion en Cosmofrecuencias                   345     (345)        -      364     (364)        -
Total activo                                 22,069   (2,243)   19,826   22,238   (2,167)   20,071
Total deuda                                   6,355              6,355    6,322              6,322
Anticipos de anunciantes                      4,764              4,764    4,565              4,565
Anticipos de anunciantes de Unefon            2,319              2,319    2,225              2,225
Anticipos de Publicidad, programacion y
   servicios de Todito                          735                735      518                518
Interes mayoritario                           5,923   (2,243)    3,680    6,759   (2,167)    4,592
Interes minoritario                               9                  9        9                  9
Total inversion de los accionistas            5,932   (2,243)    3,689    6,768   (2,167)    4,601
Mexican GAAP:
EBITDA                                       PS.2,768           PS.2,768 PS.3,290 PS.       PS.3,290
EBITDA margen                                   44%                44%      48%                48%

                       OCTUBRE DE:

                                                       AJUSTE                      AJUSTE
                                                      PRO       PRO                PRO      PRO
                                                       FORMA     FORMA              FORMA    FORMA
                                              2002      2002     2002      2003     2003     2003

Ventas netas                                 PS.5,455           PS.5,455 PS.5,643           PS.5,643
Costo de programacion, produccion y
   trasmision                                 2,265              2,265    2,263              2,263
Gastos de venta y administracion                813                813      857                857
Depreciacion y amortizacion                     438                438      285                285
Utilidad de operacion                         1,940              1,940    2,239              2,239
Otros gastos - Neto                            (327)              (327)    (306)              (306)
Costo integral de financiemiento             (1,003)            (1,003)    (612)              (612)
Utilidad antes de provision para impuesto
   sobre la renta e impuesto
   sobre la renta diferido y partida
   especial                                     609                609    1,321              1,321
Provision para impuesto sobre la renta e
   impuesto sobre la rento
   diferido                                    (177)              (177)    (140)              (140)
Partida epsecial - Efecto del
   reconocimiento del metodo de
   participacion de Unefon y
   Cosmofrecuencias                                   PS.(598)    (598)  (1,494)            (1,494)
Utilidad neta                                   432     (598)     (166)    (313)              (313)
(Perdida) utilidad del interes minoritari         1                  1       (1)                (1)
Utilidad del interes mayoritario                433     (598)     (165)    (314)              (314)
Utilidad neta por accion de los
   accionistas mayoritarios                    0.05    (0.07)    (0.02)   (0.03)             (0.03)
Promedio ponderado de acciones en
   circulacion                                9,058              9,058    9,113              9,113
Inmuebles, maquinaria y equipo - Neto        PS.2,287           PS.2,287 PS.2,263           PS.2,263
Concesiones de television - Neto              3,743              3,743    3,838              3,838
Inversion en Unefon                           1,825   PS.(1,825)     -      513    PS.(513)      -
Inversion en Cosmofrecuencias                   362     (362)        -      112      (112)       -
Total activo                                 20,413   (2,187)   18,226   19,160      (625)  18,534
Total deuda                                   6,731              6,731    6,892              6,892
Anticipos de anunciantes                      2,579              2,579    2,911              2,911
Anticipos de anunciantes de Unefon            2,259              2,259    2,088              2,088
Anticipos de Publicidad, programacion y
   servicios de Todito                          574                574      424                424
Interes mayoritario                           6,283   (2,187)    4,097    4,809      (625)   4,184
Interes minoritario                               9                  9       10                 10
Total inversion de los accionistas            6,292   (2,187)    4,106    4,820      (625)   4,195
Mexican GAAP:
EBITDA                                       PS.2,378 PS.       PS.2,378 PS.2,524  PS.      PS.2,524
EBITDA margen                                   44%                44%       45%               45%


      The Issuer  recognizes  the  following  accounting  effects in a pro-forma

      a)    Participation method,  arising out of the results of its investments
            in Unefon and Cosmofrecuencias,  which causes the accounting effects
            detailed below:

            i)    Recognition  of a loss  of  $305,516,000.00,  $626,694,000.00,
                  $597,571,000.00  and  $1,493,824,000.00  for the  years  ended
                  December 31, 2001 and 2002,  and the  ten-month  periods ended
                  October 31, 2002 and 2003, respectively;

            ii)   The  decrease  in  investment  in Unefon  of  $305,516,000.00,
                  $626,694,000.00, $597,571,000.00 and $1,242,727,000.00 for the
                  years  ended  December  31, 2001 and 2002,  and the  ten-month
                  periods ended October 31, 2002 and 2003, respectively; and

            iii)  The   decrease   of   investment   in    Cosmofrecuencias   of
                  $251,097,000.00  for the  ten-month  period ended  October 31,
                  2003.  During the years ended  December 31, 2001 and 2002,  as
                  well  as  the   ten-month   period  ended  October  31,  2002,
                  Cosmofrecuencias  did not generate any results that affect the
                  participation method.

      b)    Pro-forma  Spin-Off  of  the  investments   mentioned  above,  which
            originated the following accounting effects:

            i)    A   decrease   in  the   capital   stock  in  the   amount  of
                  $68,000,000.00,     $68,000,000.00,     $68,000,000.00     and
                  $68,000,000.00 for the years ended December 31, 2001 and 2002,
                  and the  ten-month  periods  ended  October 31, 2002 and 2003,

            ii)   A decrease in other accounting capital accounts in the amounts
                  of $2,174,628,000.00, $2,099,043,000.00, $2,118,661,000.00 and
                  $557,298,000.00  for the years  ended  December  31,  2001 and
                  2002,  and the  ten-month  periods  ended October 31, 2002 and
                  2003, respectively;

            iii)  the unincorporation of the investment in Unefon in the amounts
                  of $1,897,840,000.00, $1,802,826,000.00, $1,824,845,000.00 and
                  $513,220,000.00  for the years  ended  December  31,  2001 and
                  2002,  and the  ten-month  periods  ended October 31, 2002 and
                  2003, respectively; and

            iv)   the  unincorporation of the investment in  Cosmofrecuencias in
                  the     amount    of     $344,785,000.00,     $364,218,000.00,
                  $361,816,000.00   and  $112,078,000.00  for  the  years  ended
                  December 31, 2001 and 2002,  and the  ten-month  periods ended
                  October 31, 2002 and 2003, respectively.


      Some  of the  declarations  in  this  Information  Memorandum  are  future
expectations. Furthermore, TV Azteca or Unefon Holdings may make declarations of
future   expectations  for  future  proceedings  before  the  CNBV,  in  written
materials,  in the press, and as verbal declarations issued by or in the name of
such companies.  The declarations of future  expectations  include  declarations
regarding the current intentions, beliefs or expectations of TV Azteca or Unefon
Holdings, or the officers of such companies (including  declarations preceded or
followed by, or that include terminology implying, a future


expectation,   such  as  "could",  "should",   "relieve",  "hope"  or  "expect",
"anticipate",   "predict",  "continue"  or  similar  expressions  or  comparable
terminology) with respect to various issues.

      It is  important  to point out that the  actual  financial  results  of TV
Azteca or Unefon Holdings may differ materially from those  anticipated  results
in the future expectations declarations,  since they depend on various important
factors. Such factors include economic, political and governmental conditions in
Mexico and any other  conditions,  inflation rates,  exchange rates and exchange
controls in Mexico, adjustments to rates, changes in legislation,  technological
improvements,  market  demand  and  competition.  This  list of  factors  is not
exclusive  since risks and  uncertainties  may cause the  results to  materially
differ from those declared in the future expectations.

      All information and the future expectation  declarations container in this
Information Memorandum are based on the information available to the date for TV
Azteca.  TV  Azteca  is not  obligated  to  update  such  information  or future
expectation  declaration  made  by it or in the  name  of TV  Azteca  or  Unefon
Holdings,  in this Information  Memorandum or in any other manner, except in the
ordinary course of information that has been publicly revealed.





      The undersigned declare, under an oath to declare truthfully,  that in the
scope of our respective  functions,  we have prepared the information related to
the  Issuer  container  herein,   which,  to  the  best  of  our  knowledge  and
understanding,  reasonably reflects its situation.  Furthermore, we declare that
we are unaware of any  relevant  information  that has been omitted or any false
declarations   herein,  or  that  this  Information   Memorandum   contains  any
information that may lead to an error by the investors.

                                          Lic.   Pedro   Padilla   Longoria
                                       General  Director  of TV Azteca,  S.A. de

                                          C.P.    Carlos   Hesles   Flores
                                    General  Director  of   Administration   and
                                        Finance of TV Azteca, S.A. de C.V.

                                     Lic.   Francisco  X.  Borrego   Hinojosa
                                    Linage  General Legal Director of TV Azteca,
                                                  S.A. de C.V.





                    TV AZTECA, S.A. DE C.V. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                     Thousands of Pesos as of October 31, 2003

                                                                 ------------------------      -------------------------
                                                                       DECEMBER 31,                   OCTOBER 31,
                                                                 ------------------------      -------------------------
                                                                     2001         2002             2002         2003
                                                                 -----------  -----------      -----------   -----------
                                                                                                     no auditados
   Cash and cash equivalents                                     $ 1,694,949  $ 1,430,473      $ 1,202,230   $ 1,101,159
   Accounts receivable                                             5,059,008    5,052,596        3,441,890     4,005,468
   Other circulating assets                                        1,137,933      953,340        1,092,555     1,209,290
                                                                 -----------  -----------      -----------   -----------
   Total circulating assets                                        7,891,890    7,436,410        5,736,675     6,315,917
Investments in shares of Unefon, S.A. de C.V.
   (Unefon), associated company                                    1,897,840    1,802,826        1,824,845       513,220
Investments in shares of Cosmofrequencias, S.A. de C.V.
   (Cosmofrequencias), associated company                            344,788      364,218          361,816       112,078
Accounts receivable from Unefon, associated company                1,982,700    2,062,709        2,116,630     1,813,982
Real estate, machinery and equipment - Net                         2,365,596    2,291,023        2,287,125     2,263,196
Television concesions - Net                                        3,842,882    3,841,605        3,742,689     3,837,825
Other assets                                                       3,743,510    4,439,352        4,343,306     4,303,497
                                                                 -----------  -----------      -----------   -----------
Total assets                                                     $22,069,206  $22,238,142      $20,413,086   $19,159,715
                                                                 ===========  ===========      ===========   ===========

Short term liabilities:
   Short term debt                                               $   582,009  $   448,849      $   626,531   $ 2,248,174
   Other accounts payable and accumulated expenses                 1,753,932    1,560,382        1,610,677     1,884,250
                                                                 -----------  -----------      -----------   -----------
Sum, short term liabilities                                        2,335,941    2,009,230        2,237,208   $ 4,133,424
                                                                 -----------  -----------      -----------   -----------
Long term liabilities:
   Long term debt                                                  5,772,953    5,873,535        6,104,549     4,643,128
   Advances from advertisers                                       4,763,702    4,564,979        2,578,546     2,910,705
   Long term advances from advertisers of Unefon,
     associated company                                            2,318,680    2,225,208        2,259,180     2,088,222
   Advances for publicity, programming and services from
     associated company                                              734,548      517,886          574,461       423,792
   Other accounts payable                                            211,581      278,883          366,848       140,570
                                                                 -----------  -----------      -----------   -----------
Total long term liabilities                                       13,801,364   13,460,491       11,883,575    10,206,417
                                                                 -----------  -----------      -----------   -----------
Total liabilities                                                 16,137,305   15,469,721       14,120,783    14,339,841
                                                                 -----------  -----------      -----------   -----------

Investments by shareholders:
   Majority interest                                               5,923,305    6,759,471        6,283,428     4,809,439
   Minority interest                                                   8,596        8,950            8,875        10,435
                                                                 -----------  -----------      -----------   -----------
Total shareholder investment                                       5,931,901    6,768,421        6,292,303     4,819,874
                                                                 -----------  -----------      -----------   -----------
Total liabilities and shareholder investment                     $22,069,206  $22,238,142      $20,413,086   $19,159,715
                                                                 ===========  ===========      ===========   ===========

The attached note is an integral part of these general balances.


                    TV AZTECA, S.A. DE C.V. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                             AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2003
                    Thousands of pesos as of October 31, 2003

                                                                 BASE SUMS
                                                            TV AZTECA, S.A. DE         UNEFON         TV AZTECA, S.A.
                                                                   C.V.          HOLDINGS, S.A. DE      DE C.V. AND
                                                              Y SUBSIDIARIAS            C.V.            SUBSIDIARIES
                                                            ------------------   -----------------    ----------------
                                                             BEFORE SPIN-OFF                           AFTER SPIN-OFF
                                                               NOT AUDITED       RESULTING COMPANY      NOT AUDITED

   Cash and Cash equivalents                                   $  1,101,159                             $  1,101,159
   Accounts receivable                                            4,005,468                                4,005,468
   Other circulating assets                                       1,209,290                                1,209,290
                                                               ------------                             ------------

   Total circulating assets                                       6,315,917                                6,315,917
Investments in shares of Unefon, S.A. de C.V.
   (Unefon), associated company                                     513,220        $    513,220                   --
Investments in shares of de Cosmofrequencias, S.A. de
   (Cosmofrecuencias), associated company                           112,078             112,078                   --
Accounts receivable from Unefon, associated company               1,813,982                                1,813,982
Real estate, machinery and equipment - Net                        2,263,196                                2,263,196
Television concesions - Net                                       3,837,825                                3,837,825
Other assets                                                      4,303,497                                4,303,497
                                                               ------------        ------------         ------------

Total assets                                                   $ 19,159,715        $    625,298         $ 18,534,417
                                                               ============        ============         ============

Short term liabilities:
   Circulating portion of long term bank loans                    2,249,174                                2,249,174
   Other accounts payable and accumulated expenses                1,884,250                                1,884,250
                                                               ------------                             ------------
Total short term liabilities                                      4,133,424                                4,133,424
                                                               ------------                             ------------

Long term liabilities:
   Long term debt                                                 4,643,128                                4,643,128
   Advances from advertisers                                      2,910,705                                2,910,705
   Advances from advertisers of Unefon,
     associated company                                           2,088,222                                2,088,222
   Advances for Publicity, programming and services from
     Todito, associated company                                     423,792                                  423,792
   Other accounts payable                                           140,570                                  140,570
                                                               ------------                             ------------
Total long term liabilities                                      10,206,417                               10,206,417
                                                               ------------                             ------------
Total liabilities                                                14,339,841                               14,339,841
                                                               ------------                             ------------

Investments by shareholders:
   Majority interest                                              4,809,439        $    625,298            4,184,141
   Minority interest                                                 10,435                                   10,435
                                                               ------------        ------------         ------------
Total shareholder investments                                     4,819,874             625,298            4,194,576
                                                               ------------        ------------         ------------
Total liabilities and shareholder investments                  $ 19,159,715        $    625,298         $ 18,534,417
                                                               ============        ============         ============

The attached note is an integral part of these general balances.


                    TV AZTECA, S.A. DE C.V. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                               AS OF DECEMBER 2002
                    Thousands of Pesos as of October 31, 2003

                                                                    BASE SUMS
                                                                 TV AZTECA, S.A.        UNEFON       TV AZTECA, S.A.
                                                                    DE C.V. Y       HOLDINGS S.A.      DE C.V. AND
                                                                   SUBSIDIARIAS        DE C.V.         SUBSIDIARIES
                                                                 ---------------   --------------   ----------------
                                                                                      RESULTING       AFTER SPIN-OFF
                                                                 BEFORE SPIN-OFF       COMPANY         NOT AUDITED

   Cash and cash equivalents                                       $ 1,430,473                         $ 1,430,473
   Accounts receivable                                               5,052,596                           5,052,596
   Other circulating assets                                            953,340                             953,340
                                                                   -----------                         -----------

   Total circulating assets                                          7,436,410                           7,436,410
Investment in shares of Unefon, S.A. de C.V.
   (Unefon), associated company                                      1,802,826       $ 1,802,826
Investment in shares of Cosmofrecuencias, S.A. de C.V.
   (Cosmofrecuencias), associated company                              364,218           364,218
Accounts receivable from Unefon, associated company                  2,062,709                           2,062,709
Real estate, machinery and equipment - Net                           2,291,023                           2,291,023
Television concessions - Net                                         3,841,605                           3,841,605
Other assets                                                         4,439,352                           4,439,352
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------
Total assets                                                       $22,238,142       $ 2,167,043       $20,071,099
                                                                   ===========       ===========       ===========

Short term liabilities:
   Circulating portion of long term bank loans                     $   448,849                         $   448,849
   Other accounts payable and accumulated expenses                   1,560,382                           1,560,382
                                                                   -----------                         -----------
Total, short term assets                                             2,009,230                           2,009,230
                                                                   -----------                         -----------
Long term liabilities:
   Long term debt                                                    5,873,535                           5,873,535
   Advances from advertisers                                         4,564,979                           4,564,979
   Advances from advertisers of Unefon, associated company           2,225,208                           2,225,208
   Advances from publicity, programming and services of
     Todito, associated company                                        517,886                             517,886
   Other accounts payable                                              278,883                             278,883
                                                                   -----------                         -----------
Total, long term liabilities                                        13,640,491                          13,640,491
                                                                   -----------                         -----------
Total liabilities                                                   15,469,721                          15,469,721
                                                                   -----------                         -----------
Shareholder investment:
   Majority interest                                                 6,759,471       $ 2,167,043         4,592,428
   Minority interest                                                     8,950                               8,950
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------
Total investment by shareholders                                     6,768,421         2,167,043         4,601,378
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------
Total liabilities and investment by shareholders                   $22,238,142       $ 2,167,043       $20,071,099
                                                                   ===========       ===========       ===========

The attached note is an integral part of these general balances.


                    TV AZTECA, S.A. DE C.V. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                               AS OF DECEMBER 2001
                   Thousands of Pesos as of December 31, 2003

                                                                     BASE SUMS
                                                                 TV AZTECA, S.A.        UNEFON       TV AZTECA, S.A.
                                                                   DE C.V. AND      HOLDINGS S.A.      DE C.V. AND
                                                                   SUBSIDIARIAS        DE C.V.         SUBSIDIARIES
                                                                 ---------------    -------------    ---------------
                                                                                      RESULTING       AFTER SPIN-OFF
                                                                 BEFORE SPIN-OFF       COMPANY         NOT AUDITED

   Cash and cash equivalents                                       $ 1,694,949                         $ 1,694,949
   Accounts receivable                                               5,059,008                           5,059,008
   Other circulating assets                                          1,137,933                           1,137,933
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------
   Total circulating assets                                          7,891,890                           7,891,890
Investment in shares of Unefon, S.A. de C.V.
   (Unefon), associated company                                      1,897,840       $ 1,897,840
Investments in shares of Cosmofrecuencias, S.A. de C.V.
   (Cosmofrecuencias), associated company                              344,788           344,788
Accounts receivable from Unefon, associated company                  1,982,700                           1,982,700
Real estate, machinery and equipment - Net                           2,365,596                           2,365,596
Television concesions - Net                                          3,842,882                           3,842,882
Other assets                                                         3,743,510                           3,743,510
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------
Total assets                                                       $22,069,206       $ 2,242,628       $19,826,578
                                                                   ===========       ===========       ===========

Short term liabilities:
   Circulating portion of long term bank debt                      $   582,009                         $   582,009
   Other accounts payable and accumulated expenses                   1,753,932                           1,753,932
                                                                   -----------                         -----------
Sum, short term liabilities                                          2,335,941                           2,335,941
                                                                   -----------                         -----------

Long term liabilities:
   Long term debt                                                    5,772,853                           5,772,853
   Advances from advertisers                                         4,763,702                           4,763,702
   Advances from advertisers of Unefon,
     associated company                                              2,318,680                           2,318,680
   Advances from publicity, programming and services of
     associated company                                                734,548                             734,548
   Other accounts payable                                              211,581                             211,581
                                                                   -----------                         -----------
Total long term liabilities                                         13,801,364                          13,801,364
                                                                   -----------                         ----------
Total liabilities                                                   16,137,305                          16,137,305
                                                                   -----------                         -----------
Investments by shareholders:
   Majority interest                                                 5,923,305         2,242,628         3,680,677
   Minority interest                                                     8,596                               8,596
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------
Total shareholder investments                                        5,931,901         2,242,628         3,689,273
                                                                   -----------       -----------       -----------
Total liabilities and shareholder investments                      $22,069,206       $ 2,242,628       $19,826,578
                                                                   ===========       ===========       ===========

The attached note is an integral part of these general balances.


                    TV AZTECA, S.A. DE C.V. AND SUBSIDIARIES


                           AMOUNTS REFLECTED IN PESOS


      The Company assumed the following  accounting  effects during the drafting
of the general balances:

      a)    Recognition of the  participation  method arising out of the results
            of the  investments  in Unefon  and  Cosmofrecuencias,  causing  the
            accounting effects mentioned detailed below:

            i)    Recognition  of a loss  of  $305,516,000.00,  $626,694,000.00,
                  $597,571,000.00 and $1,493,824,000.00 for years ended December
                  31, 2001,  2002,  and the ten-month  periods ended October 31,
                  2002 and 2003, respectively;

            ii)   the  decrease  in the  investments  in Unefon in the amount of
                  $305,516,000.00,    $626,694,000.00,    $597,571,000.00    and
                  $1,242,727,000.00 for years ended December 31, 2001, 2002, and
                  the  ten-month  periods  ended  October  31,  2002  and  2003,
                  respectively; and

            iii)  The  decrease in the  investment  in  Cosmofrecuencias  in the
                  amount  of  $251,097,000.00  for the ten  month  period  ended
                  October 31, 2003. During the years ended December 31, 2001 and
                  2002 as well as the  ten-month  period ended October 31, 2002,
                  Cosmofrecuencias  did not generate any results  affecting  the
                  participation method.

      b) Pro forma  division of the  investments  mentioned  above,  causing the
following accounting effects:

            i)    A  decrease   in  the   capital   stock  in  the   amounts  of
                  $68,000,000.00,     $68,000,000.00,     $68,000,000.00     and
                  $68,000,000.00  for the years ended  December 31, 2001,  2002,
                  and the  ten-month  periods  ended  October 31, 2002 and 2003,

            ii)   A decrease in other accounting  capital accounts in the amount
                  of $2,174,628,000.00, $2,099,043,000.00, $2,118,661,000.00 and
                  $557,298,000.00  for years ended  December  31, 2001 and 2002,
                  and the  ten-month  periods  ended  October 31, 2002 and 2003,

            iii)  The  unincorporation of the investment in Unefon in the amount
                  of $1,897,840,000.00, $1,802,826,000.00, $1,824,845,000.00 and
                  $513,220,000.00  for years ended  December  31, 2001 and 2002,
                  and the  ten-month  periods  ended  October 31, 2002 and 2003,
                  respectively; and

            iv)   The  unincorporation of the investment in  Cosmofrecuencias in
                  the     amount    of     $344,785,000.00,     $364,218,000.00,
                  $361,816,000.00   and  $112,078,000.00  for  the  years  ended
                  December 31, 2001 and 2002,  and the  ten-month  periods ended
                  October 31, 2002 and 2003, respectively.
