Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o
Check the appropriate box:
o |
Preliminary Proxy Statement |
o |
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
þ |
Definitive Proxy Statement |
o |
Definitive Additional Materials |
o |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to § 240.14a-12 |
(Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ |
No fee required. |
o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
1) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to
Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
state how it was determined): |
4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
5) |
Total fee paid: |
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the
offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing
by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the
date of its filing. |
1) |
Amount Previously Paid: |
2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
3) |
Filing Party: |
4) |
Date Filed: |
March 26, 2010
Dear Shareholder:
You are cordially invited to attend the 2010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Horizon Bancorp to
be held at the Clarion Inn, 5820 South Franklin Street, Michigan City, Indiana on Thursday, May 6,
2010, at 6:00 p.m. (local time; registration will begin at 5:30 p.m.). To ensure that a quorum will
be represented at the meeting, we encourage you to vote promptly using one of the methods described
in the Proxy Statement. Voting early will not limit your right to attend the meeting and vote in
As in the past two years, we are taking advantage of the Securities and Exchange Commission rules
that allow us to furnish proxy materials to our shareholders by posting the materials on the
Internet, and which allow us to provide our shareholders with the information they need, while
lowering the cost of delivery and reducing the environmental impact of our Annual Meeting. Our
proxy materials are posted at On March 26, 2010, we mailed a
notice to our shareholders containing instructions on how to access our proxy materials online and
on how to vote.
The Notice of Annual Meeting and the Proxy Statement cover the business to come before the meeting,
which will be the election of directors, an advisory (non-binding) vote to approve executive
compensation, an amendment to the 2003 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan, the ratification of the
independent auditors and a shareholder proposal (if presented at the Annual Meeting). We urge you
to read these materials carefully.
The Annual Report for the year ending December 31, 2009 is posted on the Internet, and if you
request printed versions of the proxy materials, a copy of the Annual Report will be enclosed with
the Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement.
We look forward to meeting our shareholders, and welcome the opportunity to discuss the business of
your company with you.
Craig M. Dwight
Robert C. Dabagia |
President and Chief Executive Officer
Chairman of the Board |
515 Franklin Square
Michigan City, Indiana 46360
To Be Held on May 6, 2010
To Our Shareholders:
The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Horizon Bancorp (Horizon) will be held on Thursday, May 6,
2010, 6:00 p.m. (local time; registration will begin at 5:30 p.m.), at the Clarion Inn, 5820 South
Franklin Street, Michigan City, Indiana.
The Annual Meeting will be held for the following purposes:
1. |
Election of Directors: The election of four Directors to serve three-year terms
expiring in 2013. |
2. |
Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation: The approval of a non-binding,
advisory proposal on the compensation of Horizons executive officers described in this
Proxy Statement. |
3. |
Amendment of 2003 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan: The approval of amendments to
the Horizon Bancorp 2003 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan to make an additional 175,000
Common Shares available for issuance under the plan, which will be available for the
grant of non-option awards, and to update the plan to reflect recent changes in
compensation practices. |
4. |
Ratification of Auditors: The ratification of the appointment of BKD, LLP, as
independent auditors for 2010. |
5. |
Shareholder Proposal: The consideration of a shareholder proposal, if properly
presented at the Annual Meeting, which the Board of Directors and management
unanimously oppose, to request that the Board of Directors take the necessary steps to
declassify the Board of Directors and require the annual election of Horizons
directors. |
6. |
Other Business: The transaction of such other business as may properly come
before the meeting or any adjournment of the meeting. |
You can vote at the meeting or any adjournment of the meeting if you are a shareholder of record at
the close of business on March 1, 2010.
We urge you to read the Proxy Statement carefully so that you may be informed about the business to
come before the meeting or any adjournment.
This Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement are posted on the Internet at A copy of our Annual Report for the fiscal year ended December
31, 2009, also is posted on the Internet, and, if you request printed versions of the proxy
materials, the Annual Report will be enclosed with this Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy
By Order of the Board of Directors
James D. Neff
Michigan City, Indiana
March 26, 2010
As shareholders of Horizon, your vote is important. Whether or not you plan to be present in person
at the Annual Meeting, it is important that your shares are represented. Please vote as soon as
May 6, 2010
Information About Proxy Materials
Why am I receiving these materials?
The Board of Directors of Horizon Bancorp, an Indiana corporation, is soliciting proxies to be
voted at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on Thursday, May 6, 2010, at 6:00 p.m.
(local time). The meeting will be held at the Clarion Inn, 5820 South Franklin Street, Michigan
City, Indiana. Our Board of Directors has made these materials available to you on the Internet,
or, upon your request, has delivered printed versions of these materials to you by mail. We mailed
our Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials to our shareholders on March 26, 2010.
What is included in these materials?
These materials include:
Our Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting; and |
Our 2009 Annual Report, which includes our audited consolidated financial
statements. |
If you requested a paper copy of these materials by mail, a proxy card also was included.
Why did I receive a one-page notice in the mail regarding the Internet availability of proxy
materials instead of a full set of proxy materials?
Pursuant to the rules adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, we have elected to provide
access to our proxy materials over the Internet. Accordingly, we sent our shareholders a Notice of
Internet Availability of Proxy Materials. All shareholders receiving the notice have the ability to
access the proxy materials over the Internet and to request a paper copy of the proxy materials.
Instructions on how to access the proxy materials over the Internet or to request a paper copy may
be found in the notice. In addition, the notice contains instructions on how shareholders may
request to receive proxy materials in printed form by mail or electronically by email on an ongoing
How can I get electronic access to the proxy materials?
The notice provides you with instructions regarding how to view our proxy materials for the Annual
Meeting on the Internet.
Choosing to receive your future proxy materials by email will save us the cost of printing and
mailing documents to you and will reduce the impact of our annual shareholders meetings on the
environment. If you choose to receive future proxy materials by email, you will receive an email
next year with instructions containing a link to those materials and a link to the proxy voting
site. Your election to receive proxy materials by email will remain in effect until you terminate
Items of Business
What will the shareholders vote on at the Annual Meeting?
Shareholders will vote on the following five proposals:
The election of four directors to serve three-year terms;
The approval of a non-binding, advisory proposal on the compensation of Horizons
executive officers described in this Proxy Statement; |
Amendment of the 2003 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan; |
The ratification of the appointment of BKD, LLP, as independent auditors for 2010;
and |
If presented at the meeting, a shareholder proposal to request declassification of
the Board of Directors. |
Will there be any other items of business on which to vote?
Management is not aware of any other matters to be presented at the meeting other than those
mentioned above and has not received notice from any shareholders requesting that other matters be
Voting Information
Who can vote at the Annual Meeting?
Shareholders of record of Horizon Common Shares as of the close of business on March 1, 2010, the
record date, may vote at the Annual Meeting. On the record date, Horizon had 3,286,006 Common
Shares outstanding and also had 25,000 shares of Series A Fixed Rate Cumulative Perpetual Preferred
Stock outstanding. Each Common Share is entitled to one vote on each matter to be voted on at the
Annual Meeting.
How do I vote my shares?
There are three ways to vote by proxy prior to the Annual Meeting:
By Telephone:
Shareholders located in the United States can vote by telephone by calling
1-800-690-6903 and following the instructions in the notice; |
By Internet:
You can vote over the Internet at by following the
instructions in the notice; or |
By Mail:
You can vote by signing, dating and mailing the proxy card sent to you by mail. |
We encourage you to vote over the Internet, by telephone or by mailing the proxy card even if you
plan to attend the meeting.
All proxies properly submitted in time to be counted at the Annual Meeting will be voted in
accordance with the instructions contained in the proxy. If you submit a proxy without voting
instructions, the proxies named in the proxy will vote on your behalf for each matter described
below in accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Directors on Proposals 1, 2, 3, 4 and
5 as set forth in this Proxy Statement and on any other matters in accordance with their best
If you have shares held by a broker or other nominee, you may instruct the broker or other nominee
to vote your shares by following the instructions the broker or other nominee provides to you.
Proxies solicited by this Proxy Statement may be exercised only at the Annual Meeting and any
adjournment and will not be used for any other meeting.
Can I vote my shares in person at the meeting?
If you are a shareholder of record as of March 1, 2010, you may vote your shares in person at the
If your shares are held by a broker or other nominee, you must obtain a proxy from the broker or
nominee giving you the right to vote the shares at the meeting.
Can I change my vote after I have voted by telephone, online or mailed my proxy card?
You many change your vote at any time prior to the vote at the Annual Meeting. If you are the
shareholder of record, you may change your vote by granting a new proxy bearing a later date (which
automatically revokes the earlier proxy), by providing a written notice of revocation to Horizons
Secretary (James D. Neff, 515 Franklin Square, Michigan City, Indiana 46360), or by voting in
person at the Annual Meeting.
What constitutes a quorum?
A majority of the outstanding Common Shares, present or represented by proxy, constitutes a quorum
for the Annual Meeting. As of March 1, 2010, the record date, 3,286,006 Common Shares were issued
and outstanding.
How many votes are required for the election of directors and the other proposals?
The following votes will be required to approve the proposals:
Directors will be elected by a plurality of the votes cast (Proposal 1). |
The advisory vote on executive compensation (Proposal 2), the ratification of the
independent auditors (Proposal 4) and the shareholder proposal to request
declassification of the Board (Proposal 5) require for approval that more votes be cast
in favor of the proposal than against the proposal. |
The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the votes cast at the Annual
Meeting is required to approve the amendments to the 2003 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan
(Proposal 3). |
Abstentions and broker non-votes (described below) are counted for purposes of determining the
presence or absence of a quorum but are not considered votes cast. Instructions to withhold
authority will result in a nominee for director in Proposal 1 (Election of Directors) receiving
fewer votes but will not count as votes against the nominee. Neither abstentions nor broker
non-votes will affect whether more votes have been cast for than against Proposal 2 (Ratification
of Independent Auditors), Proposal 4 (Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation) and Proposal 5
(Shareholder Proposal). Abstentions and broker non-votes also will not affect whether a majority of
the votes cast are in favor of Proposal 3 (Amendment of the 2003 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan).
What is a broker non-vote?
A broker non-vote occurs when a broker submits a proxy that does not indicate a vote on a
proposal because the broker has not received instructions from the beneficial owners on how to vote
on such proposal and the broker does not have discretionary authority to vote in the absence of
instructions. Brokers generally have had the authority to vote, even though they have not received
instructions, on matters that are considered routine, such as the election of directors and the
ratification of auditors. Beginning this year, unlike previous years, a broker or other nominee
will not have discretion to vote for or against the election of directors. To avoid a broker
non-vote of your shares on the election of directors, the amendment of the Omnibus Plan and the
shareholder proposal, which are non-routine matters, you must provide voting instructions to your
broker or other nominee.
Who pays the cost of this proxy solicitation?
Horizon pays the cost of soliciting proxies. Upon request, Horizon will reimburse brokers, dealers,
banks, trustees and other fiduciaries for the reasonable expenses they incur in forwarding proxy
materials to beneficial owners of the Common Shares. In addition to sending the Notice of Internet
Availability of Proxy Materials and requested proxy materials by mail, proxies may be solicited
personally or by telephone or facsimile or electronic mail, by certain directors, officers and
employees of Horizon, Horizon Bank, N.A., and their subsidiaries, who will not be specially
compensated for such solicitation.
Proposal 1
Election of Directors
The first matter to be acted upon at the Annual Meeting is the election of directors. Horizons
Board of Directors currently consists of twelve members. As required by Horizons Amended and
Restated Articles of Incorporation, the Board is divided into three classes of equal or near-equal
size and the members of one class of directors are elected to serve three-year terms at each Annual
Director Qualifications and Diversity
Horizon is a community bank that operates in a heavily regulated industry and relies on its Board
of Directors for local knowledge and business acumen. Horizon believes our Board should be composed
of individuals with business or academic experience that impact our business and the local
community. In addition, Horizons Directors are expected to meet the standards outlined below. We
believe that all our current Board members possess the professional and personal qualifications
necessary for board service, and we have highlighted particularly noteworthy attributes for each
Board member in the individual biographies below. In addition, several of our Board members have
numerous years of service on our board and have served through multiple economic cycles. We believe
this experience has provided them with significant and valuable understanding of our business, the
regulatory requirements and the industry in which we compete.
Horizons Directors have considerable professional and business acumen, are well educated and
engaged in the local communities served by Horizon. Five members of Horizons Board of Directors
qualify as audit committee financial experts, which is a considerable number for a company of our
Horizons directors actively participate in continuing education, with each director completing
100% of their 2009 assigned educational programs. In addition, several directors attended outside
training programs in the areas of audit, compensation and regulatory compliance.
Horizons Board of Directors believes that the Board, as a whole, should have a diverse range of
characteristics and skills to function at an optimal level in exercising its oversight. The Boards
Nominating Committee is authorized by Horizons Bylaws to select Horizons nominees to serve as
directors. The Nominating Committee Charter requires the Committee, before it selects a nominee for
election or re-election or recommends a director to fill a vacancy, to review and evaluate:
the nominees qualifications, including judgment, skill, capability, ability to
serve, conflicts of interest, business experience, the interplay of the candidates
experience with that of the other Board members, the extent to which a candidate would
be a desirable addition to the Board and any committee of the Board; |
if applicable to the nominee, whether the nominee would be deemed independent
under marketplace rules of the NASDAQ Stock Market and SEC regulations; |
whether the nominee is qualified and likely to remain qualified to serve under
Horizons Bylaws; and |
such other factors the Committee deems relevant. |
The Nominating Committees Charter also provides that in determining whether to select incumbent
directors for re-election to the Board, the Committee must consider the directors past
participation and contribution to the Board.
The Nominating Committee applies a broad concept of diversity, which includes all of the criteria
listed in the Nominating Committee Charter together with other factors such as the nominees age,
leadership abilities, continuous learning and the location of the nominees residence and place of
business. Although Horizon does not have a diversity policy, when the Nominating Committee seeks
new director candidates
to add to the board or to replace directors who have resigned or recommends the re-election of
incumbent directors, the Nominating Committee selects director nominees on the basis of all of
these criteria with the goal of finding the best qualified person to meet Horizons needs.
With respect to geographic diversity, the Nominating Committee considers whether current directors
and nominees reside and/or have a place of business in the cities and counties in which the Bank
has branches and in which the Bank is considering to locate future branches. Each of Horizons
current directors lives and works (unless retired) in the markets served by Horizon. With respect
to skill set diversity, the Nominating Committee seeks to have directors and nominees with not only
experience and expertise related to banking but also in a broad range of other professions. The
Board currently consists of members with expertise in health care, manufacturing, academia,
agriculture, accounting, law, finance, collections, receivable management, real estate sales, real
estate development, construction management and architecture.
The Nominating Committee also considers the age of director nominees and current directors.
Horizons Bylaws provide that a nominee who is not currently serving on the board must not have
reached his or her sixtieth birthday on the date of the shareholder meeting at which the nomination
will be considered or on the date the nominee is elected to fill a board vacancy. The Bylaws also
specify that directors may continue to serve until the end of the year in which they reach their
seventy-fifth birthday.
The terms of Susan D. Aaron, Charley E. Gillispie, Larry N. Middleton, Jr. and Robert E. Swinehart
will end at the Annual Meeting. The Board of Directors has nominated each of them to serve
additional three-year terms as members of the Class of 2013. Information on the nominees and the
other members of the Board of Directors is provided below.
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends that the shareholders
vote FOR the election of the four nominees
(Item 1 on the Proxy Card)
Members of the Board of Directors
The following table presents biographical information on all of the directors, including the four
nominees, and information regarding the directors experiences, qualifications, attributes or
skills that have caused the Nominating Committee and the Board to determine that the director
should continue to serve on Horizons Board. All of the directors of Horizon also serve as
directors of Horizon Bank, N.A. (the Bank).
Name |
Age |
Business Experience and Service as a Director |
Class of 2013 |
Susan D. Aaron
55 |
Ms. Aaron is the President and Chief
Executive Officer of Vision Financial
Services, Inc., LaPorte, Indiana, an
accounts receivable management business in
which she has more than thirty years
experience. She has served on Horizons
Board of Directors since 1995 and on the
Board of Directors of the Bank since 1993.
Ms. Aaron has a degree in finance and an
M.B.A. and qualifies as an audit committee
financial expert under SEC rules.
Ms. Aaron possesses particular knowledge and
experience in accounts receivable
management, collection services and their
related rules and regulations, finance,
accounting, management and local market
knowledge as it relates to the small
business community and not-for-profit
organizations. Ms. Aarons extensive
experience provides significant insight and
expertise to our Board, particularly as they
apply to commercial lending, accounts
receivable management and knowledge of the
local community. |
Charley E. Gillispie
62 |
Mr. Gillispie is Vice President of
Administration and Finance at Valparaiso
University. He is a registered CPA with over
thirty years of accounting experience. He
has an undergraduate degree in business
administration and an M.B.A. with an
emphasis in accounting. He has served on
Horizons Board of Directors since 2001 and
on the Board of Directors of the Bank since
2000. Mr. Gillispie qualifies as an audit
committee financial expert under SEC rules.
Mr. Gillispie possesses particular knowledge
and experience in finance, audit,
accounting, administration, investment
management and local market knowledge as it
relates to small business and not-for-profit
organizations. Mr. Gillispies extensive
bank audit, accounting, investment and
administration experience provides Horizon
considerable expertise and insight into
these areas. In addition, Mr. Gillispie has
attended outside continuing director
educational programs with a focus on audit.
Mr. Gillispie has used his professional
experiences and knowledge to provide good
oversight of Horizons audit and asset
liability committees. |
Larry N. Middleton, Jr.
57 |
Mr. Middleton is a real estate broker and
the President of Century 21 Middleton Co.,
Inc. in Michigan City, Indiana. He has a
background in marketing and sales. He has
served on Horizons Board of Directors since
1995 and on the Board of Directors of the
Bank since 1993.
Mr. Middleton possesses particular knowledge
and experience in sales management, the
local real estate market and real estate
rules and regulations that strengthen the
Boards collective qualifications, skills
and experiences as it relates to real
estate. Given the current distressed real
estate market Mr. Middletons local
knowledge and insight is extremely valuable
to Horizon. |
Robert E. Swinehart
67 |
Mr. Swinehart is the retired President and
Chief Operating Officer of Emerson Power
Transmission Corp. He has an M.B.A. His
business responsibilities included
budgeting, financial reporting and supply
chain management, and he has held leadership
roles in an industry trade association and
in a number of community organizations. He
has served on Horizons Board of Directors
since 1998 and on the Board of Directors of
the Bank since 1996. Mr. Swinehart qualifies
as an audit committee financial expert under
SEC rules.
Mr. Swineharts extensive knowledge and
experience in manufacturing, supply chain
management, finance and accounting has
provided considerable strength to Horizons
Board of Directors. Mr. Swineharts
management experience in a large and complex
organization has provided Horizon with
important professional contacts and insight
into managing larger organizations. In
addition, Mr. Swinehart has attended outside
director continuing education and has shared
his educational experience with the other
board members. |
Name |
Age |
Business Experience and Service as a Director |
Class of 2012 |
Lawrence E. Burnell
55 |
Mr. Burnell is the Chief Operating Officer
and Chief Financial Officer of White Lodging
Services Corporation, a national hotel
management and development company. He has
over thirty years of financial management
experience. He has served on Horizons Board
of Directors since 2009 and on the Board of
Directors of the Bank since September 2007.
Mr. Burnell qualifies as an audit committee
financial expert under SEC rules.
Mr. Burnell has extensive experience and
knowledge in real estate development, trends
in commercial real estate values, management
of a large and complex service organization,
finance and accounting. Mr. Burnells
extensive commercial real estate background
provides Horizons Loan Committee with
important insight into this industry, which
is especially valuable during the current
recession. In addition, Mr. Burnells
extensive accounting, management and service
industry experience provides an important
perspective to Horizons Board of Directors. |
Robert C. Dabagia
71 |
Mr. Dabagia has served as the Chairman of
Horizon since 1998. He has over forty years
of banking experience, including
thirty-three years as an executive officer.
He served as Chief Executive Officer of
Horizon and the Bank until July 1, 2001. He
has served on Horizons Board of Directors
since 1980.
Mr. Dabagia has extensive knowledge and
experience in banking, trust and investment
management, audit, balance sheet management,
credit underwriting, bank regulations, and
finance. Mr. Dabagias extensive banking,
trust and executive management experience
provides the Board an important historical
perspective on the industry and economic
cycles. In addition, Mr. Dabagia provides
considerable insight on the importance of
shareholder value and regulatory compliance. |
Peter L. Pairitz
54 |
Mr. Pairitz is a business developer who
focuses on consulting with small business
owners regarding all aspects of business
ownership, including financing alternatives,
and he has management responsibilities for
several types of businesses. He is a CPA
with experience in auditing financial
institutions with a public accounting firm.
He has served on Horizons Board of
Directors since 2001 and on the Board of
Directors of the Bank since 2000. Mr.
Pairitz qualifies as an audit committee
financial expert under SEC rules.
Mr. Pairitz has extensive knowledge and
experience in finance, accounting, audit,
manufacturing, real estate development and
of the local business community. Mr.
Pairitzs business experiences, local
knowledge and attention to detail are very
important to Horizons Board of Directors.
In addition, Mr. Pairitz has continued his
outside board education in the areas of
credit and compensation trends and issues
and has shared his knowledge and experience
with the Loan and Compensation Committees of
the Board. |
Spero W. Valavanis
57 |
Mr. Valavanis is an architect and the
President of Design Organization, Inc., an
architecture and interior design firm. He
has served on Horizons Board of Directors
since 2000 and on the Board of Directors of
the Bank since 1998.
Mr. Valavanis has extensive knowledge and
experience in architecture, design,
construction management and of the local
business, municipal and not-for-profit
communities. Mr. Valavanis has continued his
director education with a focus on asset and
liability management. Mr. Valavaniss
professional background, local market
knowledge and community involvement are
important contributions to Horizons Board
of Directors. |
Name |
Age |
Business Experience and Service as a Director |
Class of 2011 |
Craig M. Dwight
53 |
Mr. Dwight has served as the Chief Executive
Officer of Horizon and the Bank since July
1, 2001, and as the President and Chief
Administrative Officer of Horizon and as the
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the
Bank since December 1998. He has served on
Horizons Board of Directors and the Board
of Directors of the Bank since 1998. He has
thirty-one years of banking experience,
including experience as a commercial loan
officer and as a chief executive officer. He
has a business degree with a concentration
in accounting.
Mr. Dwight has extensive knowledge and
experience in banking, credit underwriting,
balance sheet management, liquidity
management, finance, accounting and banking
rules and regulations. In addition, Mr.
Dwight has considerable knowledge of the
local business, municipal and not-for-profit
communities. Mr. Dwight has served in
leadership roles with a considerable number
of local not-for-profit organizations,
including leading several fund raising
campaigns. Mr. Dwights intimate knowledge
of Horizons business and his leadership
during this recent economic recession and
ability to look for new opportunities for
Horizon makes him a valuable member of
Horizons Board of Directors. |
James B. Dworkin
61 |
Mr. Dworkin is the Chancellor of Purdue
University North Central. He has over thirty
years of experience in education and has a
business school background and a Ph.D. in
Industrial Relations. He has served on
Horizons Board of Directors since 2003 and
on the Board of Directors of the Bank since
Mr. Dworkin has extensive knowledge and
experience in academia, negotiations,
business administration, and management of a
large organization. In addition, Mr. Dworkin
has considerable knowledge of local business
and not-for-profit organizations. Mr.
Dworkin regularly shares his local and
national insights with the Board and Senior
Management. In addition, due to his
extensive knowledge of the local community,
he provides considerable insight into
current local events. Mr. Dworkins
community knowledge, ability to work with
others and consensus building abilities are
valuable attributes to Horizons Board of
Directors. |
Daniel F. Hopp
62 |
Mr. Hopp is Senior Vice President, Corporate
Affairs, and General Counsel of Whirlpool
Corporation. He has a law degree and has
over twenty-five years experience working
with a publicly traded corporation. He has
served on Horizons Board of Directors since
2005 and on the Board of Directors of the
Bank since 2004.
Mr. Hopp has extensive knowledge and
experience in manufacturing, management of a
large and complex organization, corporate
law and the rules and regulations applicable
to large publicly traded companies. Mr.
Hopps educational and professional
background is rarely found on a community
bank board. In addition, Mr. Hopp is very
active in the local not-for-profit
community. At Horizons Board meetings, Mr.
Hopp regularly provides invaluable insights
based on his professional experiences and
based on his training, and he has the
ability to look at complex problems from a
different perspective. Mr. Hopp is a
valuable member of Horizons Board of
Directors. |
Name |
Age |
Business Experience and Service as a Director |
Robert E. McBride, M.D.
70 |
Dr. McBride is a retired Pathologist. He has
experience as the chief executive officer of
a not-for-profit hospital and as president
of a medical corporation. He has served on
the Boards of Directors of Horizon, the Bank
and the Banks predecessor since 1984.
Dr. McBride possesses particular knowledge
and experience in the areas of medicine, the
local medical and not-for-profit
communities, management of a large and
complex organization and investments. Dr.
McBride has held several leadership roles in
the local and regional medical community,
including extensive work on several
foundations. Dr. McBrides service to our
Board since 1984 has given him considerable
banking knowledge and experience during
several economic cycles. Dr. McBrides
medical leadership roles, local market
knowledge, management experience and tenure
as a director provide considerable value to
Horizons Board of Directors. |
Each of the nominees has agreed to serve for the term for which he or she has been nominated.
It is intended that the proxies solicited by the Board of Directors will be voted for the nominees
named above. If any nominee is unable to stand for election, the Board of Directors may designate a
substitute nominee or adopt a resolution reducing the number of members on the Board. If a
substitute nominee is designated, Common Shares represented by proxy will be voted for the
substituted nominee.
Corporate Governance
Director Independence
Annually Horizons Board of Directors considers the independence of each of the directors under the
Listing Standards of the NASDAQ Stock Exchange. In determining independence, the Board considers,
among other things, current or previous employment relationships as well as material transactions
and relationships between Horizon or the Bank and the directors, members of their immediate family
and entities in which the directors have a significant interest. The purpose of this review is to
determine whether any relationships or transactions exist or have occurred that are inconsistent
with a determination that the director is independent.
The Board of Directors has determined that ten of the twelve members of the Board, including all
four nominees, qualify as independent directors under the rules of the Securities and Exchange
Commission and the NASDAQ Listing Standards. As Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Dwight does not
qualify as an independent director. Mr. Dabagia also does not qualify as independent under the
NASDAQ Listing Standards since he is considered an employee of Horizon. The independent directors
are Susan D. Aaron, Lawrence E. Burnell, James B. Dworkin, Charley E. Gillispie, Daniel F. Hopp,
Dr. Robert E. McBride, Larry N. Middleton, Peter L. Pairitz, Robert E. Swinehart and Spero W.
Members of the Audit, Compensation and Nominating Committee must meet all applicable independence
tests of the NASDAQ Stock Exchange and Securities and Exchange Commission.
Board Leadership Structure
Horizons Board of Directors believes that each business is unique, and therefore, Board leadership
structure should vary depending upon each companys circumstances and needs. Horizons Board
believes its current leadership structure serves the Company well because it divides certain
oversight and decision making duties between a separate Chief Executive Officer and Chairman and
among various Board committees.
The positions of Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board are held by different
individuals: Mr. Dwight serves as Chief Executive Officer and President, and Mr. Dabagia serves as
Chairman. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for determining the strategic direction and
the day-to-day leadership of Horizon. The Chairman approves the agenda for and presides over Board
meetings. The current Chairman is the former Chief Executive Officer of Horizon, so he understands
the responsibilities
of the Chief Executive Officer position. He also understands the role of the Board, having served
as a director since 1980. In addition, the Chairman, who has not been active in the day-to-day
operations of Horizon since 2001, receives total compensation of less than $100,000 and receives no
health and welfare benefits. This, combined with his stock ownership, provides the Chairman with a
unique perspective that we view as independent, even though he does not meet the NASDAQ definitions
for independence.
The separation of the roles of Chief Executive Officer and Chairman and the independence of ten of
the twelve board members helps ensure significant independent oversight of management. All of the
directors on the Board, other than the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, qualify as independent
under the NASDAQ rules. The key standing committees-the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee
and the Nominating Committee-are comprised entirely of independent directors and provide
independent oversight of management. In addition, the Board meets in executive session without the
presence of the Chief Executive Officer and the Boards key standing committees regularly meet in
executive sessions without the presence of either the Chief Executive Officer or Chairman.
Communications with Directors
Shareholders may communicate directly to the Board of Directions or individual members of the Board
of Directors in writing by sending a letter to the Board at: Horizon Bancorp Board of Directors,
515 Franklin Square, Michigan City, Indiana 46360. All communications directed to the Board of
Directors will be transmitted to the Chairman of the Board of Directors or other director
identified in the communication without any editing or screening.
Shareholders also may communicate concerns, suggestions or questions to any member of the Board of
Directors or member of Senior Management by logging onto the website from any
computer at any time or by calling the toll-free hotline number, 866-294-4694. Ethicspoint is a
worldwide, confidential and anonymous web and telephone reporting system that allows shareholders,
customers, vendors and employees the ability to report concerns, as well as pose questions and
suggestions confidentially and anonymously. Ethicspoint is fully compliant with reporting
requirements such as those mandated by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Section 301. All communications
received through Ethicspoint, either by web or telephone, are transmitted directly to the
Chairperson of the Board of Directors Audit Committee and designated members of Senior Management,
without editing or screening.
Code of Ethics
Horizons Code of Ethics for Executive Officers and Directors supplements the Horizon Bancorp and
Horizon Bank, N.A. Advisor Code of Conduct and Ethics applicable to all employees, including
officers. Horizons Code of Ethics for Executive Officers and Directors is available on our website
at in the section headed Investor Relations under the caption Corporate
Director Nomination Procedures
Horizons Bylaws provide that any of the following may nominate director candidates: the Board of
Directors, a nominating committee of the Board, any person appointed and authorized by the Board to
make nominations, or any shareholder entitled to vote for the election of directors who has
complied with the notice procedures specified in the Bylaws.
Horizons Bylaws provide that nominations by shareholders must be made in writing and must be
received at Horizons principal executive office not fewer than 120 days in advance of the date the
Proxy Statement was released to shareholders in connection with the previous years Annual Meeting.
Shareholder nominations must include the detailed information about the nominee required by the
Bylaws and also must comply with the other requirements set forth in the Bylaws. The Nominating
Committee does not have a separate policy for considering director candidates recommended by
shareholders because the director nomination procedures are set forth in Horizons Bylaws.
Horizons Bylaws provide that the chair of the Annual Meeting may, in his or her discretion,
disregard nominations that are not made in accordance with the Bylaws and may instruct the tellers
to disregard all votes cast for any such nominee. A complete copy of the applicable provisions of
Horizons Bylaws is available to shareholders without charge upon request to the Secretary.
Meetings of the Board of Directors and Committees
Horizons Board of Directors held twelve meetings during 2009, and each director attended 75% or
more of the total number of meetings of the Board and the committees upon which he or she served.
Horizon and its subsidiaries have joint standing committees. These committees include the Audit
Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Nominating Committee. Executive sessions of the
independent directors are held at least four times a year.
Although Horizon does not have a policy regarding the attendance of directors at the Annual Meeting
of Shareholders, Horizon encourages directors to attend the Annual Meeting. Nine of the twelve
members of the Board of Directors attended the 2009 Annual Meeting.
Nominating Committee
The members of the Nominating Committee are appointed by the Board of Directors in May of each
year. The members of the Nominating Committee for 2009/10 are Mr. Pairitz, who serves as
Chairperson, and Mr. Hopp, Dr. McBride and Mr. Swinehart. All of the members of the Nominating
Committee qualify as independent directors under the rules applicable to NASDAQ-listed companies.
The Nominating Committee met three times during 2009. The responsibilities of the Nominating
Committee of the Board of Directors include selecting the individuals to be nominated for
membership on the Board of Directors and overseeing the annual self-evaluations by the Board and
its committees.
The Nominating Committee selects a slate of nominees and then recommends those nominees to the
Board of Directors. The entire Board of Directors determines who the nominees will be. The
Nominating Committee and the Board select nominees who meet the qualifications set forth in
Horizons Bylaws and the applicable independence requirements under the SEC and NASDAQ rules. The
Nominating Committee Charter is posted on our website at in the section
headed Investor Relations under the caption Corporate Governance.
Audit Committee
Audit Committee members serve one-year terms and are appointed at the Annual Meeting of Directors
in May of each year. The Audit Committee members for 2009/2010 are Mr. Gillispie, who serves as
Chairperson, Mr. Dworkin, Mr. Middleton and Dr. McBride. In addition, Mr. Swinehart serves as an
alternate member of the Committee. The alternate member provides additional Committee expertise and
support as needed. The Audit Committee met four times in 2009. The purpose of the Audit Committee
is to assist the Boards of Directors of Horizon and the Bank in fulfilling their statutory and
fiduciary responsibilities with respect to examinations of Horizon, the Bank and their affiliates
and the monitoring of accounting, auditing and financial reporting practices. The Audit Committee
reviews the internal audit procedure of Horizon and the Bank and recommends to the Boards of
Directors the engagement of outside and internal auditing firms.
Horizons Board of Directors has determined that directors Charley E. Gillispie and Robert E.
Swinehart qualify as audit committee financial experts as defined by the SEC rules. Mr. Gillispie
has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration and an M.B.A. in accounting, and is a
registered certified public accountant. He has seventeen years of public accounting experience. Mr.
Swinehart has an M.B.A. and his experience includes serving with companies in the positions of
controller, president and chief operating officer and having responsibility for financial reporting
and analysis.
All of the members of the Audit Committee, including Mr. Gillispie, qualify as independent
directors as defined by the SEC rules and NASDAQ listing standards.
The Board of Directors adopted a written charter for the Audit Committee in 2001. The charter was
revised in 2007, 2008 and 2009, and the current charter is posted on our website at in the section headed Investor Relations under the caption Corporate
Compensation Committee
Compensation Committee members serve one-year terms and are appointed at the Annual Meeting of
Directors in May of each year. The members of the Compensation Committee for 2009/2010 are Mr.
Pairitz, who serves as Chairperson, and Mr. Hopp, Dr. McBride and Mr. Swinehart. Ms. Aaron serves
as an alternate to the Committee to provide additional expertise and support as needed. All of the
members of the Compensation Committee qualify as independent directors under the rules applicable
to NASDAQ-listed companies. The Compensation Committee met four times in 2009. The Committee
reviews all salary and employee benefit issues relating to employees and directors of Horizon, the
Bank and their affiliates. The Compensation Committee has adopted a charter, which is posted on our
website at in the section headed Investor Relations under the caption
Corporate Governance.
Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
All of the members of the Compensation Committee are independent and no member of the Compensation
Committee has served as an officer or employee of Horizon, the Bank or any of our other
subsidiaries. None of the members of the Compensation Committee serves as an executive officer of
another entity at which one of our executive officers serves as a member of the Board of Directors.
No member of the Compensation Committee has had any relationship with Horizon requiring disclosure
under Item 404 of SEC Regulation S-K, which requires the disclosure of certain related person
Compensation Consultants
The Compensation Committee has the authority under its charter to retain outside consultants to
provide assistance. In accordance with this authority, the Compensation Committee has engaged
Frederic W. Cook & Co., Inc. (Cook & Co.) in recent years. A primary function of the consultant
is to provide market data to the Committee concerning compensation of comparable companies in order
to assist the Committee in determining whether the compensation system is a reasonable and
appropriate means to achieve Horizons business objectives.
During 2009, the Compensation Committee engaged Cook & Co. to assist in the review of the
reasonableness of total compensation for the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and
other top officers of Horizon. In 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003 and 2002, the Compensation Committee
engaged Cook & Co. to conduct a peer review of executive and equity compensation. The Cook & Co.s
reviews are conducted at least every three years and are used to augment other data obtained
annually in determining the reasonableness of executive compensation. The Cook & Co. reviews are
more extensive and include peer comparison of cash, short-term compensation and long-term
compensation. Cook & Co.s 2009 report provided the Compensation Committee with an updated
competitive survey and the Compensation Committee relied primarily on that survey information in
reaching its decisions on 2010 compensation and to compare the reasonableness of 2009s total
compensation for the named executive officers. Cook & Co. provides no other services to Horizon.
In addition, Cook & Co.s 2009 report reviewed long-term equity compensation awards to named
executive officers in comparison with peer data and acceptable banking practices. Based on this
review, the Compensation Committee determined that Horizons long-term historical equity
compensation awards were reasonable when compared with peer and general banking practices; however,
Cook & Co. determined that the number of shares available under Horizons 2003 Omnibus Equity
Incentive Plan is considerably below peer median. Therefore, the Compensation Committee recommended
to the Board of
Directors an addition of 175,000 Common Shares to the number of shares available under the 2003
Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan. Horizons Board of Directors supported this recommendation and
adopted amendments to the plan, subject to shareholder approval of the amendments at this Annual
Meeting (see Proposal 3 below).
Performance Reviews
The Compensation Committee conducts an annual review of the performance of Horizons President, who
also serves as the Chief Executive Officer. In addition, the Compensation Committee, with input
from the Chief Executive Officer, reviews the performance of Horizons other executive officers.
In conducting its review, the Compensation Committee considers a variety of performance factors in
analyzing the compensation of each of these executive officers. These factors generally include
traditional financial results, positioning Horizon for future success and enterprise risk
The financial services business is complex and is undergoing changes that generate uncertainties
about future events. The Chief Executive Officer must provide guidance and leadership in nearly all
aspects of this dynamic enterprise. In the process, however, he is not expected to work alone. The
performance evaluation recognizes that programs initiated at the top level of an organization are
not, and should not be expected to be, quick fixes. These programs are generally long-term in
nature, bringing benefits to Horizon over many years. For those reasons, the Compensation Committee
also focuses on the following issues in determining performance levels for the Chief Executive
Officer: strategic leadership, enterprise guardianship, risk management, board relationship,
regulatory compliance and financial results. Strategic leadership entails development of
appropriate strategies for Horizon and the ability to gain support for those strategies. Enterprise
guardianship requires the Chief Executive Officer to set the tone in such matters as Horizons
reputation, ethics, legal compliance, customer relations, employee relations and ensuring results.
Risk Management requires the Chief Executive Officer to maintain a strong risk management culture,
to provide oversight of key risks including financial reporting, reputation, asset quality,
compliance with all banking rules and regulations and to assure proper maintenance of good internal
controls and processes. Board relationship requires the Chief Executive Officer to work
collaboratively with Board members and committees, communicate information in a timely manner to
ensure full and informed consent about matters of corporate governance and provide complete
transparency to the Board. Financial results focus on the overall financial health of Horizon and
ability to achieve financial goals.
In conducting the Chief Executive Officers performance review for 2009, the Compensation Committee
obtained input from all members of the Board. All management compensation, including that of the
President and the other executive officers, is performance related.
Risk Management and Compensation Policies and Practices
Horizon has reviewed its compensation policies and practices for all employees, including executive
officers, and has determined that those policies and practices are reasonable and unlikely to have
a material adverse effect on Horizon. Horizon believes that the design and oversight of its
compensation plans help ensure that the plans do not encourage excessive risk taking.
As a participant in the TARP Capital Purchase Program established under the Emergency Economic
Stabilization Act of 2008 (EESA), Horizon is subject to certain requirements and restrictions on
employee compensation. EESA, as amended by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the
ARRA), includes requirements that the TARP Capital Purchase Program participants compensation
committee review, with the senior risk officer, the compensation plans for senior executive
officers to ensure that those plans do not encourage the executive officers to take unnecessary and
excessive risks that could threaten the value of the participating company and to make all
reasonable efforts to limit unnecessary risks that the plans pose to the company. TARP Capital
Purchase Program participants also are required to review all other employee compensation plans to
eliminate any features
of those plans that would encourage the manipulation of the participating companys reported
earnings to enhance employee compensation. (For more information on the TARP Capital Purchase
Program requirements and restrictions, see the discussion under the caption TARP Capital Purchase
Program Executive Compensation Restrictions in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section
The Securities and Exchange Commission recently adopted new rules that require public companies to
perform a similar compensation risk assessment for all employees and to disclose in their
proxy statements whether a companys compensation policies and practices create risks that are
reasonably likely to have a material adverse effect on the company.
In February 2009, in light of the current economic and financial environment, and to comply with
the Treasury Departments TARP Capital Purchase Program requirements, Horizons Compensation and
Audit Committees met with Horizons Chief Risk Officer, James H. Foglesong, and representatives
from Horizons internal auditing firm, Plante & Moran, PLLC. They reviewed and discussed materials
provided by Cook & Co., Inc. on compensation risk assessment, including information on executive
compensation design and administrative features that could induce excessive risk taking. Then, the
committee members and the Chief Risk Officer determined whether the risks Horizon faces could
threaten its value, and they identified the features of Horizons executive compensation program
that could induce the named executive officers to take those risks. These discussions were held in
a private session without the presence of any executive officer.
The committee members identified several risks that could threaten Horizons value. These risks
include the following.
Liquidity ability to meet funding obligations |
Credit asset quality |
Interest rate risk risk related to movement in interest rates |
Operation, including Information Technology |
Compliance risk |
Risk associated with local, regional and national economy |
The Compensation Committee members also conducted a risk assessment of Horizons 2009 incentive
compensation plans for its named executive officers. The purpose of this review was to assure the
Compensation Committee and the Board of Directors that the named executive officers are not being
incentivized to take undue risks and for the Compensation Committee and the Board of Directors to
take the action needed, if any, to mitigate undue risk taking. The risks the Compensation Committee
and other Board committees considered and details of their analyses and conclusions are discussed
below in the relevant contexts in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis.
In addition to the February meeting, in September and December 2009, the Compensation Committee met
with Horizons Chief Risk Officer for the purpose of reviewing all employee incentive compensation
plans, the risks associated with each plan and efforts employed by Horizon to mitigate those risks.
In addition, Cook & Co. reviewed Horizons all employee incentive compensation matrix, which
describes each incentive- and commission-based plan, associated risks and efforts by Horizon to
mitigate those risks. Cook & Co. made only minor recommendations to improve upon Horizons
reporting of its incentive compensation and related risks. Horizons Compensation Committee
determined that Horizons incentive- and commission-based plans do not incentivize any undue risk
taking and that plan design provides the Committee with the flexibility needed to change the plans
as changes in risk profile occur.
In 2009, Horizons Board of Directors met three times with Horizons Senior Risk Officer for the
purpose of reviewing Horizons material risks and how risks are mitigated and monitored. In
addition, the Board has several committees that specifically monitor Horizons credit, liquidity,
incentive compensation,
compliance and operational risks. Horizon has metrics in place to measure and monitor trends as
they relate to material risks and reports those metrics to either the Board or a Board committee on
a periodic basis throughout the calendar year.
Horizon monitors its incentive- and commission-based compensation plans through an incentive
compensation and commission plan matrix that provides a schedule of all plans, associated risks and
how the risks are mitigated. This matrix is reviewed by the Compensation Committee in a private
session with Horizons Chief Risk Officer. Horizons incentive compensation plans minimize undue
risk taking through plan design, incentive compensation caps and Compensation Committee oversight.
Plan design provides the Compensation Committee with the ability to change, modify or cancel any
incentive compensation plan at the Committees sole discretion. In addition, all material incentive
compensation payouts, excluding commissions paid to mortgage loan brokers, are subject to Horizons
achievement of minimum cash flow coverage to cover dividends and fixed costs at the holding company
and individual employee performance that is satisfactory to Horizon.
Based on its last review of Horizons retail mortgage loan commission program in December 2008, the
Compensation Committee considers that program reasonable and customary for the industry, however
there are no caps or ceilings on the level of commissions that a retail mortgage loan officer can
earn in a given year. In addition, commissions are paid as earned. To minimize risk to Horizon,
mortgage loan originators do not have credit approval authority and all commission payments are
reviewed and approved by the business unit manager based on actual retail mortgage loans closed.
The Compensation Committee will next review the reasonableness of this program in 2010 and at least
every two years thereafter based on comparable programs of competing entities.
The incentive compensation plan for James D. Neff, Executive Vice President and Corporate
Secretary, is structured differently than the plans for other executive officers. This difference
is based on the recruitment of Mr. Neff to Horizon in 1999 and the need to offer a competitive
incentive program. In addition to managing the mortgage warehouse department, Mr. Neff oversees
Horizons retail mortgage loan department. His annual incentive is based on financial performance
of the mortgage warehouse loan department, retail mortgage loan income, enterprise risk management
and asset quality as measured in net charge-offs and specific reserve allocations for loan
portfolios under his supervision. Mr. Neffs bonus is calculated based on the following: return on
equity for the mortgage warehouse department as outlined below, which is then multiplied by a
factor determined from his performance scorecard. This factor or multiple can range from twenty to
one-hundred twenty percent. In addition, Mr. Neffs incentive bonus is subject to Horizon achieving
minimum earnings to cover dividends and fixed costs, receipt of an unqualified audit opinion from
Horizons independent accountants and overall performance satisfactory to Horizon. Mr. Neffs
annual incentive compensation is capped at the lesser of the maximum allowed under the TARP CCPs
compensation rules or $240,000.
In 2009, Horizon adopted a Compensation Recovery Policy that covers all executive officers, vice
presidents, mortgage loan originators and any other commission-based employee. The provisions of
the Compensation Recovery Policy are discussed under the caption TARP Capital Purchase Program
Executive Compensation Restrictions in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section below.
Horizon has considerable latitude to adjust its incentive compensation programs to compensate for
any changes in risk profile. This is achieved through Horizons incentive compensation plan rules
that include the ability of the Compensation Committee to change, modify or cancel any cash
incentive compensation plan.
As a standard corporate governance practice, Horizon attempts to retain its Directors on the same
Board committees for the purpose of developing continuity and committee expertise. Horizon also
focuses board education plans on increasing this expertise. Horizon believes this has proven to be
an effective committee structure and has provided the Board with considerable committee expertise
to help identify and mitigate material risks to Horizon.
Enterprise Risk Management
In conjunction with Horizons Enterprise Risk Management Policy, the Chief Risk Officer and other
members of senior management meet annually with all business units to discuss risks related to
their areas and how risks are mitigated. The risks are then classified as follows:
High potential material threat to the enterprise |
Moderate not a material threat to the enterprise, however could impact current
years performance |
Low minimal threat to the enterprise |
High level risks have established metrics and are reviewed quarterly with Horizons Board or Board
committees as discussed below.
As part of its oversight function, the Board and its committees monitor how management operates
Horizon and maintains internal controls and processes. When granting authority to management,
approving strategies and receiving management reports, the Board considers, among other things, the
risks and vulnerabilities faced by Horizon. The Audit Committee considers risks associated with
Horizons overall financial reporting, the disclosure process, compliance with all rules and
regulations and risk control policies and procedures. At its regularly scheduled quarterly
meetings, the Audit Committee meets with the Internal Auditor, the Chief Risk Officer and Horizons
independent registered public accounting firm in executive session. High-level risks are reviewed
with the Audit Committee at each meeting. The Board committees review high-level risks associated
in the area of their responsibilities. The Asset Liability Committee reviews risks related to
liquidity, interest rates, quality of the investment portfolio, operations, facilities and
information security. The Loan Committee reviews risks related to credit, loan concentrations,
community reinvestment and compliance with lending rules and regulations. The Compensation
Committee meets twice a year in executive session with the Chief Risk Officer to review Horizons
incentive compensation plans to be certain that employees are not incentivized to take undue risks.
All identified high-level risks have established metrics that are reviewed by Horizons Board or
its committees.
For 2009, the Compensation Committee adjusted the matrices for the Executive Officer Bonus Plan to
include Enterprise Risk Management as a new category. For information about the Executive Officer
Bonus Plan and matrices, see the discussion under the caption Annual, Performance-Based Incentive
Compensation in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis below.
Compensation Discussion and Analysis
Executive Summary
The Compensation Discussion and Analysis describes and analyzes the compensation of Horizons named
executive officers. The development of compensation programs and benefit plans for senior
executives, along with specific compensation decisions for the named executive officers, is the
responsibility of the Compensation Committee of the Board. The Compensation Committee is assisted
from time to time by an independent compensation consultant, whose duties are detailed in this
Proxy Statement. The Compensation Committee utilizes benchmark data obtained from industry
publications and the compensation consultant to assist in determining the reasonableness of
Horizons pay programs, the direction of Horizons total compensation as compared with Horizons
performance and in making compensation decisions on named executive officers.
The Compensation Committee, with input from the Board of Directors, annually evaluates the Chief
Executive Officers performance in comparison to corporate goals and objectives and determines and
approves the Chief Executive Officers compensation based on achievement of those goals and
objectives. The Chief Executive Officer evaluates the performance of the other named executive
in comparison to goals and recommends to the Compensation Committee a base salary change for each
named executive officer based on achievement of their goals and objectives. The Compensation
Committee makes the final decision on the other named executive officers compensation.
Highlights of 2009 Cook & Co. Compensation Report
As discussed above, the Compensation Committee engaged Cook & Co. in 2009 to assist in the review
of executive officer compensation. The following are highlights from that report:
On average over the prior three years, Horizon ranks in the median range of the
comparison companies in terms of company size and in the top quartile in terms
of financial and market performance. |
The average mix of base salary, annual bonus and long-term incentives for Horizons top
officers is generally representative of competitive practice. |
Horizons equity compensation grant practices rank at or below the median range of the
comparison group in terms of traditional share usage run rate, potential dilution overhang
and equity compensation cost (this statement takes into consideration the proposed 175,000
Common Share increase in the shares available under the 2003 Omnibus Equity Incentive
Plan). |
Horizons practice of granting stock options and restricted stock is consistent with
comparison group practice, although the increasing trend for more comparison companies is
to grant performance shares. |
Horizons actual total annual compensation paid for fiscal year 2008 was aligned with
fiscal 2008 performance. |
Overview of Compensation Program
The Compensation Committee sets the compensation of all named executive officers of Horizon,
including that of the Chief Executive Officer. Compensation is composed of several segments,
including base salary, short-term incentives and long-term incentives. The Compensation Committee
compares all executive compensation, including that of the Chief Executive Officer, to the
compensation paid to persons holding the same position in similar financial institutions.
During 2009, the Compensation Committee engaged Cook & Co. to conduct a review the compensation of
Horizons Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and other top officers. The Compensation
Committee placed its greatest reliance on the December 15, 2009 Cook & Co. report in determining
compensation for 2010 and to compare the reasonableness of 2009 compensation. This review included
a study of base pay, bonus and long-term compensation. The 2009 Cook & Co. survey made competitive
comparisons against the following comparison group of 23 Midwestern regional banks with assets in
the range of $800 million to $2.6 billion, which were selected by Cook & Co. and approved by the
Chairman of the Compensation Committee:
Baylake (Sturgeon Bay, WI) |
Camco Financial (Cambridge, OH) |
CFS Bancorp (Munster, IN) |
Community Bank Shares (New Albany, IN) |
Enterprise Financial Services (Clayton, MO) |
First Financial Corp. (Terre Haute, IN) |
Firstbank (Alma, MI)
German American Bancorp (Jasper, IN) |
Hawthorn Bancshares (Lees Summit, MO) |
Indiana Community Bancorp (Columbus, IN) |
Lakeland Financial (Warsaw, IN) |
Macatawa Bank (Holland, MI) |
MBT Financial (Monroe, MI) |
Mercantile Bancorp (Quincy, IL) |
Mercantile Bank (Grand Rapids, MI) |
Monroe Bancorp (Bloomington, IN) |
MutualFirst Financial (Muncie, IN) |
Oak Financial Corp. (Bryon Center, MI) |
Princeton National Bancorp (Princeton, IL) |
PVF Capital (Solon, OH) |
QCR Holdings (Moline, IL) |
United Bancorp (Tecumseh, MI) |
West Bancorporation (West Des Moines, IA) |
The Compensation Committee intends to employ an independent third party consultant to review
executive compensation, including long-term benefits, at least every three years. As mentioned
above, in 2009, as in recent years, the Compensation Committee employed Cook & Co.
The following discussion of compensation focuses on the compensation of the five executive officers
who are named in the Summary Compensation Table below because of their positions and levels of
compensation. The named executive officers and their positions with Horizon and the Bank are as
Name |
Position |
Craig M. Dwight
President and Chief Executive Officer of Horizon;
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank |
Mark E. Secor
Chief Financial Officer of Horizon |
Thomas H. Edwards
Executive Vice President of Horizon; President and Chief
Operating Officer of the Bank |
James D. Neff
Secretary of Horizon; Executive Vice President
Mortgage Banking of the Bank |
Donald E. Radde
Market President, Southwest Michigan and North Central
Indiana Markets of the Bank |
TARP Capital Purchase Program Executive Compensation Restrictions
The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (EESA) established the Troubled Asset Relief
Program (TARP). In December 2008, Horizon issued preferred stock and a warrant to purchase Common
Shares to the United States Department of the Treasury pursuant to the TARP Capital Purchase
Program (CPP). The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the ARRA), which was signed
into law on February 17, 2009, amended the executive compensation provisions in EESA. As a
consequence of Horizons participation in the CPP, certain executive officers and employees of
are subject to the executive compensation provisions of EESA as amended by ARRA. In June 2009,
the Treasury adopted interim final rules to implement the compensation provisions.
The ARRA limitations, as clarified in the Treasury interim final rule, include the following:
Prohibition on Bonus, Retention Awards, or Incentive Compensation Payments: With
certain exceptions, each recipient of TARP assistance is prohibited from paying or
accruing any bonus, retention award, or incentive compensation to certain employees
during the period in which any obligation (other than warrants) arising from financial
assistance provided under the TARP remains outstanding. The size of the assistance
received by the TARP recipient determines how many of the institutions employees are
subject to this prohibition. Based on Horizons participation in the CPP, the
prohibition applies to Horizons five most highly compensated employees. The
compensation excluded from this prohibition includes the following: |
° |
Long-term restricted stock, if it does not vest until the TARP
CPP obligations (other than warrants) are no longer outstanding (with partial
vesting permitted as the amount of the obligation is reduced, subject to
certain conditions) and if it does not have a value greater than one-third of
the employees total annual compensation; and |
° |
Any bonus payment required to be paid pursuant to a written
employment contract entered into before February 11, 2009 or any valid
agreement in effect prior to that date. |
Prohibition on Golden Parachute Payments: A TARP recipient is prohibited from
making any golden parachute payment to a senior executive officer or any of the next
five most highly-compensated employees of the institution during the period in which
any obligation (other than warrants) arising from financial assistance provided under
the TARP remains outstanding. Unlike EESA, which applied the Internal Revenue Code
definition of golden parachute, the ARRA defines golden parachute payment to mean
any payment to a senior executive officer for departure from a company for any reason,
except payments for services performed or benefits accrued. |
Clawback Requirement: A TARP recipient must provide for the recovery of any bonus,
retention award, or incentive compensation paid to a senior executive officer and any
of the next twenty most highlycompensated employees of the institution based on
statements of earnings, revenues, gains, or other criteria that are later found to be
materially inaccurate. |
Prohibition on Manipulative Compensation Plans: A TARP recipient is prohibited from
having any compensation plan in place that would encourage manipulation of the reported
earnings of the institution to enhance the compensation of any of its employees. |
Policy on Excessive or Luxury Expenditures: The board of directors of a TARP
recipient also must have in place a company-wide policy regarding excessive or luxury
expenditures. Such excessive expenditures may include expenditures on entertainment
or events, office and facility renovations, aviation or other transportation services,
or other activities or events that are not reasonable expenditures for staff
development, reasonable performance incentives, or other similar measures conducted in
the normal course of the business operations of the institution. |
Nonbinding Shareholder Vote on Executive Compensation: During the period a TARP
recipient remains subject to an outstanding TARP obligation (other than warrants), the
recipient must permit a separate shareholder say on pay vote to approve the
compensation of senior executive officers. The shareholder vote is non-binding on the
TARP recipients |
board of directors, and is not to be construed as overruling any compensation decision
made by the board. |
Actions Taken in Response to EESA, ARRA and Participation in the TARP Capital Purchase Program
Horizon has taken the actions necessary to comply with the EESA, ARRA and CPP requirements. Horizon
has entered into Compensation Recovery and Limitation Agreements with certain executive officers
and employees who may be subject to the compensation restrictions. In October 2009, Horizon
implemented a new compensation clawback policy, which covers all executive officers, vice
presidents, and mortgage loan originators and other employees paid on a commission basis. This
policy calls for a recovery of compensation similar to those provisions provided under the TARP
Capital Purchase Program and ARRA standards.
On July 14, 2009, Horizon adopted a Luxury Expenditures Policy. This policy specifies the extent to
which office and facility renovations, entertainment activities, education, transportation and
other expenses will be reimbursed.
As discussed in more detail below, Horizon has provided for bonus and certain other payments to be
made in the form of restricted stock satisfying the EESA requirements. In addition, Horizons Chief
Risk Officer met with the Compensation Committee in private sessions three times in 2009 for the
purpose of reviewing risks associated with Horizons compensation plans and how those risks are
At the 2009 Annual Meeting, Horizon provided shareholders with a separate shareholder say on pay
vote to approve the compensation of senior executive officers. At that meeting, 96% of the shares
voted on the proposal voted in favor of Horizons compensation of the named executive officers as
disclosed in the proxy statement. At the 2010 Annual Meeting, shareholders will again have the
opportunity to vote on Horizons named executive officer compensation (see Proposal 2 below).
Compensation Risk
The Treasury Department has adopted rules that require the compensation committee of a TARP Capital
Purchase Program participant to meet at least semi-annually with the financial institutions senior
risk officers to discuss and review the relationship between the financial institutions risk
management policies and practices and the institutions compensation arrangements with senior
executive officers. The purpose of the review is to ensure that the senior executive officer
compensation arrangements do not encourage the senior executive officers to take unnecessary and
excessive risks that threaten the value of the institution.
As discussed above under the caption Risk Management and Compensation Policies and Practices in
the Corporate Governance section, during 2009 Horizons Chief Risk Officer met with the Board of
Directors and the Audit and Compensation Committees to review Horizons compensation and other
risks and address how to mitigate and monitor such risks.
The Banks primary market consists of Porter, LaPorte, St. Joseph, Elkhart and Lake Counties
Indiana, and Berrien County, Michigan. In this market, the Bank competes with other commercial
banks as well as with savings and loan associations, consumer finance companies and credit unions.
The Bank also competes, to a more moderate extent, with Chicago money center banks, mortgage
banking companies, insurance companies, brokerage houses, other institutions engaged in money
market financial services and certain government agencies. Our long-term business objectives
require that we increase revenues year-over-year, maintain profitability in each year, increase
market share and demonstrate sound enterprise risk management. We believe that if we are successful
in achieving these objectives, the results will inure to the financial benefit of our shareholders.
Accordingly, we have designed our executive compensation program to reward our executives for
achieving annual and long-term financial and
business results that meet these objectives. Specifically, the amount of incentive compensation
received by our executive officers is directly related to Horizon and individual performance
We recognize that the pursuit of these objectives may lead to behaviors that focus executives on
their individual enrichment rather than Horizons long-term welfare. If this were to occur, it
could weaken the link between pay and performance, and, therefore, result in less correlation
between the compensation delivered to our executives and the return realized by our shareholders.
Accordingly, we have designed our executive compensation program to limit and mitigate these
possibilities and ensure that our compensation practices and decisions are consistent with
Horizons risk profile. These features are discussed below.
Incentive Compensation Governing Rules
The Compensation Committee has had in place since 2003 certain rules that provide it with
considerable latitude in determining whether or not bonuses should be paid. The Compensation
Committee believes these rules protect the shareholders and help mitigate the possibility that
executive officers will take any undue risks. The rules are as follows:
(a) |
The Compensation Committee may unilaterally amend, modify or cancel the plans
at any time at its sole discretion. |
(b) |
Named executive officer bonuses will only be paid if Horizon achieves a minimum
net income level that is more than sufficient to cover fixed costs and dividends at the
holding company level. This minimum net income level supports the concept that the
shareholders are paid first and ahead of executive officer bonuses. |
(c) |
Executive officers will be paid bonuses only if they are in good standing with
Horizon and are not under a performance warning, suspension or individual regulatory
sanction. |
(d) |
The Committee or its designee is to review and approve all executive officer
bonuses prior to payment. |
(e) |
Bonuses are subject to receipt of an unqualified opinion by Horizons
independent accountants on its most current year-end financial statements. |
Stock Ownership Guidelines
Horizon does not have a stock ownership guideline for its executive officers or directors. However,
Horizons Compensation Committee reviews annually the stock ownership and trends of the top ten
senior officers of the Company and of all Directors. Horizons Board of Directors and senior
management are encouraged to increase and maintain their ownership in Horizon to better align their
interests with shareholder interests. Members of the Board of Directors, in accordance with banking
regulations, are required to maintain at least a $1,000 ownership interest in Horizon Common Shares
while they serve on the Board. It is also the objective of the Board that directors will accumulate
and hold shares while they serve as directors.
Overview of Compensation Elements and Mix
Horizons compensation plan for the Chief Executive Officer and other named executive officers
includes the following elements:
Salary |
Annual performance-based incentive compensation |
Long-term equity incentive compensation |
Stock Awards |
Retirement and other benefits |
Perquisites and other personal benefits |
To encourage appropriate decision-making and facilitate the alignment of the interests of our
executives with those of Horizon and its shareholders, our executive compensation program includes
at risk compensation. We believe that the allocation of at risk compensation between annual cash
incentives and long-term equity incentives is reasonable for Horizon given our business objectives
and is comparable to the ratio used by our peer group.
When setting the total compensation for each named executive officer, the Compensation Committee
reviews tally sheets indicating the historical amounts paid for each of the elements listed above.
Although the Compensation Committee reviewed tally sheets, it did not take any specific action
based on that review.
Base Salary
Base salary is the only fixed element of compensation that we provide to our executives and, as
described below, is designed to provide payments that are sufficient to meet the essential
financial needs of the named executive officers. As a consequence, our incentive compensation
arrangements are intended to reward performance if, and only to the extent that, Horizon and our
shareholders also benefit financially from the officers stewardship. Based on Cook & Co.s 2009
report, Horizons base compensation for Mr. Dwight and Mr. Secor are below peer averages, and base
compensation for Edwards, Radde and Neff are above peer averages. We believe this is appropriate
for the reasons set forth below under the caption Detailed Discussion of Compensation Elements
Base Salary.
Annual Incentive Compensation
The annual incentive component of our executive compensation program involves cash-based plan
awards that are payable if, and only to the extent that, pre-established corporate financial and
individual performance objectives are achieved. We believe that the design of our Executive Officer
Bonus Plan furthers our long-term business plan and ensures that the interests of our executives
have been aligned with the interests of our shareholders:
Bonus payouts are not based solely on corporate performance, but also require
achievement of one or more individual performance objectives; |
The corporate financial performance objectives are consistent with the corporate
financial performance objectives required under Horizons long-term incentive
compensation plan; |
Bonus payouts are based on short-term and long-term corporate and individual
performance metrics; |
Actual performance results for the corporate financial and individual performance
objectives, while separately evaluated, are aggregated for purposes of determining the
amount of bonus payouts; |
Amounts payable are subject to recovery by Horizon in the event that they were paid
based on financial statements or other criteria that are later proven to be materially
inaccurate; and |
Horizons Executive Officer Bonus Plan provides additional shareholder protection by
providing that bonuses are paid only if Horizon achieves a certain minimum earnings
threshold, and the executive officer is in good standing with Horizon and is not under
any individual regulatory sanction. |
In addition, the Compensation Committee has not paid discretionary bonuses to executives at any
time during the past three years and does not presently intend to pay discretionary bonuses in the
event that the
actual performance results for the corporate financial and individual performance objectives do not
meet or exceed the threshold level for payout under the Executive Officer Bonus Plan.
Long-Term Incentive Compensation
As discussed in detail below, the long-term incentive component of our executive compensation
program consists of grants of stock options and restricted stock and other awards that may be
granted pursuant to the 2003 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan. Grants of stock options and restricted
stock are subject to vesting requirements. We set the amount of these awards relative to the
overall value of our long-term compensation program that we believe is appropriate for
accomplishing these purposes, while still providing our executives with the incentive to focus
their efforts on earning their long-term incentive awards. Allocating a significant portion of each
executives long-term equity compensation to restricted stock rather than stock options helps to
reduce the likelihood that the options will create an incentive for the executives to engage in
risky behavior that would drive up the price of our Common Shares and maximize exercise proceeds.
We believe that the attributes of these awards and our compensation plans further our long-term
business plan and ensure that the interests of our executives have been aligned with the interests
of our shareholders.
Detailed Discussion of Compensation Elements
Base Salary
Salaries of all executive officers, including the Chief Executive Officer, are governed by
Horizons formal salary administration program, which is updated each year. The salary
administration program involves consideration of an executive officers position and responsibility
and performance as determined in the detailed annual performance reviews discussed above.
Horizon and the Bank entered into employment agreements with Mr. Dwight on December 1, 2006, and
with Mr. Edwards on July 16, 2007. The agreements provide that Messrs. Dwight and Edwards will
continue to receive an annual base salary equal to the amount being paid to each of them on the
date of their agreements, subject to adjustment based on the annual review of Horizons Board of
Directors or the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors, but the adjusted base salary
amount may not be less than their base salaries on the date of the agreements, which base salary
amount was $280,000 for Mr. Dwight and $179,220 for Mr. Edwards. The agreements replace the
change-of-control agreements that the Bank had entered into with Messrs. Dwight and Edwards on
October 7, 1999. Other provisions of the agreements are discussed below following the Summary
Compensation Table and in the discussion of Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in
The salary of each executive officer is compared to those salaries being paid to executive officers
in positions in organizations of comparable size in the Midwest. Salary ranges are then computed
from that data for each Horizon executive officer position. Salary increases are calculated based
on individual performance rating, where the executive officers base salary falls in their
respective salary range, benchmark data, total compensation in comparison to peer, compensation mix
and Horizons salary matrix. Cook & Co.s 2009 report, based on 2008 peer data, reported that the
average and highest base cash compensation for a Chief Executive Officer were $324,000 and $619,000
respectively. For Mr. Dwights services in 2009 as Chief Executive Officer and President, he was
paid a base salary of $308,250, which represented a 2.75% increase over his 2008 salary of
The salary increases for the other named executive officers ranged from 2.75% to 56.46%. Mr.
Edwards salary was increased to $230,000 from $187,000 (22.99%); Mr. Neffs salary was increased
to $230,000 from $147,000 (56.46%); and Mr. Raddes salary was increased to $170,565 from $166,000
(2.75%). Mr. Secor joined Horizon in June 2007 and received a salary of $65,000 for the portion of
2007 during which he was employed by Horizon. His 2008 salary was $131,921. For 2009, his salary
was increased to $150,000 to reflect his new responsibilities as Chief Financial Officer. The
salary increases for Messrs. Dwight, Radde and Secor followed Horizons standard salary
administration program as outlined above,
pursuant to which the Compensation Committee takes into consideration the individual performance
rating, where the executive officers base salary falls in their respective salary range, benchmark
data, total compensation in comparison to peer, compensation mix and Horizons salary matrix. The
base salary adjustments for Messrs. Neff and Edwards were for retention purposes to retain
competitive total cash compensation levels. In addition, we believe that good performing banks in
todays environment are at greater risk of losing key talent as several competitors struggle
through this recession and are in need of up-grading their executive teams. The total compensation
for Messrs. Edwards and Radde is within salary range according to the Cook & Co.s 2009 report.
Although total compensation for Mr. Neff appears to be above peer range, Cook & Cos report did not
have a similar position in its peer data for his area of responsibilities. The compensation for
Messrs. Edwards, Neff and Radde reflects their tenure in banking and Horizons performance.
According to the 2009 Cook Report: þ
Horizons base salaries are generally competitive and not subject to performance
risk; |
Horizons incentive plans are appropriately weighted between short-term and
long-term performance and cash and equity compensation; |
There is a strong linkage between Horizons executive pay and Horizons performance; |
Horizons compensation peer group and benchmarking methodology are appropriate; |
There is no significant pay disparity among top executives, except with respect to
Mr. Neff; |
Horizons severance and/or change-in-control provisions are reasonable; and |
Horizons special benefits and perquisites are minimal. |
Annual, Performance-Based Incentive Compensation
After consultations with compensation consultant Cook & Co. in 2003, the Compensation Committee of
the Board of Directors of Horizon adopted an Executive Officer Bonus Plan. The Bonus Plan permits
executive officers to earn, as a cash bonus, a percentage of their salary based on the achievement
of corporate and individual goals in the relevant year. Four of the named executive officers,
Messrs. Dwight, Edwards, Secor and Radde, currently participate in the Bonus Plan. Participants in
the Bonus Plan are not eligible to participate in any other short-term cash incentive plan offered
by Horizon.
To receive a bonus under the Bonus Plan, the executive officer must be employed by Horizon or one
of its subsidiaries on the date the annual bonus payment is made and must be in good standing with
Horizon. The Compensation Committee may adjust or amend the Bonus Plan at any time in its sole
discretion. All executive officers bonuses are subject to final approval by the Compensation
Committee or its designee, and bonus payments are subject to Horizons receipt from its independent
accountants of an unqualified audit opinion on Horizons most current year-end financial statements
and compliance with the TARP CPP rules. Mr. Dwights and Mr. Edwards bonuses are paid in
accordance with their Employment Agreements.
As approved by the Compensation Committee, Horizons bonus matrices for executive officers are
divided into short-term and long-term metrics with total bonus opportunities weighted fifty percent
each. Short-term metrics place heavier weight on financial outcome in order to align bonus payouts
with shareholders interests for the given year. Long-term metrics place heavier weight on
positioning Horizon for future success and enterprise risk management to align with shareholders
long-term interests.
The weightings for Horizons 2009 bonus matrices for each individual participant are as follows:
Short-Term |
Long-Term |
Metric |
Metrics |
Named Executive Officer & Category |
Weighting |
Weighting |
Chief Executive Officer |
Financial Outcome of Horizon (Net Income & Efficiency) |
70 |
% |
Positioning Horizon for Future Success |
70 |
% |
Enterprise Risk Management |
30 |
% |
30 |
% |
Short-Term |
Long-Term |
Metric |
Metrics |
Named Executive Officer & Category |
Weighting |
Weighting |
Chief Operating Officer and Chief Credit Officer |
Financial Outcome of Horizon (Net Income, Efficiency, Business Unit Income
& Asset Quality) |
40 |
% |
Financial Outcomes for Areas of Direct Responsibility |
40 |
% |
Positioning Horizon for Future Success |
30 |
% |
Enterprise Risk Management |
20 |
% |
70 |
% |
Chief Financial Officer |
Financial Outcome of Horizon (Net Income & Efficiency) |
60 |
% |
Positioning Horizon for Future Success |
20 |
% |
Enterprise Risk Management |
40 |
% |
60 |
% |
Project Management |
20 |
% |
Market President Southwest Michigan and North Central Indiana |
Financial Outcome of Horizon (Net Income, Efficiency, Business Unit Income
& Asset Quality) |
20 |
% |
Financial and Non-Financial Outcomes for Areas of Direct Responsibility |
50 |
% |
Positioning Horizon for Future Success |
40 |
% |
Enterprise Risk Management |
30 |
% |
60 |
% |
On July 15, 2008, Horizon eliminated the performance measure for commercial and consumer loan
growth from the bonus matrix of the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Credit Officer, Mr. Edwards,
and the weightings for asset quality and corporate net income were both increased proportionately.
These changes applied in 2009 and are intended to be permanent. The Compensation Committee believes
these modifications better align Mr. Edwards target goals with his primary job responsibilities
and shareholder interests by placing greater emphasis on asset quality and net income and
eliminating loan growth as a factor for his bonus. This reflects Horizons continuing efforts to
maintain proper internal controls and focus on asset quality, especially during a period of
economic down turn. Although all executive officers of the Bank are encouraged to promote loan
growth, this function primarily lies with the Banks lending officers, and the Bank believes that
the Chief Credit Officer should primarily focus on (and be rewarded for) ensuring that only
financially sound loans are placed on the books of the Bank. Bonus calculations for financial
outcomes are based on quantifiable targets and, for non-financial targets, on observations by
Horizons Chief Executive Officer, the Compensation Committee and the Board of Directors in
comparison to Horizons strategic plan.
The Compensation Committee established a minimum earnings target for Horizon to achieve before any
bonuses would be paid out under the Bonus Plan for 2009. The minimum earnings target is tied to
earnings available to pay dividends and fixed costs at the holding company. In 2009 the minimum
earnings threshold was $7.8 million. If Horizons net income for 2009 was below $7.8 million, no
bonuses would be paid to any executive officer. The Compensation Committee also approved a target
bonus matrix for each executive officer to be used to calculate the executive officers bonus (if
any) for the year (assuming that the minimum earnings target has been met). The matrix for each
executive officer specified the performance measures applicable to the executive officer, the
targets for each performance measure and the weight to be assigned to each performance measure in
calculating the bonus if the specified target levels are achieved.
The Compensation Committee sets the target awards to be challenging, but reasonably attainable. The
maximum award is intended to be very difficult to achieve. For 2009 the maximum earnings goal was
approximately $2 million above target of $9.7 million and the maximum efficiency ratio was
approximately 500 basis points better than the target of 65%. For 2008, the maximum earnings goal
was approximately $1 million above target and the maximum efficiency ratio goal was approximately
300 basis points better than target. For the previous two years, the named executive officers did
not reach the maximum bonus awards. The minimum awards for 2008 placed greatest weight on
surpassing 90% of
Horizons prior years financial outcomes. The minimum awards for 2009 placed the greatest weight
for short-term goals to exceed 80% of Horizons targeted financial goals and for long-term goals,
the greatest weight was on enterprise risk management. In 2009, the minimum earnings amount for
payout was achieved, and all the participants were in good standing with Horizon. Any participant
not in good standing with Horizon would not be eligible for incentive compensation.
The other non-financial measurements include the following: enterprise risk management, compliance
with rules, regulations and good internal controls; positioning Horizon for long-term growth;
organizational development, retention and attraction of good talent; and project management. The
weightings for each measurement vary dependent upon the overall responsibilities and primary goals
of each executive officer. Non-financial results are compared with Horizons strategic plan and
scored based on the observations of the Chief Executive Officer, Compensation Committee and the
Board of Directors. Scores range from meets, exceeds, or far exceeds expectations.
For 2009, the named executive officers who participated in the Bonus Plan could have earned as a
maximum bonus the following percentages of their base salaries: Mr. Dwight, 54%; Mr. Secor, 48%;
Mr. Edwards, 50%; and Mr. Radde, 40%. Each named executive officer had as a short-term performance
goal the achievement of a specified level of financial outcomes for the year, with the weighting of
such goals for 2009 being 70% for Mr. Dwight, 60% for Mr. Secor, 80% for Mr. Edwards and 70% for
Mr. Radde. The financial outcome targets focused primarily on Horizons earnings, efficiency
improvements or business unit outcomes. The short-term performance goals for each executive officer
also included one non-financial metric for enterprise risk management. Long-term performance goals
for each executive officer were for enterprise risk management, positioning Horizon for long-term
success or project management.
In order to earn a bonus award, the Bonus Plans participants were required to achieve an aggregate
weighted score of 80% or higher in 2009 and 90% or higher in 2008. If the participant achieves the
goals for all categories, his aggregate weighted score would be 100%. In 2008, Messrs. Dwight,
Secor and Edwards exceeded 90% of their bonus score and earned a bonus award. Mr. Radde did not
earn a bonus award in 2008. In 2009, Mr. Dwight, Mr. Secor and Mr. Radde all exceeded 80% in
weighted average scores for both short- and long-term goals and earned a bonus award. In 2009, Mr.
Edwardss short-term metrics did not achieve a weighted average score greater than 80% and,
therefore, he was only eligible for half of his total bonus opportunity. Mr. Edwards did achieve a
weighted average score greater than 80% under his long-term metrics and, therefore, earned a bonus
In considering Mr. Dwights bonus, the Compensation Committee used established short- and long-term
goals for 2009 and compared actual results with goals. The goals compared Horizons net income
compared to plan, Horizons efficiency ratio compared to plan, enterprise risk management,
compliance with all rules, laws, regulations, audit standards, reputation of Horizon, positioning
Horizon for future growth and expansion, and organizational development including retention and
attraction of good talent, efficiency improvement and continuous learning.
The amounts of the bonuses actually paid each year under the Bonus Plan are reported in the
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation column of the Summary Compensation Table included below in
this Proxy Statement. The payouts that Messrs. Dwight, Secor, Edwards and Radde had an opportunity
to earn under the Bonus Plan for 2009 are presented below in the Grants of Plan-Based Awards table.
In the joint Compensation Committee and Audit Committee meeting held on February 10, 2009, which
was discussed above in connection with Horizons risk assessment program, the committees reviewed
the Bonus Plan for 2009. Based on that review, the Compensation Committee and the Audit Committee
concluded that the plans, as designed for 2009, align the interests of the senior executive
officers with those of the shareholders and that the plan designs provide several features to
mitigate the senior executive officers from taking undue risk that may threaten the enterprise. The
principal change made to the 2009 executive officer bonus plans was to divide the plans into
short-and long-term metrics with a
weighting of fifty percent each and expand the enterprise risk management definition. The
Compensation Committee voted to recommend these modifications to the 2009 Bonus Plan to the Board
of Directors for approval. The Board of Directors approved these recommendations at its March 10,
2009 meeting.
Mr. Neff does not participate in the Bonus Plan. The Compensation Committee, however, has a formula
pursuant to which it has awarded Mr. Neff an incentive bonus equal to a percentage of his salary if
the Mortgage Warehousing Division of the Bank meets or exceeds certain Return on Equity (ROE) goals
for the year, subject to a maximum of $200,000 in incentive compensation per year. The ROE goals
and bonus percentage amounts are as follows: 12% ROE: 25%; 15% ROE: 40%; and 20% ROE or above: 50%.
If the Mortgage Warehousing Division ROE exceeds the 20% ROE target for a year, Mr. Neff receives
an additional bonus equal to 15% of the dollar amount of the net income that exceeds the amount
necessary to reach the 20% ROE target. These goals are examined and any resulting 2008 bonus was
paid quarterly and starting with his 2009 bonus they will be paid annually. In addition, Mr. Neffs
bonus award takes into consideration results under a performance score card for retail mortgage
loan income before tax, asset quality as measured in net charge-offs and specific reserves taken
for loans under his supervision, and overall enterprise risk management. Mr. Neffs weighted
average score for his score card was 69%, which equated to a 40% reduction in his total eligible
bonus award. The amount of the bonus Mr. Neff received for 2009 is reported in the Summary
Compensation Table.
In 2009, the Compensation Committee recommended, and the Board approved, modifications to Mr.
Neffs incentive bonus to include annual instead of quarterly payments and to incorporate modifiers
for mortgage loan income, asset quality and enterprise risk management. These modifiers could
reduce or increase Mr. Neffs base calculation. Payment of the incentive bonus also would be
subject to Horizons achievement of a specified minimum amount of net income.
Long-Term Incentive Program
In 2002, Horizon engaged compensation consultant Cook & Co. to review Horizons compensation of its
top officers and outside directors. Cook & Co. recommended that Horizon adopt an omnibus stock plan
for the purpose of attracting and retaining key employees. Horizons Board of Directors unanimously
adopted the 2003 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan on January 21, 2003, and the shareholders approved
the Omnibus Plan at the Annual Meeting held on May 8, 2003. Amendment to the Omnibus Plan will be
considered at this years Annual Meeting. See Proposal 3 below.
The Omnibus Plan was designed to satisfy the requirements of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, which generally denies a corporate-level income tax deduction for annual compensation
in excess of $1,000,000 paid to the chief executive officer and the four other most highly
compensated officers of a public company. Certain types of compensation, including
performance-based compensation, which meet the requirements of Internal Revenue Code Section
162(m), are generally excluded from this deduction limit. (Participants in the TARP CPP, such as
Horizon, are subject to a $500,000 cap on tax-deductible compensation without any offset for
performance-based compensation.)
The Compensation Committee administers the Omnibus Plan and may grant the following types of
Incentive stock options |
Nonqualified stock options |
Stock appreciation rights |
Restricted stock |
Performance units |
Performance shares |
Any combination of the above |
Horizons long-term incentive program is based on the grant of stock options and restricted stock.
Stock options and restricted stock are granted to encourage and facilitate personal stock ownership
by executive officers and thus strengthen their personal commitment to Horizon and to provide them
with a longer-term perspective in their managerial responsibilities. This component of an executive
officers compensation directly aligns the officers interests with those of Horizons
shareholders. Horizon also recognizes that stock options are a necessary element of a competitive
compensation program. The program utilizes vesting periods to encourage key employees to continue
in the employ of Horizon and thereby acts as a retention device for key employees.
In determining a reasonable level of long-term compensation to be granted executive officers, the
Compensation Committee takes into consideration independent reports prepared in 2003, 2005, 2007
and 2009 by Cook & Co. and other peer data. In general, the 2009 Cook & Co. study found that
Horizons executive compensation was appropriately balanced between cash and long-term incentives
as compared with peer data. Cook & Co.s peer group consisted of publicly traded financial
institutions located in the Midwestern United States with assets in the range of $800 million and
$2.6 billion. Please refer to the list of peer group banks used in the Cook & Co. survey, which is
included above under Overview of Compensation Program.
The stock options that are granted to executive officers are service based and vest in equal annual
installments over a five-year period. Awards of restricted stock vest on the fifth anniversary of
the date of grant if the executive officer remains employed by Horizon, the Bank or any of their
In 2004, Horizon made the following restricted stock awards: Mr. Dwight: 8,000 shares; Mr. Edwards:
7,000 shares; and Mr. Neff: 6,000 shares. Mr. Secor was awarded 5,000 stock options in 2007 as a
condition of his joining Horizon. Based on its review of option and restricted stock awards made
under the Omnibus Plan and earlier plans and its consideration of the sources mentioned above, the
Compensation Committee determined not to make any additional grants of options or restricted stock
to the named executive officers for 2009 other than for the purpose of paying out 2008 bonuses in
restricted shares in accordance with the TARP requirements in force at that time. In June 2009, the
TARP requirements were modified to allow the 2008 bonus to be paid in restricted shares subject to
vesting requirements. The 2009 bonus will be paid out in restricted stock to the extent required to
comply with the TARP requirements.
In connection with its acceptance of TARP capital from the Treasury in December 2008, Horizon
entered into agreements with its executive officers providing for the repayment to Horizon of any
bonus or incentive compensation paid to those executives if the payments were based on materially
inaccurate financial statements or any other materially inaccurate performance metric criteria.
These restrictions apply while the executive officers remain Senior Executive Officers (as defined
in § 111(a)(1) of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008) and during the period in which
the Treasury holds an equity position in Horizon under the TARP Capital Purchase Program. This
obligation to repay incentive compensation and bonuses applies irrespective of whether the
executive officer engaged in any conduct leading to the inaccurate financial statements or
performance metric criteria.
Effective February 17, 2009, Section 111 of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 was
amended to provide, among other things, that TARP recipients, such as Horizon, require that their
senior executive officers and any of the next twenty most highly-compensated employees repay any
bonus, retention award, or incentive compensation paid to such individuals based on statements of
earnings, revenues, gains or other criteria that are later found to be materially inaccurate. To
comply with the new requirements, in 2009 Horizon adopted a Compensation Recovery Policy and took
the other actions described above under the caption Actions Taken in Response to EESA, ARRA and
Participation in the TARP Capital Purchase Program.
Horizons 2010 employer matching contribution to its Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan for the
top five highest paid employees will be paid in restricted stock in accordance with the TARP
compensation rules. These shares will vest in full when the CPP preferred stock (assuming no
obligations other than warrants are outstanding) is repurchased by Horizon and will partially vest
in 25% increments with a corresponding repurchase of that preferred stock.
Stock Bonuses
Prior to January 1, 2007, Horizon maintained an Employee Stock Bonus Plan. On January 1, 2007, the
Employee Stock Bonus Plan was restructured as an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (or ESOP). The
restructuring provides participants with several additional benefits. New benefits include the
addition of a dividend election program and all dividends paid on shares of Horizon stock in the
ESOP are 100% vested. The Matching Contribution Account in the Stock Bonus Plan was transferred to
the Horizon Bancorp Employee Thrift Plan and the remainder of the Stock Bonus Plan, which consists
of the Discretionary Contributions Account and the Prior ESOP Account, was converted to the ESOP.
Matching Contributions are now contributed to the Matching Contributions Account that has been
transferred to the Employee Thrift Plan from the Stock Bonus Plan.
Post-Termination Compensation and Benefits
The employment agreements with Messrs. Dwight and Edwards provide for the payment of compensation
upon a change in control. Messrs. Secor and Neff are parties to change-in-control agreements with
the Bank. The agreements with the named executive officers are discussed in more detail below
following the Summary Compensation Table and in the discussion of Potential Payments Upon
Termination or Change in Control. As discussed above, the TARP CPP compensation restrictions apply
to severance payments, including payments upon a change in control.
The Employee Thrift Plan is a 401(k) plan in which all employees with the requisite hours of
service are eligible to participate. The Thrift Plan permits voluntary employee contributions, and
Horizon may make discretionary matching and profit sharing contributions. Each eligible employee is
vested according to a schedule based upon years of service. Voluntary employee contributions are
vested at all times, and Horizons discretionary contributions vest over a six-year period.
Participants are eligible to receive matching contributions once they have attained age 21 and
completed one year of service. Horizon, at its discretion, provides for matching contributions as
follows: 100% for the first 2% of a participants deferral contribution and 50% for each additional
percentage deferred up to a total deferral of 6% (a maximum of 4% matching contribution).
The Horizon Bancorp Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (or Frozen SERP) was originally
effective January 1, 1993 and was frozen effective December 31, 2004. The Frozen SERP provides
certain management or highly compensated employees of Horizon and its affiliates with supplemental
retirement benefits to help recompense those employees for benefits reduced under the Employee
Thrift Plan due to benefit limits imposed by the Internal Revenue Code and to permit the deferral
of additional compensation. The Frozen SERP is an unfunded arrangement designed and administered to
comply with Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and Internal Revenue
Code Section 409A. The Frozen SERP is administered by the Compensation Committee. Prior to January
1, 2005, a participant in the Frozen SERP could elect each year to defer a percentage of the
participants total cash compensation. Each year, the Compensation Committee, in its discretion,
could elect to have Horizon match the amounts deferred by each participant under the Frozen SERP up
to a maximum match of $25,000. The Compensation Committee could also make supplemental
contributions in any amount determined by the Committee in its discretion.
Interest is credited on a participants deferred account balance in the Frozen SERP at the
five-year U.S. Treasury Bond rate published in the Wall Street Journal and in effect as of the
first business day of each calendar month, plus 200 basis points, but not to exceed 120% of the
Applicable Federal Long-Term Rate
for monthly compounding. Amounts deferred by participants vest immediately. The Compensation
Committee can require forfeiture of matching and supplemental contributions if the participant has
not completed the number of years of service specified by the Compensation Committee, except when
the participant dies while still employed, is determined to be disabled or retires after reaching
age sixty-five. Participants or their designated beneficiaries will begin to receive payments under
the Frozen SERP within thirty days after the participants separation from service. Participants
may elect lump sum or installment payments, or a combination of the two, subject to the provisions
of the Frozen SERP. No additional amounts, except earnings, accrued to the named executive officers
under the Frozen SERP for 2008.
Horizon adopted the Horizon Bancorp 2005 Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (or 2005 SERP) to
replace the Frozen SERP effective January 1, 2005. As with its predecessor, the 2005 SERP provides
certain management or highly compensated employees of Horizon Bancorp and its affiliates with
supplemental retirement benefits to help recompense those employees for benefits reduced under the
Employee Thrift Plan due to benefit limits imposed by the Internal Revenue Code and to permit the
deferral of additional compensation. The 2005 SERP is also an unfunded arrangement designed and
administered to comply with Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and
Internal Revenue Code Section 409A, and the 2005 SERP is administered by the Compensation
Committee. A participant in the 2005 SERP may elect to defer a percentage of the participants
total cash compensation each year. For 2007, a participant could elect to defer a combined amount
to the Employee Thrift Plan and the 2005 SERP of up to 75% of the participants total cash
compensation, but beginning January 1, 2007, the deferrals to the Employee Thrift Plan are limited
separately, and the 2005 SERP maximum deferral percentage is limited to 25%.
Each year, the Compensation Committee, in its discretion, may elect to have Horizon match the
amounts deferred by each participant under the 2005 SERP up to a maximum match of $25,000. The
Compensation Committee may change the match limit prior to the beginning of any year. The
Compensation Committee may also make supplemental contributions in any amount it determines in its
Interest is credited on a participants deferred account balance in the 2005 SERP at the five-year
U.S. Treasury Bond rate published in the Wall Street Journal and in effect as of the first business
day of each calendar month, plus 200 basis points, but not to exceed 120% of the Applicable Federal
Long-Term Rate for monthly compounding. Amounts deferred by participants vest immediately. The
Compensation Committee may require forfeiture of matching and supplemental contributions if the
participant has not completed the number of years of service specified by the Compensation
Committee, except when the participant dies while still employed, is determined to be disabled or
retires after reaching age sixty-five. Participants may specify the date or event upon which they
or their designated beneficiaries will begin to receive payment under the 2005 SERP and may elect
lump sum or installment payments, or a combination of the two, subject to the provisions of the
2005 SERP.
In December 2009, the Board of Directors approved a second SERP investment alternative in the form
of Horizon Common Shares. SERP Participants may change their investment election option once a
The amounts allocated to the named executive officers under the 2005 SERP for 2009 are included in
the All Other Compensation column of the Summary Compensation Table appearing below.
Perquisites and Other Personal Benefits
Horizon provides minimal perquisites and other personal benefits to its executive officers. Messrs.
Dwight and Edwards are provided with country club memberships and cellular telephone service. Mr.
Radde is reimbursed for his annual country club membership dues. The cost of the memberships and/or
telephone service is less than $10,000 per executive officer. No other perquisites or personal
benefits are provided to executive officers.
As discussed above in this Compensation Discussion and Analysis, the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 requires the Board of Directors of companies, like Horizon, that
participate in TARP programs to adopt a company-wide policy regarding excessive or luxury
expenditures, as defined by the Treasury Secretary. Such excessive expenditures may include
expenditures on entertainment or events, office and facility renovations, aviation or other
transportation services, or other activities or events that are not reasonable expenditures for
staff development, reasonable performance incentives, or other similar measures conducted in the
normal course of the business operation of the institution. Horizon adopted such a policy in 2009.
Compensation Committee Report
The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed with management the Compensation Discussion
and Analysis included above. Based on that review and discussion, the Compensation Committee has
recommended to Horizons Board of Directors that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be
included in this Proxy Statement and incorporated by reference into Horizons 2009 Annual Report on
Form 10-K.
The Compensation Committee certifies that, in compliance with Section 111(b)(2)(A) of the Emergency
Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 and the rules promulgated pursuant to EESA by the United States
Department of the Treasury:
we have completed the review of the compensation of the senior executive officers
with Horizons Chief Risk Officer and we have made all reasonable efforts to ensure
that these plans do not encourage the senior executive officers to take unnecessary and
excessive risks that threaten the value of Horizon and Horizon Bank; |
we have reviewed with Horizons Chief Risk Officer the employee compensation plans
and have made all reasonable efforts to limit any unnecessary risks these plans pose to
Horizon and Horizon Bank; and |
we have reviewed the employee compensation plans to eliminate any features of these
plans that would encourage the manipulation of reported earnings of Horizon to enhance
the compensation of any employee. |
This Report is respectfully submitted by the Compensation Committee of Horizons Board of
Peter L. Pairitz, Chairperson
Daniel F. Hopp
Robert E. McBride
Robert E. Swinehart
Susan D. Aaron, Alternate
Executive Compensation Tables
The following tables provide information on the 2009 compensation for Horizons Chief Executive
Officer, Chief Financial Officer and the other three most highly compensated executive officers of
Horizon and the Bank. These five individuals are referred to as the named executive officers.
Summary Compensation Table
The table below provides information with respect to the total compensation earned by or paid to
the named executive officers for 2009. (The table required by the SECs rules contains columns for
various types of compensation. The table below contains only the columns applicable to Horizon.)
Non-Equity |
Incentive Plan |
All Other |
Name and |
Salary |
Bonus |
Option Awards |
Compensation |
Compensation |
Total |
Principal Position |
Year |
($)(1) |
($)(2) |
($)(3) |
($)(4) |
($)(5) |
($) |
Craig M. Dwight |
2009 |
$ |
308,250 |
N/A |
$ |
$ |
120,218 |
$ |
47,830 |
(6) |
$ |
476,298 |
President and Chief |
2008 |
300,000 |
N/A |
102,000 |
46,450 |
448,450 |
Executive Officer |
2007 |
288,400 |
N/A |
98,056 |
46,057 |
432,513 |
Mark E. Secor |
2009 |
150,000 |
N/A |
30,750 |
14,981 |
(7) |
195,731 |
Chief Financial
Officer |
2008 |
131,921 |
300 |
32,980 |
8,825 |
174,026 |
2007 |
65,000 |
300 |
32,950 |
12,750 |
111,000 |
Thomas H. Edwards |
2009 |
230,000 |
N/A |
28,750 |
36,176 |
(8) |
294,926 |
Executive Vice
President |
2008 |
187,000 |
N/A |
23,375 |
29,097 |
239,472 |
2007 |
179,220 |
N/A |
50,182 |
24,036 |
253,438 |
James. D. Neff |
2009 |
230,000 |
N/A |
120,000 |
28,706 |
(9) |
378,706 |
Secretary |
2008 |
147,000 |
N/A |
127,618 |
21,390 |
296,008 |
2007 |
142,140 |
N/A |
76,183 |
33,419 |
251,742 |
Donald E. Radde |
2009 |
170,565 |
N/A |
25,585 |
22,044 |
(10) |
218,194 |
President, Southwest |
2008 |
166,000 |
N/A |
21,952 |
187,952 |
Michigan of the Bank |
2007 |
160,645 |
N/A |
24,145 |
18,152 |
202,942 |
1. |
Includes salary amounts paid and salary amounts deferred by the individual
named pursuant to Horizons Thrift Plan and Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan
(SERP). |
2. |
The amount reflects the dollar amount paid under Horizons holiday bonus plan,
which is available to all employees with the exception of specified executive officers,
including Messrs. Dwight, Edwards, Neff and Radde. Mr. Secor was eligible to receive
this amount in 2007 and 2008. Messrs. Dwight, Edwards, Radde, and Secor are eligible to
receive annual bonuses under the Executive Officer Bonus Plan and Mr. Neff is eligible
to receive a bonus based on the net profit of the Mortgage Warehouse division, and if
such bonuses are received for a given year, the SEC rules provide that they are to be
reported in the Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation column of this table. |
3. |
The amounts in this column reflect the aggregate grant date fair value of
option awards granted during each of the last three fiscal years in accordance with
FASB ASC Topic 718. The SEC recently changed the reporting requirements and, as a
result, the amounts in this column for 2008 and 2007 have been recalculated to reflect
the grant date fair value in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718. For a discussion on
the assumptions used in the calculation of the option awards reported in this column,
please see note 18 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in Horizons 2009
Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. |
4. |
Messrs. Dwight, Edwards, Radde and Secor received payments under Horizons
Executive Officer Bonus Plan. The bonus amount for Mr. Neff represents a bonus he
receives based on the net profit of the Mortgage Warehouse division. (For more
information about the Bonus Plan and for Mr. Neffs bonus arrangement, see the
discussion above in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis.) In accordance with
restrictions imposed because of Horizons participation in the U.S. Treasurys Capital
Purchase Program, with respect to the 2009 compensation in this column Messrs. Dwight,
Edwards, Neff and Radde will receive 54.8% of their awards under the Executive Officer
Bonus Plan in the form of restricted stock instead of cash. The 2008 compensation in
this column for Messrs. Dwight, Secor, Edwards and Radde was paid in the form of
restricted stock instead of cash based on the then-available information about the U.S.
Treasurys Capital Purchase Program compensation limitation requirements. Mr. Neffs
2008 bonus was paid in cash. The number of shares issued and value realized upon the
vesting of these shares were as follows: Mr. Dwight received 9,714 shares which had a
value at vesting of $145,710, Mr. Edwards received 2,226 shares which had a value at
vesting of $33,390, and Mr. Secor received 3,140 shares which had a value at vesting of
$47,100. |
5. |
The individuals named in the table also received certain perquisites, but the
incremental costs of providing the perquisites did not exceed the $10,000 disclosure
threshold. |
6. |
Includes Horizons contribution of $5,647 under Horizons Employee Stock
Ownership Plan and its matching contributions of $9,800 under the Thrift Plan, $25,000
under the SERP and $7,383 in dividends on restricted stock. |
7. |
Includes Horizons contribution of $3,285 under Horizons Employee Stock
Ownership Plan and its matching contributions of $5,700 under the Thrift Plan, $4,928
under the SERP and $1,068 in dividends on restricted stock. |
8. |
Includes Horizons contribution of $4,825 under Horizons Employee Stock
Ownership Plan and its matching contributions of $8,372 under the Thrift Plan, $18,652
under the SERP and $4,327 in dividends on restricted stock. |
9. |
Includes Horizons contribution of $5,647 under Horizons Employee Stock
Ownership Plan, and its matching contributions of $9,800 under the Thrift Plan, $10,199
under the SERP and $3,060 in dividends on restricted stock. |
10. |
Includes Horizons contribution of $3,471 under Horizons Employee Stock
Ownership Plan and its matching contributions of $6,023 under the Thrift Plan, $10,000
under the SERP and $2,550 in dividends on restricted stock. |
As discussed above in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, Horizon and the Bank have
entered into employment agreements with Mr. Dwight and Mr. Edwards. The agreements provide that Mr.
Dwight will continue to serve as Horizons President and Chief Executive Officer and the Banks
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for a term of three years, and that Mr. Edwards will continue
to serve as Horizons Executive Vice President and the Banks President and Chief Operating Officer
for a term of three years. The terms of each of the agreements will be extended for an additional
one-year period beyond the then-effective expiration date on each annual anniversary of the date of
the agreement until the year in which the executive officer reaches the age of sixty-three, unless
Horizon delivers notice to the executive officer within sixty days prior to the expiration of any
one-year period that the term will not be extended.
Each employment agreement also provides that Messrs. Dwight and Edwards will continue to receive an
annual base salary equal to the amount being paid to them on the date of the agreement, subject to
adjustment. Horizon may terminate Mr. Dwights or Mr. Edwards employment immediately for cause
and also may terminate their employment without cause upon not less than thirty days prior notice.
Messrs. Dwight and Edwards may terminate their employment for good reason or upon not less than
thirty days prior notice without good reason. (The definitions of cause, good reason and
change in control specified in the agreements are summarized below under Potential Payments Upon
Termination or Change in Control.)
If Horizon terminates Mr. Dwights employment without cause, if Mr. Dwight terminates his
employment with good reason, or if Mr. Dwights employment is terminated upon a change in control
of Horizon, his agreement provides for Horizon to pay Mr. Dwight an amount equal to two times his
then-current annual base salary plus his bonus for the previous two calendar years and for Mr.
Dwight to receive health and certain other benefits for a two-year period. If Horizon terminates
Mr. Edwards employment without cause or if Mr. Edwards terminates his employment for good reason,
his agreement provides for Horizon to pay him an amount equal to his then-current annual base
salary plus an amount equal to the average of his bonuses for the previous two calendar years. If
Mr. Edwards employment is terminated upon a change in control, the agreement provides for Horizon
to pay him an amount equal to twice his then-current salary plus an amount equal to the average of
his bonuses for the previous two calendar years. Mr. Edwards agreement also provides for him to
receive health and certain benefits for a one-year period following his termination without cause,
for good reason, or upon a change in control.
Messrs. Dwights and Edwards agreements also include provisions that limit the aggregate amount of
the payment to an amount that is otherwise deductible by Horizon for federal income tax purposes
after application of Internal Revenue Code Section 280G and that protect Horizons and the Banks
confidential business information and prohibit competition for specified periods. Mr. Dwights
agreement prohibits him from competing against Horizon for a two-year period following the date of
his termination, and Mr. Edwards agreement prohibits him from competing against Horizon for a
one-year period.
As a participant in the TARP Capital Purchase Program, Horizon and the Bank are prohibited from
making severance payments to the named executive officers and the next five most highly compensated
employees during the period the TARP CPP obligations remain outstanding. See the discussion above
under the caption TARP Capital Purchase Program Executive Compensation Restrictions.
Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table
Four of the named executive officers had the opportunity to earn cash bonuses under the Executive
Officer Bonus Plan if Horizon met the financial and non-financial targets the Compensation
Committee had established for 2009. One other named executive officer had an opportunity to earn an
incentive bonus for 2009 under a separate plan. Detailed descriptions of the Executive Officer
Bonus Plan and the incentive bonus opportunity are provided above in the Compensation Discussion
and Analysis.
The following table presents the estimated payouts the named executive officers had the opportunity
to receive for 2009. (The table required by the SECs rules contains columns for various types of
plan-based awards. The table below contains only the columns applicable to Horizon.)
Estimated Possible Payouts Under Non-Equity Incentive |
Plan Awards |
Threshold ($) |
Target ($) |
Maximum ($) |
Name |
Short Term Goals |
Long Term Goals |
Total |
Short Term Goals |
Long Term Goals |
Total |
Short Term Goals |
Long Term Goals |
Total |
Craig M. Dwight |
$ |
13,101 |
$ |
13,101 |
$ |
26,202 |
$ |
52,403 |
$ |
52,403 |
$ |
104,806 |
$ |
83,228 |
$ |
83,228 |
$ |
166,456 |
Mark E. Secor |
4,313 |
4,313 |
8,626 |
17,250 |
17,250 |
34,500 |
36,000 |
36,000 |
72,000 |
Thomas H. Edwards |
7,188 |
7,188 |
14,376 |
28,750 |
28,750 |
57,500 |
57,500 |
57,500 |
115,000 |
James D. Neff (1) |
40,000 |
200,000 |
240,000 |
Donald E. Radde |
4,264 |
4,264 |
8,528 |
17,057 |
17,057 |
34,114 |
34,113 |
34,113 |
68,226 |
1. |
Messrs. Dwight, Secor, Edwards and Radde are eligible to receive bonuses
pursuant to the Executive Officer Bonus Plan. Mr. Neff is eligible to receive a bonus
based on the net profit of the Mortgage Warehouse division. |
Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End for 2009
The following table presents information on stock options and restricted stock held by the named
executive officers on December 31, 2009.
Option Awards |
Stock Awards |
Equity |
Equity Incentive |
Incentive Plan |
Equity Incentive |
Market |
Plan Awards: |
Awards: Market |
Number of |
Number of |
Plan Awards: Number |
Number of |
Value of |
Number of Unearned |
or Payout |
Securities |
Securities |
of Securities |
Shares or |
Shares or |
Shares, |
Value of Unearned |
Underlying |
Underlying |
Underlying |
Units of |
Units of |
Units or |
Shares, Units or |
Unexercised |
Unexercised |
Unexercised |
Option |
Option |
Stock That |
Stock That |
Other Rights |
Other Rights |
Options |
Options (#) |
Unearned |
Exercise |
Expiration |
Have Not |
Have Not |
That Have |
That Have Not |
Name |
(#) Exercisable(1) |
Unexercisable(2) |
Options (#) |
Price ($) |
Date |
Vested (#) |
Vested ($) |
Not Vested (#) |
Vested ($) |
Craig M. Dwight |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Mark E. Secor |
2,000 |
3,000 |
N/A |
$ |
27.50 |
June 18, 2017 |
N/A |
N/A |
Thomas M. Edwards |
6,000 |
N/A |
6.22 |
January 2, 2011 |
N/A |
N/A |
James D. Neff |
1,800 |
N/A |
17.93 |
January 2, 2013 |
N/A |
N/A |
Donald E. Radde |
2,000 |
N/A |
23.56 |
August 2, 2014 |
N/A |
N/A |
1,800 |
1,200 |
26.11 |
June 30, 2016 |
1. |
All options have a ten-year life with pro-rata vesting over a five-year period
from the grant date. |
2. |
The shares represented could not be acquired by the named executive officers as
of December 31, 2009. |
Option Exercises and Stock Vested for 2009
The following table presents information on stock option exercises by named executive officers
during 2009 and the vesting of shares of restricted stock held by named executive officers during
Option Awards |
Stock Awards(2) |
Number of Shares |
Value Realized on |
Number of Shares |
Acquired on |
Exercise |
Acquired on Vesting |
Value Realized on |
Name |
Exercise (#) |
($)(1) |
(#) |
Vesting ($) |
Craig M. Dwight |
$ |
8,000 |
$ |
126,000 |
Mark E. Secor |
Thomas H. Edwards |
4,020 |
36,862 |
7,000 |
110,250 |
James D. Neff |
6,000 |
94,500 |
Donald E. Radde |
5,000 |
78,750 |
1. |
Amounts reflecting value realized upon exercise of options are based on the
difference between the closing price for a share on the date of exercise and the
exercise price for a share. |
2. |
In addition, Messrs. Dwight, Secor, Edwards, Neff and Radde received bonuses
paid in the form of restricted stock instead of cash because of the compensation
limitations of the U.S. Treasurys Capital Purchase Program. See footnote 4 to the
Summary Compensation Table above for more information. |
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation for 2009
The following table presents information on compensation deferred by and matching contributions for
each of the named executive officers under the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan, which is
discussed above in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis.
Executive |
Registrant |
Contributions in |
Contributions in |
Aggregate Earnings |
Aggregate |
Aggregate Balance |
Last Fiscal Year |
Last Fiscal Year |
in Last Fiscal |
Withdrawals/Distributions |
at Last Fiscal Year End |
Name |
($)(1) |
($)(1) |
Year($) |
($) |
($) |
Craig M. Dwight |
$ |
50,000 |
$ |
25,000 |
$ |
31,135 |
$ |
$ |
812,762 |
Mark E. Secor |
9,855 |
4,928 |
486 |
19,628 |
Thomas H. Edwards |
37,304 |
18,652 |
5,540 |
169,914 |
James D. Neff |
20,397 |
10,199 |
15,339 |
395,471 |
Donald E. Radde |
20,000 |
10,000 |
2,022 |
65,082 |
1. |
Executive contributions are included in the Salary column of the Summary
Compensation Table and Horizons contributions are included in the All Other
Compensation column of the Summary Compensation Table. |
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control
Horizon and the Bank have agreements with the named executive officers and plans in which the named
executive officers participate that provide for benefits upon the resignation, severance,
retirement or other termination of the named executive officers. As discussed above in the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 prohibits
the payment of golden parachute payments (defined as any payment for departure from a company for
any reason, except for payments for services performed or benefits accrued) during the period the
TARP CPP obligations (other than warrants) remain outstanding. This provision of the ARRA would
preclude certain payments required to be paid to the named executive officers under the agreements
and plans discussed below.
Employment and Change-in-Control Agreements
The Employment Agreement with Mr. Dwight discussed above provides that if Horizon terminates Mr.
Dwights employment without cause, if Mr. Dwight terminates his employment with good reason, or if
Mr. Dwights employment is terminated upon a change in control of Horizon, Horizon will pay Mr.
Dwight an amount equal to two times his then-current annual base salary plus his bonus for the
previous two calendar years and for Mr. Dwight to receive health and life insurance benefits for a
two-year period, as well as reimbursement of up to $30,000 for expenses in searching for a new
The Employment Agreement with Mr. Edwards discussed above provides that if Horizon terminates Mr.
Edwards employment without cause or, if Mr. Edwards terminates his employment with good reason,
Horizon will pay Mr. Edwards an amount equal to his then-current annual base salary, plus the
average of his bonus for the prior two years. If Mr. Edwards employment is terminated upon a
charge in control, the agreement provides for Horizon to pay him an amount equal to twice his
then-current salary plus an amount equal to the average of his bonuses for the previous years. If
Horizon terminates Mr. Edwards employment without cause, if Mr. Edwards terminates his employment
with good reason, or if his employment is terminated upon a change in control, Mr. Edwards will
receive health and life insurance benefits for a one-year period as well as reimbursement of up to
$20,000 for expenses in searching for a new position.
The definitions of the terms cause, good reason and change in control are central to an
understanding of the potential payments to the executive officers pursuant to the their agreements.
The definitions in the agreements are summarized in the following paragraphs.
Under Messrs. Dwights and Edwards employment agreements, we have cause to terminate the
executive officer if he breaches any provision of the agreement, is prohibited from participating
in the conduct of the Banks affairs pursuant to an order issued under specified provisions of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Act, or if he has engaged in any of the specific activities listed in the
agreement, including the following:
an intentional act of fraud, embezzlement, theft or personal dishonesty; |
willful misconduct; |
breach of fiduciary duty involving personal profit in the course of the executives
employment; |
intentional wrongful damage to Horizons business or property, causing material harm
to Horizon; or |
gross negligence or insubordination in the performance of the executives duties, or
the executives refusal or repeated failure to carry out lawful directives of the
Board. |
A termination by the executive officer is for good reason if we take any of the following actions
without the executives prior written consent:
require the executive to move his office to a location more than 30 miles from his
principal residence; |
reduce the executives then-current annual base salary by 10% or more, unless the
reduction is part of an institution-wide reduction and proportionate to the reduction
in the base salaries of all other Horizon executive officers; |
remove the executive from participation in any incentive compensation or
performance-based compensation plans, unless we terminate the participation of all of
Horizons other executive officers in the plans; |
reduce any material benefit plan or program or deprive the executive of any such
benefit enjoyed by him, unless part of an institution-wide reduction and applied
similarly to all of Horizons other executive officers; |
assignment to the executive of duties and responsibilities materially different from
those normally associated with his position as described in the agreement; |
materially reduce the executives responsibilities or authority (including reporting
responsibilities) in connection with his employment; |
materially reduce the executives secretarial or administrative support; or |
breach any provision of the agreement. |
A change in control would include any of the following events:
A merger, consolidation or similar transaction involving Horizon or the Bank that
results in the shareholders immediately prior to the transaction own owning shares of
the surviving or combined entity possessing voting rights equal to or less than 50
percent of the voting rights of all shareholders of such entity, determined on a fully
diluted basis; |
A sale, lease, exchange, transfer or other disposition of all or any substantial
part of the consolidated assets of Horizon or the Bank; |
A tender, exchange, sale or other disposition (other than a disposition of the stock
in connection with bankruptcy, insolvency, foreclosure, receivership or other similar
transactions) or purchase (other than by Horizon, an employee benefit plan of Horizon
or the Bank, or members of Horizons or the Banks board of directors) of shares
representing more than 25 percent of the voting power of Horizon or the Bank; or |
During any period of two consecutive years, the individuals who constituted the
Board of Directors as of the date of the executives agreement cease for any reason to
constitute at |
least a majority of the Boards members, unless the election of each
director at the beginning of the period has been approved by directors representing at
least a majority of the directors then in office. |
A Change in Control will not occur, however, if Horizon issues stock in a public offering; in
connection with a transaction approved by a majority of shareholders or in which a majority of the
shareholders (other than shareholders subject to Exchange Act Section 16(b)) have tendered their
shares; or due to stock ownership by any Horizon employee benefit plan.
If Mr. Dwights or Mr. Edwards employment had terminated in connection with a change in control as
of December 31, 2009, Mr. Dwight would have been entitled to a severance amount and other benefits
under his employment agreement in the amount of $883,725, and Mr. Edwards would have been entitled
to a severance amount and other benefits under his employment agreement in the amount of $517,026.
These amounts exclude restricted shares and stock options that vest upon a change in control, which
are discussed below.
One of the other named executive officers, Mr. Secor, is a party to a change of control agreement
with the Bank. Mr. Secors agreement was amended effective as of January 1, 2009, to reflect the
change in his title and responsibilities as of that date. In Mr. Secors agreement, the definition
of change in control is the same as the definition described above in connection with the
discussion of the employment agreements of Messrs. Dwight and Edwards.
Mr. Secors agreement provides that upon a change of control, a new term of employment will
commence for the executive officer at the same base salary that the executive officer was receiving
at the time of the change of control and such salary may not be reduced for a period of one year
following the change of control. If the employment of Mr. Secor had terminated in connection with a
change in control as of December 31, 2009, the amount he would have been paid under their
agreements would have been $150,000.
Mr. Neff also has an agreement with the Bank regarding his employment upon a change in control. The
agreement defines change in control to include a merger, tender offer, asset sale or other
transaction that results in (1) a majority of Horizons shareholders prior to the transaction
holding less than 50% of the voting securities of Horizon or its successor after the transaction,
(2) persons who held less than 20% of the voting securities of Horizon prior to the transaction
owning more than 50% of such securities after the transaction; or (3) a majority of the members of
the Horizon Board of Directors being persons who were not directors of Horizon at least twenty-four
months prior to the transaction.
The agreement provides that the Bank may terminate his employment without cause at any time upon
thirty days prior notice and that the benefits he would receive will be his benefits for the
thirty-day period. The agreement provides that if a change in control occurs, the Bank will
continue to employ Mr. Neff as a Senior Vice President at his base salary then in effect for a term
of two years following the date of the change in control, but that he will remain subject to
termination as provided in the agreement. If Mr. Neffs employment had terminated in connection
with a change in control as of December 31, 2009, he would have been entitled to be paid $21,326.
If any of Messrs. Dwight, Edwards, Neff or Secor qualifies as a key employee under Internal
Revenue Code Section 409A at the time of their separation from service, Horizon may not make
certain payments to them earlier than six months following the date of their separation from
service (or, if earlier, the date of their death). Each of Messrs. Dwight, Edwards, Neff and Secor
currently is considered to be a key employee.
Other Benefits Upon Termination or Change in Control
In the event of a change in control of Horizon, the recipient of stock options and shares of
restricted stock granted to executive officers under the Omnibus Plan that are then outstanding and
that either are not then
exercisable or are subject to any restrictions will become immediately
exercisable, and all restrictions will be removed, as of the first date that the change in control
has been deemed to have occurred. In addition, stock options granted to executive officers will be
vested and fully exercisable as of the date of death, disability or retirement of the executive
The Omnibus Plan provides that a change in control will be deemed to have occurred if any of the
following conditions or events occurs: (1) any merger, consolidation or similar transaction which
involves Horizon and in which persons who are the shareholders of Horizon immediately prior to the
transaction own, immediately after the transaction, shares of the surviving or combined entity
which possess voting rights equal to or less than 50% of the voting rights of all shareholders of
such entity, determined on a fully diluted basis; (2) any sale, lease, exchange, transfer or other
disposition of all or any substantial part of the consolidated assets of Horizon; (3) any tender,
exchange, sale or other disposition (other than disposition of the stock of Horizon or the Bank in
connection with bankruptcy, insolvency, foreclosure, receivership or other similar transactions) or
purchase (other than purchases by Horizon or any Horizon sponsored employee benefit plan, or
purchases by members of the Board of Directors of Horizon or any subsidiary) of shares which
represent more than 25% of the voting power of Horizon or the Bank; or (4) during any period of two
consecutive years individuals who at the date of the adoption of the Omnibus Plan constitute the
Board cease for any reason to constitute at least a majority of the Board, unless the election of
each director at the beginning of the period has been approved by directors representing at least a
majority of the directors then in office.
The Omnibus Plan provides, however, that a change in control will not be deemed to have occurred
(1) as a result of the issuance of stock by Horizon in connection with any public offering of its
stock; (2) with respect to any transaction unless such transaction has been approved or shares have
been tendered by a majority of the shareholders who are not persons subject to liability under
Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act; or (3) due to stock ownership by the Horizon Bancorp Employees
Stock Bonus Plan Trust, which forms a part of the Horizon Bancorp Employees Stock Bonus Plan or
any other employee benefit plan.
If a change in control had occurred as of December 31, 2009, the stock options granted to executive
officers that were not previously vested would have become fully vested as of that date. If a
change in control had occurred, or if the executive officers had terminated their employment due to
death, disability or retirement as of December 31, 2009, the value realized upon exercise of stock
options, for each executive officer, would have been as follows: Mr. Secor, $0; Mr. Edwards,
$60,000; Mr. Neff, $0; and Mr. Radde, $0. The outstanding stock options for the executive officers
are discussed in more detail in the discussion of Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End for
2009. The Omnibus Plan is discussed in more detail above in the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis and below in Proposal 3.
Section 162(m)
Pursuant to Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, in certain circumstances, the
deductibility of compensation paid to any individual executive officer of a public company,
including stock-based compensation, is limited to $1,000,000. None of the compensation paid to the
executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table exceeded the threshold for deductibility
under Section 162(m).
As a result of Horizons participation in the TARP Capital Purchase Program, Horizon was required
to agree that it will be subject to a $500,000 annual deduction limit under Section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for remuneration paid to senior executive officers (as
defined in Section 111(a)(1) of EESA), while the Treasury holds an equity interest in Horizon. The
ARRA, enacted on February 17, 2009, limits this restriction to periods when TARP obligations (other
than warrants) are outstanding. Moreover, during the restricted period there will be no exception
under Section 162(m) to this deduction limit for performance-based compensation or deferred
compensation. Although Horizon retains the discretion to award compensation that exceeds the limits
in Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, Horizon expects that the remuneration of its senior
executive officers will remain under the foregoing limits.
Compensation of Directors
The following table presents information about our compensation of members of the Board of
Directors. Information on the compensation received by Mr. Dwight, who is a named executive
officer, is included in the Summary Compensation Table above. Mr. Dwight does not receive any
additional compensation for service on the Board of Directors.
Director Compensation for 2009
Change in Pension |
Value and |
Nonqualified |
Non-Equity |
Deferred |
All Other |
Fees Earned or Paid |
Incentive Plan |
Compensation |
Compensation |
Name |
in Cash ($) |
Stock Awards ($) |
Option Awards ($) |
Compensation ($) |
Earnings |
($)(1) |
Total ($) |
Susan D. Aaron |
$ |
24,004 |
$ |
9,996 |
N/A |
N/A |
$ |
$ |
$ |
34,000 |
Lawrence E. Burnell |
20,004 |
9,996 |
N/A |
N/A |
30,000 |
Robert C. Dabagia |
N/A |
N/A |
60,000 |
(1) |
60,000 |
James B. Dworkin |
22,004 |
9,996 |
N/A |
N/A |
32,000 |
Charley E. Gillispie |
26,004 |
9,996 |
N/A |
N/A |
36,000 |
Daniel F. Hopp |
20,004 |
9,996 |
N/A |
N/A |
30,000 |
Robert E. McBride, M.D. |
20,004 |
9,996 |
N/A |
N/A |
30,000 |
Larry N. Middleton |
20,004 |
9,996 |
N/A |
N/A |
30,000 |
Peter L. Pairitz |
24,004 |
9,996 |
N/A |
N/A |
34,000 |
Bruce E. Rampage(2) |
6,962 |
3,475 |
N/A |
N/A |
10,437 |
Robert E. Swinehart |
22,004 |
9,996 |
N/A |
N/A |
32,000 |
Spero W. Valavanis |
22,004 |
9,996 |
N/A |
N/A |
32,000 |
1. |
Mr. Dabagia receives a salary of $60,000 for his services to Horizon and
receives no director fees. |
2. |
Mr. Rampage served through May 2009 and received Director Compensation for the
period of service rendered. |
Horizon paid each of its non-employee directors a cash retainer of $20,004 and a bonus in
Common Shares equal in value to $9,996 for their services in 2009. Active employees of Horizon
and/or the Bank receive no separate compensation for their services as directors. The Chairpersons
of the Compensation Committee and Loan Committee receive an additional cash amount of $4,000, the
Chairperson of the Audit Committee receives an additional $6,000 and the Chairpersons of the Asset
Liability Committee, Trust Committee, Long Range Planning Committee and Trust Committee receive an
additional $2,000. Directors do not receive additional compensation for attending meetings of
committees of the Board or for special assignments or meetings.
Horizon sponsors a Directors Deferred Compensation Plan, which allows non-employee directors of
Horizon and the Bank to elect to defer the receipt of fees for their services. Earnings on fees
deferred under the plan are based on the five-year Treasury rate plus 200 basis points but not to
exceed 120% of the Applicable Federal Long-Term Rate for monthly compounding. Payments of deferred
fees are made to participants or their beneficiaries in a lump sum or annual installments upon
death or disability of the participants or as designated by participants. Participants have no
rights to amounts deferred other than rights as general creditors of Horizon.
Report of the Audit Committee
This report is being provided to inform shareholders of the Audit Committees oversight with
respect to Horizons financial reporting.
Review with Management and Independent Auditors
The Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed with management the audited financial statements for
the year ended December 31, 2009. In addition, the Audit Committee has discussed with BKD, LLP all
communications required by generally accepted auditing standards, including the matters required to
be discussed by the Statement of Auditing Standards No. 61, as amended (AICPA, Professional
Standards, Vol. 1. AU section 380), as adopted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board in
Rule 3200T.
The Audit Committee has received the written disclosures and the letter from BKD, LLP required by
applicable requirements of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding BKD, LLPs
communications with the Audit Committee concerning independence, and has discussed with BKD, LLP
their independence.
In reliance on the reviews and discussions referred to above, the Audit Committee recommended to
the Board of Directors that the audited financial statements be included in the Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009, to be filed with the Securities and Exchange
Charley Gillispie, Chairperson
James B. Dworkin
Robert McBride
Bruce Rampage
Robert E. Swinehart, Alternate
Common Share Ownership by Directors and Executive Officers
The following table sets forth the number and percent of Common Shares beneficially owned by the
directors, the executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table, and all directors and
executive officers as a group as of January 1, 2010.
Name |
Shares Beneficially Owned(1) |
Percentage |
Directors: |
Susan D. Aaron
5,784 |
* |
Lawrence E. Burnell
(2) |
* |
Robert C. Dabagia
(3) |
1.2 |
% |
Craig M. Dwight
(4) |
3.0 |
% |
James B. Dworkin
(5) |
* |
Charley E. Gillispie
(6) |
* |
Daniel F. Hopp
(7) |
* |
Robert E. McBride, M.D.
(8) |
* |
Larry N. Middleton
(9) |
* |
Peter L. Pairitz
15,429 |
* |
Robert E. Swinehart
(10) |
* |
Spero W. Valavanis
7,509 |
* |
Other Executive Officers: |
Thomas H. Edwards
31,876 |
(11) |
1.0 |
% |
James D. Neff
42,698 |
(12) |
1.3 |
% |
Mark E. Secor
4,491 |
(13) |
* |
Donald E. Radde
9,897 |
(14) |
* |
All Directors and
Executive Officers as a
Group (16 Persons):
(15) |
9.3 |
% |
* |
Beneficial ownership is less than one percent. |
1. |
The information shown regarding shares beneficially owned is based upon
information furnished to Horizon by the individuals listed. The nature of beneficial
ownership, unless otherwise noted, represents sole voting or investment power. Stock
options that vested on or before March 1, 2010, are included in the number of shares
beneficially owned. |
2. |
The shares are held by a trust for which Mr. Burnell is the grantor and serves
as trustee. |
3. |
Includes 3,150 shares that are owned by Mr. Dabagias spouse and 29,200 shares
held by a trust for which Mr. Dabagia serves as trustee and is a beneficiary. |
4. |
Includes 65,117 shares owned jointly by Mr. Dwight and his spouse and that are
pledged to an unaffiliated financial institution as security for a loan); 22,759 shares
held by the Horizon ESOP; and 4,758 shares held by the Horizon Thrift Plan. |
5. |
Includes 2,582 shares owned jointly by Mr. Dworkin and his spouse. |
6. |
Includes 3,698 shares owned jointly by Mr. Gillispie and his spouse. |
7. |
All shares are owned jointly by Mr. Hopp and his spouse. |
8. |
The shares are held by a trust for which Dr. McBride serves as trustee. |
9. |
Includes 6,662 shares owned jointly by Mr. Middleton and his spouse and 529
shares owned by his spouse. |
10. |
Includes 4,454 shares owned jointly by Mr. Swinehart and his spouse and 6,047
shares held in a trust for which Mr. Swinehart serves as trustee and is a beneficiary. |
11. |
Includes 1,000 shares owned by Mr. Edwards spouse, 6,000 vested stock options
granted under the 1997 Stock Option Plan, 3,176 shares held by the Horizon ESOP and
3,692 shares held by the Horizon Thrift Plan. |
12. |
Includes 1,800 vested stock options granted under the 1997 Stock Option Plan,
2,745 shares held by the Horizon ESOP and 3,603 shares held by the Horizon Thrift Plan. |
13. |
Includes 2,000 vested stock options granted under the Omnibus Plan. |
14. |
Includes 3,645 shares held in a trust for which Mr. Radde is the trustee and
beneficiary, 3,800 vested stock options under the Omnibus Plan, 1,261 shares held by
the Horizon ESOP and 1,191 shares held by the Horizon Thrift Plan. |
15. |
Includes 13,600 shares covered by stock options and 149,228 shares as to which
voting and investment powers are shared by members of the group with their spouses or
other family members or held by family trusts. |
Stock Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
To the best of Horizons knowledge, as of December 31, 2009, the only shareholder or group of
shareholders beneficially owning more than 5% of the outstanding Common Shares was Wellington
Management Company, LLP, which reported in Amendment No. 2 to a Schedule 13G filed on February 12,
2010, beneficial ownership of 323,891 shares, representing 9.89% of the Common Shares.
Darhap & Co., the nominee for Horizon Trust & Investment Management, N.A., a subsidiary of the
Bank, held 639,898 Common Shares as of December 31, 2009. Darhap & Co. exercises voting or
investment authority with respect to only 17,956 of those shares (representing .05% of the
outstanding shares).
Certain Business Relationships and Transactions
In accordance with our Audit Committee Charter and NASDAQ requirements, the Audit Committee is
responsible for reviewing and approving the terms and conditions of all related person
transactions. Horizons Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation provided the procedures for
the Board to follow in approving or ratifying transactions with Horizon in which a director has a
direct or indirect interest. The Articles provide that such transactions will be approved or
ratified upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors on the Board or a Board committee
who do not have a direct or indirect interest in the transaction or by a vote of the shareholders.
Horizons Code of Ethics for Executive Officers and Directors and the Advisor Code of Conduct for
Horizon and the Bank provide the policies and procedures for the review and approval or
ratification of conflict of interest transactions. Any situations involving potential conflicts of
interest involving an executive officer, director or member of his or her family, if material, are
to be reported and discussed with the Code of Ethics contact person. For
executive officers, the
contact person is the Chief Executive Officer, or if the executive officer believes it more
appropriate, the Chairman of the Audit Committee. For directors, the contact person is the Chairman
of the Audit Committee.
Directors and executive officers of Horizon and their associates were customers of, and had
transactions with, the Bank in the ordinary course of business during 2009. The Bank expects that
comparable transactions will occur in the future. These transactions were made in the ordinary
course of business on substantially the same terms, including interest rates, collateral and
repayment terms, as those prevailing at the time for comparable transactions with unrelated third
parties. In the opinion of Horizons management, these transactions did not involve more than
normal risk of collectibility or present other unfavorable features. Loans made to directors and
executive officers are in compliance with federal banking regulations and are thereby exempt from
insider loan prohibitions included in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
Proposal 2
Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation
Background of the Proposal
The ARRA contains a requirement that financial institutions, like Horizon, that issued preferred
stock and warrants to the Treasury Department under the TARP Capital Purchase Program permit a
separate, non-binding shareholder vote to approve the compensation of the financial institutions
executive officers. The SEC has issued guidance that requires participants in the TARP Capital
Purchase Program to submit to shareholders annually for their approval the executive compensation
arrangements as described in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis and the tabular disclosure
regarding named executive officer compensation (together with the accompanying narrative
disclosure) in their proxy statements. Accordingly, we are asking you to approve the compensation
of Horizons named executive officers as described in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis and
the executive compensation tables in this proxy statement. At the 2009 Annual Meeting, shareholders
approved the compensation of Horizons named executive officers, with 96% of the shares voted on
the proposal voting in favor of the compensation arrangements.
Executive Compensation
Horizon believes that its compensation is focused on principles that are strongly aligned with the
long-term interests of shareholders. We believe that both Horizon and our shareholders benefit from
our compensation policies and practices. The proposal described below, commonly known as a say on
pay proposal, gives you as a shareholder the opportunity to endorse or not endorse our executive
compensation program for named executive officers described in this Proxy Statement.
A main objective of our executive compensation program is to align a significant portion of each
executive officers total compensation with Horizons annual and long-term performance and with the
interests of our shareholders. A second, related objective of the executive compensation program is
to attract and retain experienced, highly qualified executives so as to enhance Horizons long-term
success and shareholder value. The Board of Directors believes that Horizons compensation policies
and procedures achieve these objectives.
During 2009, Horizons Compensation Committee held a joint session with the Audit Committee,
Horizons Chief Risk Officer and Horizons independent internal auditing firm to review executive
officers incentive compensation program for any features that may incentivize undue risk taking.
The participants in this joint session concluded that Horizons incentive compensation plans have
several features that help mitigate the possibility that executive officers will take undue risks.
These features include the following:
The Compensation Committee may unilaterally amend, modify or cancel the plans at any
time at their sole discretion. |
Named executive officer bonuses will only be paid if Horizon achieves a minimum net
income level that is more than sufficient to cover fixed costs and dividends at the
holding company. This minimum net income level supports the concept that the
shareholders are paid first and ahead of executive officer bonuses. |
Executive officers will only be paid bonuses if they are in good standing with
Horizon and not under a performance warning, suspension or individual regulatory
sanction. |
The Committee or its designee is to review and approve all executive officer bonuses
prior to payment. |
Bonuses are subject to receipt of an unqualified opinion by Horizons independent
accountants on its most current year-end financial statements. |
In addition, based on information from Cook & Co., Horizons compensation consultants, and other
sources, we believe our compensation levels for our executive officers are within acceptance ranges
based on our performance in the top quartile of our peer group.
Shareholders are encouraged to carefully review the Compensation Discussion and Analysis and
Executive Compensation Tables sections of this Proxy Statement for a detailed discussion of
Horizons executive compensation program.
As required by the ARRA and the guidance provided by the SEC, the Board of Directors has authorized
a shareholder vote on Horizons executive compensation plans, programs and arrangements as
reflected in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, the disclosures regarding named executive
officer compensation provided in the various tables included in this Proxy Statement, the
accompanying narrative disclosures and the other compensation information provided in this Proxy
Statement. This proposal gives our shareholders the opportunity to endorse or not endorse Horizons
executive compensation program and policies through the following resolution:
Resolved, that the shareholders of Horizon Bancorp approve the compensation of the
named executive officers as disclosed in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis,
the compensation tables and the related material in the Proxy Statement for the 2010
Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
Vote Required and Effect
Approval of Horizons executive compensation policies and procedures would require that the number
of votes cast in favor of the proposal exceed the number of votes cast against the proposal.
Because this shareholder vote is advisory, it will not be binding upon the Board of Directors.
However, the Compensation Committee and the Board of Directors will take into account the outcome
of the vote when considering future executive compensation arrangements.
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote For approval of this proposal on
executive compensation (Item 2 on the Proxy Card)
Proposal 3
Approval of the Amended Horizon Bancorp 2003 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan
On March 8, 2010, Horizons Board of Directors unanimously adopted, subject to the approval of the
shareholders at this Annual Meeting, certain amendments to the Horizon Bancorp 2003 Omnibus Equity
Incentive Plan (the Omnibus Plan). The amendments would make an additional 175,000 Common Shares
available for issuance and would provide that the additional shares would be available for the
of non-option awards. The amendments would also update certain provisions of the Omnibus Plan
to reflect recent changes in compensation practices.
As a consequence of Horizons participation in the Troubled Asset Relief Program Capital Purchase
Program, which is discussed above in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, Horizon is
prohibited from accruing or paying any bonuses, retention awards or incentive compensation to its
five most highly compensated employees during the period that TARP Capital Purchase Program
obligations (other than warrants) remain outstanding, unless those bonuses, retention awards or
incentive compensation are in the form of restricted stock. Horizon has determined to award
restricted stock, in lieu of cash, to those employees subject to the Capital Purchase Program
Although shares remain available for issuance under the Omnibus Plan, the number of shares
authorized for non-option awards, such as restricted stock grants, is insufficient for our
projected annual future grants and awards and for the restricted stock awards we anticipate making
to employees subject to the Capital Purchase Program restrictions.
The Compensation Committee engaged Cook & Co. to review the reasonableness of increasing the number
of shares available for awards under the Omnibus Plan in comparison with peer data. Cook & Co.s
report supported the reasonableness of the increase in the number of shares, finding that the
increase results in the total shares available under the Omnibus Plan being in line with our peer
median. Cook & Co. also suggested the adoption of additional amendments to bring the Omnibus Plan
in line with current executive compensation trends and practices with respect to equity awards.
Horizons Compensation Committee and Board of Directors adopted amendments to implement Cook &
Co.s suggestions, and as a result, the amended Omnibus Plan provides as follows:
1. |
The Committee may accelerate the exercisability or vesting of an award only in
connection with a participants death, disability, retirement, in connection with a
change in control of Horizon, or to the extent such actions involve an aggregate number
of shares not in excess of five percent of the number of shares available for awards. |
2. |
Dividends or dividend equivalents on unvested portions of awards whose vesting
is subject to the achievement of specified performance goals will now be subject to the
same restrictions as the underlying shares or units to which such dividends or dividend
equivalents relate. |
3. |
The prohibition on repricing of options has been enhanced except in connection
certain corporate transactions involving Horizon. The Committee also is now required to
obtain shareholder approval prior to amending any repricing provision. |
4. |
A net share settlement has been added as a method of exercise for options,
whereby Horizon will withhold a sufficient number of shares upon exercise to equal the
aggregate exercise price and minimum required tax withholding amounts, and will issue
only the net after-tax profit shares received from such exercise. |
5. |
The performance goals for awards of restricted stock, performance shares and
performance units intended to qualify these awards as performance-based compensation
have been broadened to include the performance goals listed in the Omnibus Plan that
may be used for all awards. |
6. |
The Omnibus Plan now includes a definitive term of ten years from the date of
the original shareholder approval. |
The Board of Directors believes these amendments will better align the interests of management with
shareholders interests and help retain key managers, including those highly compensated employees
who are subject to the Capital Purchase Program compensation restrictions.
The Omnibus Plan has been designed to satisfy the requirements of Section 162(m) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code), which generally denies a corporate-level income tax
deduction for annual compensation in excess of $1,000,000 paid to the chief executive officer and
the four other most highly compensated officers of a public company (Covered Employees). Certain
types of compensation, including performance-based compensation, which meet the requirements of
Code Section 162(m), are generally excluded from this deduction limit. (Participants in the TARP
Capital Purchase Program, such as Horizon, are subject to a $500,000 cap on tax-deductible
compensation without any offset for performance-based compensation.)
It is contemplated that awards made under the Omnibus Plan to a Covered Employee will constitute
performance-based compensation under Code Section 162(m). A detailed summary of the Omnibus Plan,
as amended, is provided below.
Shareholder Approval and Board Recommendation
The proposal to approve the Amended Horizon Bancorp 2003 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan requires
that a majority of the votes cast be in favor of the proposal.
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends that shareholders vote For the approval of
Amended Horizon Bancorp 2003 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan (Item 3 on the Proxy Card)
Summary of the Omnibus Plan
The following is a summary of the material features of the Omnibus Plan, as amended. The summary
does not purport to be a complete description of all the provisions of the Omnibus Plan and is
qualified in its entirety by the terms of the Omnibus Plan, a copy of which is attached to this
Proxy Statement as Appendix A.
The primary purpose of the Omnibus Plan is to promote the growth and financial success of Horizon
by providing incentives to employees and non-employee directors so as to align their interests,
through ownership of Common Shares and other awards, with the interests of Horizons shareholders.
The Omnibus Plan is designed to provide an incentive for excellence in individual performance and
teamwork. The Omnibus Plan is also designed to provide flexibility to Horizon with regard to its
ability to motivate, attract and retain the services of employees and non-employee directors who
make significant contributions to Horizons success and to allow such employees and non-employee
directors to share in that success.
The Omnibus Plan is effective for a ten-year term that commenced on February 1, 2003.
The Omnibus Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors (the
Committee). (The Board of Directors retains the authority under the Omnibus Plan to appoint
another committee to administer the Omnibus Plan in the future.) The Committee will be composed of
no fewer than three directors, each of whom will qualify as a non-employee director under Rule
16b-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the Exchange Act) and, to the extent required,
as an outside director within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code (the
Code). All of the current members of the Compensation Committee meet NASDAQ standards for
The Committee has the sole authority, subject to the terms of the Omnibus Plan, to:
Select participants and determine the type of awards |
Determine the terms and conditions of awards |
Construe and interpret the Omnibus Plan |
Establish, amend and waive the rules and regulations for administering the Omnibus
Plan |
All decisions made by the Committee will be final and binding.
All employees and non-employee directors of Horizon and any of its subsidiaries or affiliates (the
term Horizon is used in this summary of the Omnibus Plan to include any subsidiaries or
affiliates) are eligible to receive awards as participants under the Omnibus Plan. Currently, there
are approximately 304 employees and non-employee directors who are eligible for grants under the
Omnibus Plan. The Committee will select the participants based on their functions and
responsibilities, the value of the services they provide to Horizon and such other factors as the
Committee, it its sole discretion, deems relevant.
Shares Subject to the Omnibus Plan
The Omnibus Plan authorizes the issuance of up to 275,000 Common Shares, plus (i) that number of
shares that are tendered to or withheld by Horizon in connection with the exercise of options; and
(ii) that number of Common Shares that are purchased by Horizon with the cash proceeds received
upon option exercises. The Committee also has the discretion to add to the number of Common Shares
authorized for issuance under the Omnibus Plan that number of Common Shares having a value equal to
the income tax deductions recognized by Horizon in connection with the exercise of nonqualified
stock options. At March 9, 2010, 320,729 Common Shares were available for issuance under the
Omnibus Plan (including the 175,000 Common Shares added by the amendments, subject to shareholder
approval, and reflecting the effect of the November 2003 three-for-two stock split on the shares
originally available under the Omnibus Plan) and the market value of those Common Shares was
$6,023,291. The Omnibus Plan limits the number of Common Shares available to 100,000 for incentive
stock options and to 225,000 for the grant of non-option awards (including the 175,000 Common
Shares added by the amendments, subject to shareholder approval). The Omnibus Plan also provides
that no participant will be granted an award for more than 100,000 Common Shares during any fiscal
year and no participant will receive performance units having an initial value greater than
$1,000,000. Subject to the foregoing limits, the Common Shares available for issuance under the
Omnibus Plan may be divided among the various types of awards and among the participants as the
Committee determines. The Common Shares issued pursuant to awards may be authorized but unissued
Common Shares or Common Shares that Horizon has reacquired in the open market. The number of Common
Shares subject to the Omnibus Plan and subject to awards that are outstanding under the Omnibus
Plan will be adjusted by the Committee to reflect stock dividends or splits, recapitalizations,
reclassifications, mergers, consolidations, combinations or exchanges of shares and similar
corporate capital structure changes.
Types of Awards
The Committee is authorized to grant any type of award to a participant that is consistent with the
provisions of the Omnibus Plan. Awards may consist of the following:
Incentive stock options |
Nonqualified stock options |
Stock appreciation rights |
Restricted stock |
Performance units |
Performance shares |
Any combination of the above |
Subject to the terms of the Omnibus Plan, the Committee determines the provisions, terms and
conditions of each award. The Committee may grant awards subject to vesting schedules or
restrictions and contingencies. Awards may be accelerated so as to become fully vested, exercisable
and released from
any restrictions or contingencies, however, only upon the participants death,
disability or retirement; the occurrence of a change in control; or to the extent such actions
involve an aggregate number of shares not in excess of five percent of the number of shares
available for awards. The Omnibus Plan defines change in control to include the following: any
merger, consolidation or similar transaction involving Horizon in which the persons who are
shareholders of Horizon immediately prior to the transaction own, after the transaction, 50 percent
or less of the voting rights of all voting rights of the surviving entity; any sale, lease,
exchange, transfer or other disposition of all or any substantial part of Horizons assets; and any
tender, exchange or purchase (other than by Horizon, any Horizon-sponsored employee benefit plan or
members of the Board of Directors) of 25 percent of the voting power of Horizon; a change in a
majority membership of the Board over a two-year period unless the election of each director at the
beginning of the period was approved by at least a majority of the directors then in office; and
any agreement or transaction that is approved by a majority of the members of the Board and results
in any of the previously described transactions. The Committee may provide that stock-based awards
earn dividends or dividend equivalents, which may be paid in cash, Common Shares or credited to an
account designated in the name of the participants.
Performance Goals
Awards may be granted subject to the satisfaction of performance goals. The goals will require a
targeted level or levels of financial achievement with respect to one or more of the following
business criteria: (a) return on assets; (b) earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortization; (c) net income; (d) total shareholder return; (e) return on equity; (f) affiliate or
division operating income; (g) pre- or after-tax income; (h) cash flow; (i) cash flow per share;
(j) earnings per share (basic or diluted); (k) return on invested capital; (l) economic value added
(or an equivalent metric); (m) share price performance; (n) improvement in, or attainment of,
expense levels; and (o) improvement in or attainment of working capital levels.
Stock Options
The Committee may designate options awarded under the Omnibus Plan as incentive stock options, a
type of option authorized under the Code. The Code limits the grant of incentive stock options to
employees and imposes other conditions that options must satisfy to qualify as incentive stock
options. Options not designated as incentive stock options are referred to as nonqualified
options. The principal difference between incentive stock options and nonqualified options is their
tax treatment for Horizon and optionees. See Federal Income Tax Consequences below.
Each option granted under the Omnibus Plan must be evidenced by a written agreement that specifies
the type of option, the number of Common Shares covered, the exercise price, when and under what
circumstances the option becomes exercisable, any restriction on transferability of shares received
on the exercise, the duration of the option and such other terms and conditions as the Committee
determines, within the limits prescribed by the Omnibus Plan.
The Committee will determine the per share exercise price of all options, but the exercise price
may not be less than 100 percent of the fair market value of the shares covered by the option on
the date of grant. No option may be exercised more than 10 years after its date of grant. Payment
of the exercise price may be made with cash, with previously owned Common Shares, by the delivery
of cash by a broker-dealer in a cashless exercise or by a combination of these methods.
Stock Appreciation Rights
Three types of stock appreciation rights (SARs) may be granted under the Omnibus Plan:
Affiliated SARS |
Tandem SARs |
An Affiliated SAR is an SAR that is granted in connection with a related option and is
automatically deemed to be exercised at the same time as the related option is exercised. A Tandem
SAR is an SAR that is granted in connection with a related option and may be exercised for all or
part of the shares subject to the related option upon the surrender of the right to exercise the
equivalent portion of the related option. The exercise of a Tandem SAR, unlike the exercise of an
Affiliated SAR, reduces the number of shares subject to the related option. A Freestanding SAR is
an SAR that is granted independently of any stock option. Freestanding SARs are exercisable at such
time as the Committee determines.
The exercise price of each Freestanding SAR must be not less than 100 percent of the fair market
value of a Common Share on the date of grant and the exercise price of an Affiliated SAR or a
Tandem SAR must be equal to the exercise price of the option to which such SAR relates. A holder of
an SAR is entitled on exercise to receive a number of Common Shares, cash or a combination thereof,
as determined by the Committee, that is equal in value to the amount by which the fair market value
of one Common Share on the exercise date exceeds the exercise price multiplied by the number of
Common Shares with respect to which the SAR is exercised.
Restricted Stock
The Omnibus Plan also authorizes the Committee to grant shares of Restricted Stock to
participants. Restricted Stock grants will be subject to the vesting period and other restrictions
imposed by the Committee, such as the achievement of specific Horizon or individual performance
goals. The performance goals will be selected from among those listed above under Performance
Each grant of Restricted Stock will be evidenced by a restricted stock agreement that specifies the
period of restriction, the number of shares of Restricted Stock granted and such other provisions
as the Committee determines. Generally, all rights with respect to the Restricted Stock will be
exercisable only during the participants lifetime and only by the participant. Restricted Stock
may not be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged or otherwise encumbered. During the period of
restriction, participants holding Restricted Stock may exercise full voting rights with respect to
the shares. Upon the lapse of the applicable period of restriction, the shares of Restricted Stock
will become transferable.
Performance Units and Performance Shares
The Omnibus Plan also authorizes the Committee to grant Performance Units and Performance
Shares. Performance Units or Performance Shares provide that if the specified performance goals
set by the Committee at the time of grant are achieved over the period of time specified by the
Committee (the Performance Period), the participant will receive the value of the Performance
Units or Performance Shares. Payments may be made in Common Shares, cash or a combination thereof,
as determined by the Committee. The Committee will select performance goals from those listed above
under Performance Goals.
Limits on Transferability and Exercisability
No award may be sold, transferred, assigned, pledged or hypothecated, other than by will or the
laws of descent and distribution. During a participants lifetime, all rights to an award will be
exercisable only by the participant. Options and SARs will be exercisable at such times as the
Committee determines and specifies in the applicable award agreement. In the discretion of the
Committee, however, nonqualified options may be transferred to immediate family members, to trusts
for the benefit of immediate family members or partnerships or limited liability companies in which
the participant and/or the immediate family members are the only equity owners.
Amendment and Discontinuance
The Board of Directors may amend, alter or discontinue the Omnibus Plan, subject to certain
restrictions. Generally, the Board may not make any amendment, alteration or discontinuance that
would adversely affect any outstanding award unless the participant consents in writing. The
Committee may modify or adjust an award, however, if necessary to avoid a material charge or
expense to Horizon, to cause the Omnibus Plan to comply with applicable law or to permit Horizon to
claim a tax deduction. Shareholder approval is required for any supplement, amendment or alteration
to the Omnibus Plan or to an award agreement that would increase the number of Common Shares
subject to the Omnibus Plan or increase the maximum number of options, SARs, shares of Restricted
Stock, Performance Units or Performance Shares that may be awarded to an individual participant.
(Shareholder approval is not required for adjustments authorized in the Omnibus Plan to reflect
stock dividends and splits, recapitalizations and similar changes.)
Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences
The following is a brief summary of the federal income tax provisions currently applicable to
options, SARs, Restricted Stock, Performance Units and Performance Shares granted under the Omnibus
Plan. The laws that govern the tax aspects of awards under the Omnibus Plan are highly technical
and are subject to change.
Nonqualified Options and SARs
A participant will not recognize any taxable income upon the grant of a nonqualified option (with
or without a Tandem or Affiliated SAR). On the exercise of a nonqualified option, the participant
will recognize ordinary income equal to the excess of the fair market value of the Common Shares
acquired on the exercise of the nonqualified option over the purchase price (the spread). On the
exercise of an SAR, the participant will recognize ordinary income equal to amount received upon
the exercise of the SAR. An employee participant shall be subject to withholding of income and
payroll taxes on the spread by Horizon as required by federal and state law. A participant who is
subject to the six-month short-swing profit recovery provisions of Section 16(b) of the Exchange
Act (generally executive officers), however, will not recognize ordinary income at the time of
exercise of the option but rather upon the expiration of the six-month period. Horizon generally
will be entitled to a federal income tax deduction in an amount equal to the compensation income
recognized by the participant.
Incentive Stock Options
A participant will not recognize taxable income on the grant or exercise of an incentive stock
option. The spread at the time of exercise, however, will constitute a tax preference item in
determining whether the participant is liable for the alternative minimum tax. Such alternative
minimum tax may be payable even though the participant does not receive any cash upon the exercise
of the incentive stock option with which to pay such tax. Upon the sale of shares acquired pursuant
to the exercise of an incentive stock option after the later of (i) two years from the date of
grant of the incentive stock option, or (ii) one year after the date of exercise (the ISO Holding
Period), the participant will recognize capital gain or loss, as the case may be, measured by the
difference between the net sales proceeds received on the sale and the exercise price. However, the
participant will recognize ordinary income on such amount if the amount if realized by a sale of
such shares prior to the ISO Holding Period. Horizon is not entitled to any tax deduction by reason
of the grant or exercise of an incentive stock option, or by reason of a disposition of stock
received upon exercise of an incentive stock option, if the ISO Holding Period is satisfied.
Horizon does receive a deduction if the participant disposes of the shares before the expiration of
the ISO Holding Period. If the options exercisable for the first time by a participant during any
calendar year have a fair market value in excess of $100,000, those options will be treated as
nonqualified options and will be subject to the same tax treatment as nonqualified options, as
discussed above.
Restricted Stock
A participant who receives an award of Restricted Stock may make a Section 83(b) election to have
the award taxed as compensation income at the date of receipt, with the result that any future
appreciation (or depreciation) in the value of the shares granted will be taxed as capital gain (or
loss) on the later sale of the shares. Any such election (a Section 83(b) election) must be made
and filed with the Internal Revenue Service within 30 days after receipt in accordance with the
Income Tax Regulations under Code Section 83(b). If the participant does not make a Section 83(b)
election, the grant will be taxed as compensation income at the full fair market value on the date
that the restrictions imposed on the shares lapse. Any dividends paid on Restricted Stock are
compensation income to the participant. Horizon is generally entitled to a tax deduction for any
compensation income taxed to the participant, subject to the provisions of Code Section 162(m).
Performance Units and Performance Shares
A participant who receives an award of Performance Shares or Performance Units also may make a
Section 83(b) election to have the award taxed as compensation income at the date of receipt with
the same result as described above under Restricted Stock. If the participant does not make the
Section 83(b) election, he or she will not recognize taxable income until the Performance Units or
Performance Shares vest and the participant receives stock and/or cash distributed in payment of
the award. At that time, the participant must recognize income, which is taxed as compensation in
an amount equal to the fair market value of the shares delivered and/or the amount of cash paid.
Horizon generally will be allowed a corresponding tax deduction equal to the compensation taxable
to the participant, subject to the provisions of Code Section 162(m).
Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m)
In 1993, Congress enacted Section 162(m) of the Code, which disallows corporate deductibility for
compensation paid in excess of $1,000,000 to the chief executive officer and the other three
highest paid employees, unless the compensation is payable solely on achievement of an objective
performance goal. The Omnibus Plan has been structured to give the Compensation Committee the
discretion to award compensation which satisfies the requirements of Section 162(m) of the Code.
Consequently, the Compensation Committee intends, to the extent practical and consistent with the
best interests of Horizon its shareholders, to use compensation policies and programs that preserve
the tax deductibility of compensation expenses.
Code Section 409A
The above discussion does not address the federal income tax consequences of awards under Section
409A of the Code. Section 409A was added to the Code by the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 and
generally affects amounts deferred under a covered non-qualified deferred compensation plan after
December 31, 2004, and such prior deferrals under a plan that has been materially modified after
October 3, 2004. Section 409A provides that covered amounts deferred under a non-qualified deferred
compensation plan are includable in the participants gross income and subject to 20 percentage
points of additional tax plus, in certain cases, an interest charge, to the extent not subject to a
substantial risk of forfeiture and not previously included in income, unless certain requirements
are met, including limitations on the timing of deferral elections and events that may trigger the
distribution of deferred amounts. Certain types of awards under the Omnibus Plan (other than
incentive stock options and non-qualified stock options that meet the rules to be exempt from
Section 409A) may be subject to Section 409A. It is the intent of the Board that awards under the
Omnibus Plan be structured so that they are not subject to Section 409A. If subject to Section
409A, however, the Omnibus Plan and the award agreements are intended to comply with Section 409A
Equity Compensation Plan Information
The following table presents information regarding grants under all equity compensation plans of
Horizon through December 31, 2009.
Number of Securities Remaining |
Number of Securities to be |
Weighted-Average Exercise |
Available for Future Issuance |
Issued Upon Exercise of |
Price of Outstanding |
Under Equity Compensation Plans |
Outstanding Options, Warrants |
Options, Warrants and |
(Excluding Securities Reflected |
Plan Category |
and Rights |
Rights |
in the First Column) |
Equity compensation
plans approved by
security holders
(1) |
47,250 |
$ |
18.48 |
145,729 |
Equity compensation
plans not approved
by security holders |
Total |
47,250 |
$ |
18.48 |
145,729 |
(1) |
Represents options granted or available under the 1997 Key Employees Stock Option and
Stock Appreciation Rights Plan of Horizon Bancorp and the Horizon Bancorp 2003 Omnibus Equity
Incentive Plan. |
Proposal 4
Ratification of Appointment of Independent Auditors
BKD, LLP served as Horizons independent auditors for 2009. Upon the recommendation of the Audit
Committee, the Board of Directors has selected BKD, LLP as Horizons independent auditors for 2010.
BKD, LLP has served as Horizons independent auditors since 1998. Shareholder ratification of the
appointment of the independent auditors is not required by law, but the Audit Committee has
proposed and recommended the submission of the appointment of BKD, LLP to the shareholders to give
the shareholders input into the designation of the auditors.
Ratification of the appointment of Horizons independent auditor requires that more shares be voted
in favor of the proposal than against the proposal. If the shareholders do not ratify the selection
of BKD, LLP, the Audit Committee may reconsider its selection of BKD, LLP as independent auditors.
Even if this proposal to ratify the auditors is approved, the Audit Committee, in its discretion,
may direct the appointment of different independent auditors at any time during the year if it
determines that such a change would be in the best interests of Horizon and its shareholders.
Representatives of BKD, LLP are expected to be present at the Annual Meeting to respond to
appropriate questions and to make such statements as they may desire.
The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors recommends that shareholders vote For the
ratification of the appointment of BKD, LLP as Horizons independent auditors for 2010 (Item 4 on
the Proxy Card).
Auditor Fees and Services
BKD, LLP served as Horizons independent auditors for 2009 and 2008. The services performed by BKD,
LLP in this capacity included conducting an examination in accordance with generally accepted
auditing standards of, and expressing an opinion on, Horizons consolidated financial statements.
Board of Directors has selected BKD, LLP as the independent public accountants for 2010 and is
seeking shareholder ratification at the Annual Meeting.
Audit Fees
BKD, LLPs fees for professional services rendered in connection with the audit and review of Forms
10-Q and all other SEC regulatory filings were $181,100 for 2009 and $181,100 for 2008. Horizon has
paid and is current on all billed fees.
Audit-Related Fees
BKD, LLPs fees for audit-related services rendered in connection with consultation on financial
accounting and reporting issues were $2,000 for 2009 and $2,000 for 2008. All of such fees have
been paid.
Tax Fees
BKD, LLPs fees for tax services were $31,345 for 2009 and $33,870 for 2008. All such fees have
been paid.
All Other Fees
BKD, LLPs other fees for 2009 were $6,000 and related to cost segregation services for tax
planning. There were no other fees for 2008.
Board of Directors Pre-Approval
Horizons Audit Committee formally adopted resolutions pre-approving the engagement of BKD LLP to
act as our independent auditor for the two fiscal years ended December 31, 2009. The Audit
Committee has not adopted pre-approval policies and procedures in accordance with paragraph
(c)(7)(i) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X, because it anticipates that in the future the engagement
of BKD LLP will be pre-approved by the Audit Committee. All audit-related fees and fees for tax
services for 2009 and 2008 were pre-approved by the Audit Committee. Horizons independent auditors
performed all work described above with their respective full-time, permanent employees.
Proposal 5
Shareholder Proposal to Declassify the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote AGAINST
the following shareholder proposal.
Shareholder Proposal
Gerald R. Armstrong of 910 Sixteenth Street, No. 412, Denver, Colorado 80202-2917, owner of 306.156
Common Shares, has notified us that he intends to present the following proposal at the Annual
Meeting. If properly presented, this proposal will be voted on at the Annual Meeting.
As required by the rules of the SEC, the text of the resolution and the supporting statement of Mr.
Armstrong are included below exactly as submitted by him. The Board of Directors and Horizon are
not responsible for the contents of the proposal or supporting statement.
Mr. Armstrong submitted the following resolution and statement:
That the shareholders of Horizon Bancorp request its Board of Directors to take the steps necessary
to eliminate classification of terms of the Board of Directors to require that all Directors stand
for election annually. The Board declassification shall be completed in a manner that does not
affect the unexpired terms of the previously-elected Directors.
The current practice of electing only one-third of the directors for three-year terms is not in the
best interest of the corporation or its shareholders. Eliminating this staggered system increases
accountability and gives shareholders the opportunity to express their views on the performance of
each director annually. The proponent believes the election of directors is the strongest way that
shareholders influence the direction of any corporation and our corporation should be no exception.
As a professional investor, the proponent has introduced the proposal at several corporations which
have adopted it. In others, opposed by the board or management, it has received votes in excess of
70% and is likely to be reconsidered favorably.
The proponent believes that increased accountability must be given our shareholders whose capital
has been entrusted in the form of share investments especially during these times of great economic
Arthur Levitt, former Chairman of The Securities and Exchange Commission said, in my view, its
best for the investor if the entire board is elected once a year. Without annual election of each
director, shareholders have far less control over who represents them.
While management may argue that directors need and deserve continuity, management should become
aware that continuity and tenure may be best assured when their performance as directors is
exemplary and is deemed beneficial to the best interests of the corporation and its shareholders.
The proponent regards as unfounded the concern expressed by some that annual election of all
directors could leave companies without experienced directors in the event that all incumbents are
voted out by shareholders.
In the unlikely event that shareholders do vote to replace all directors, such a decision would
express dissatisfaction with the incumbent directors and reflect the need for change.
If you agree that shareholders may benefit from greater accountability afforded by annual election
of all directors, please vote FOR this proposal.
Board of Directors Recommendation
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote AGAINST this shareholder proposal.
Your Board of Directors has previously considered whether it would be in the best interest of
Horizon and its shareholders to shorten the terms of directors to one year and to hold annual
elections of all members of the Board of Directors, and we considered this change again when we
received Mr. Armstrongs proposal. After careful deliberation, however, we concluded that for the
reasons described below, it is in the best interests of Horizon and its shareholders to maintain a
classified Board of Directors with directors serving three-year terms.
Long-Term Outlook. We believe that one-year director terms could encourage a short-term focus
on profitability, which would not be beneficial to our shareholders. We believe that we must
maintain a clear focus on the long-term interests of our shareholders and adopt policies that
support long-term growth through careful management of our assets and liabilities rather than
short-term profitability that may be encouraged by actions such as risk-taking. The Board believes
that having a classified Board of Directors better facilitates a long-term outlook and provides the
best value to Horizons shareholders.
Stability and Continuity. We believe that the three-year staggered terms of directors provide
stability and continuity in our leadership. Staggered terms are designed to ensure that at any
given time, the Board of Directors has a majority of members who, by serving for several years,
have developed a deeper understanding of the breadth and nature of our business. Directors who have
considerable experience with, and knowledge of, our business are better equipped to provide the
oversight and make
the decisions required by a board of directors than those who do not, and are,
correspondingly, more capable of engaging in the long-term strategic planning that is critical to a
financial institutions success.
The business of banking is heavily regulated and complex, and a directors in-depth understanding
of a banks particular financial condition, asset mix, regulatory capital levels and regulatory
compliance history, to name a few, are critically important to being able to make informed
decisions that will lead to long-term growth. We believe it is far easier for directors to be able
to gain this in-depth understanding (and for them to be incentivized to do so) if they know their
involvement on the board will be for longer than one year.
Attracting Highly Qualified Directors. The Board believes that the classified structure helps
Horizon attract and retain highly qualified individuals who are willing to commit the time and
dedication necessary to understand Horizon, its operations and its competitive environment.
Attracting and retaining knowledgeable and dedicated directors is especially important in
economically challenging times such as these.
Accountability to Shareholders. Accountability depends on the selection of responsible and
experienced individuals, not on whether they serve terms of three years or one year. We believe
that a classified board of directors makes directors as accountable to shareholders as a board
elected annually. The fiduciary duties of directors elected to three-year staggered terms are
identical to those of directors elected annually, and Horizons directors believe that they are as
attentive to shareholder concerns as a result of having been elected to three-year staggered terms
as they would be if elected to one-year terms. Shareholders have the opportunity on an annual basis
to express their opinion of the Board of Directors or management and to propose to our Board
alternative candidates as directors.
Although a board elected annually may be appropriate for some corporations, such as those that
operate in unregulated businesses or that engage in short-term transactions with assets and
liabilities that do not have long-term effect, we strongly believe that it is not appropriate for a
bank holding company of our size and focus. We also strongly believe that our performance, policies
and conduct indicate that our Board is accountable and responsive to shareholders.
In addition, Horizons long history and culture of promoting stock ownership among directors,
officers and employees reinforces and ensures strong alignment with Horizon shareholders
Financial Performance. The proponents statement lists corporations that proponent maintains
de-classified their boards of directors as a result of his efforts. Our Board of Directors has not
verified that statement to be true. However, the Board of Directors feels strongly that what may be
appropriate for one company is not appropriate for all. This one size fits all view does not take
into account the differences among companies and their management or the differences among
shareholder groups. Horizon, like many other publicly-traded companies, has a diverse shareholder
base with different shareholders focused on different performance metrics and goals. All
shareholders, however, must look at the history and performance of a company and its record of
providing shareholder value. Horizon has an excellent record of providing shareholder value,
including during the recent turbulent economic times, and the Board of Directors and management
have demonstrated accountability to the shareholders through Horizons financial performance. In
particular, we note the following for 2009:
Horizon reported record annual earnings for its tenth consecutive year for 2009. |
The June 2009 issue of U.S. Banker magazine ranked Horizon as one of the top 200 performing community banks in the country. |
Horizons non-performing loans are less than peer averages. |
Horizons stock price has out performed the NASDAQ bank index for one, five and ten years. |
Horizon continues to pay an attractive dividend during a time when several banks
have either reduced or eliminated their dividends. |
On December 29, 2009, Horizon announced an acquisition that will be accretive to
future earnings. |
Horizon continues to expand into contiguous markets. |
Horizon was recommended a buy by two independent financial analysts. |
Protection against Unfair Takeover Proposals. A classified board of directors can play an
important role in protecting shareholders against an unsolicited takeover proposal at an unfair
price. If our Board of Directors were not classified, a potential acquirer whose nominees receive a
plurality of the votes cast at an annual meeting of the shareholders could replace all or a
majority of the directors with its own nominees, who could then approve the takeover proposal even
if the price did not adequately value Horizon. Classified board structures have been shown to be an
effective means of protecting long-term shareholder interests from abusive tactics.
We believe a classified board of directors encourages a potential acquirer to negotiate with the
board of directors on an arms-length basis, and provides the board of directors with more time and
leverage to evaluate the takeover proposal, negotiate the best result for all shareholders and
consider alternatives available to Horizon. Moreover, a potential acquirer can always make a tender
offer directly to the shareholders of a company that has a classified board of directors.
For the foregoing reasons, the Board of Directors believes that this shareholder proposal is not in
the best interests of Horizon or in the best interests of our shareholders. Therefore, the Board of
Directors unanimously recommends a vote AGAINST
this shareholder proposal.
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Executive officers and directors of Horizon and owners of more than 10% of the Common Shares are
required to file reports of their ownership and changes in their ownership of Common Shares with
the Securities and Exchange Commission. Copies of these reports also must be furnished to Horizon.
Based solely upon a review of copies furnished to Horizon through the date of this Proxy Statement
or written representations that no reports were required, Horizon believes that its executive
officers, directors and 10% shareholders complied with the 2009 filing requirements.
Shareholder Proposals for 2011 Annual Meeting
Any shareholder who wishes to have a proposal considered for inclusion in Horizons Proxy Statement
for the 2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders must submit the proposal in writing so that Horizon
receives it by November 26, 2010. Proposals should be addressed to Horizons Secretary, 515
Franklin Square, Michigan City, Indiana 46360.
Horizons Amended and Restated Bylaws also provide that a shareholder wishing to nominate a
candidate for election as a director or to have any other matter considered by the shareholders at
the Annual Meeting must give Horizon written notice of the nomination not fewer than 120 days in
advance of the date that Horizons Proxy Statement was released to shareholders in connection with
the previous years Annual Meeting, which release date for the 2009 Annual Meeting is expected to
be on or about March 26, 2010. Shareholder nominations must include the detailed information about
the nominee required by the Bylaws and also must comply with the other requirements set forth in
the Bylaws. Proposals to bring other matters before the shareholders must include a brief
description of the proposal and the other information required by the Bylaws.
Shareholders who wish to nominate candidates or to bring other proposals before the Annual Meeting
must submit the proposals in writing to Horizons Secretary no later than November 26, 2010. Copies
of the Bylaws are available to shareholders from Horizons Secretary free of charge upon request.
Other Matters
Management knows of no matters, other than those reported above, that are to be brought before the
Annual Meeting. The enclosed proxy confers discretionary authority on the proxies to vote on any
other business that may properly come before the Annual Meeting. It is the intention of the persons
named in the proxy to vote in their discretion on any such matter.
To the extent information in this Proxy Statement rests peculiarly within the knowledge of persons
other than Horizon, Horizon has relied upon information furnished by others for the accuracy and
completeness of the information.
We urge you to complete, date and sign the proxy and return it promptly in enclosed envelope.
James D. Neff
Michigan City, Indiana
March 26, 2010
Availability of Form 10-K
A copy of Horizons Annual Report on Form 10-K as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) is available to shareholders without charge, upon written request to Mary McColl,
Shareholder Relations, at 515 Franklin Square, Michigan City, Indiana 46360. The Form 10-K,
together with the other proxy materials, also is available on the Internet at The Form 10-K and Horizons other SEC filings also are available online in
the SECs EDGAR database at
Appendix A
1.1. Establishment of the Plan. Horizon Bancorp, an Indiana corporation,
hereby establishes an equity-based incentive compensation plan to be known as the Horizon Bancorp
2003 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan, set forth in this document. This Plan permits the grant of
Nonqualified Stock Options, Incentive Stock Options, Stock Appreciation Rights, Restricted Stock,
Performance Units and Performance Shares. This Plan and the grant of Awards hereunder are expressly
conditioned upon the Plans approval by the shareholders of the Company. The Plan is adopted
effective as of February 1, 2003; however, no Options may be exercised and no other Award may be
exercised or otherwise paid until the Plan has been approved by a majority of the Shares of the
Company represented at the shareholders meeting at which approval of the Plan is considered, as
specified in Section 10.2.
1.2. Purposes of the Plan. The purposes of this Plan are to further the growth
and financial success of the Company and its Affiliates by aligning the interests of the
Participants, through the ownership of Shares and through other incentives, with the interests of
the Companys shareholders; to provide Participants with an incentive for excellence in individual
performance; and to promote teamwork among Participants. The Plan is further intended to provide
flexibility to the Company in its ability to motivate, attract and retain the services of
Participants who make significant contributions to the Companys success and to allow Participants
to share in the success of the Company.
For purposes of this Plan, the following words and phrases will have the following meanings
unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context:
2.1. 1934 Act means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Reference to a
specific section of the 1934 Act or regulation thereunder includes such section or regulation, any
valid regulation promulgated under such section and any comparable provision of any future
legislation or regulation amending, supplementing or superseding such section or regulation.
2.2. Affiliate means any corporation or any other entity (including, but not limited
to, partnerships, limited liability companies, joint ventures and Subsidiaries) controlling,
controlled by or under common control with the Company.
2.3. Affiliated SAR means a SAR that is granted in connection with a related Option,
and that automatically will be deemed to be exercised at the same time that the related Option is
2.4. Award means, individually or collectively, a grant under this Plan of
Nonqualified Stock Options, Incentive Stock Options, SARs, Restricted Stock, Performance Units or
Performance Shares.
2.5. Award Agreement means the written agreement which sets forth the terms and
provisions applicable to each Award granted under this Plan.
2.6. Beneficiary means the person or persons designated by a Participant to receive
the benefits under this Plan, if any, which become payable as a result of the Participants death.
2.7. Board or Board of Directors means the Board of Directors of the Company
serving at the time that this Plan is approved by the shareholders of the Company or thereafter.
2.8. Cashless Exercise means, if there is a public market for the Shares, the
payment of the Exercise Price of Options (a) through a same day sale commitment from the
Participant and an NASD Dealer whereby the Participant irrevocably elects to exercise the Option
and to sell a portion of the Shares so purchased in order to pay the Exercise Price, and whereby
the NASD Dealer irrevocably commits upon receipt of such stock to forward the Exercise Price
directly to the Company, or (b) through a margin commitment from the Participant and an NASD
Dealer whereby the Participant irrevocably elects to exercise the Option and to pledge the Shares
so purchased to the NASD Dealer in a margin account as security for a loan from the NASD Dealer in
the amount of the Exercise Price and whereby the NASD Dealer irrevocably commits upon receipt of
such Shares to forward the Exercise Price directly to the Company.
2.9. Cause means, for purposes of determining whether and when a Participant has
incurred a Termination of Service for Cause, any act or failure to act which permits the Company to
terminate the written agreement or arrangement between the Participant and the Company or an
Affiliate for cause as defined in such agreement or arrangement. In the event there is no such
agreement or arrangement or the agreement or arrangement does not define the term cause, then
Cause for purposes of this Plan will mean (i) the willful and continued failure of a Participant
to perform his required duties as an Employee or Non-employee Director of the Company or any
Subsidiary; (ii) any action by a Participant which involves willful misfeasance or gross
negligence; (iii) the requirement of or direction by a federal or state regulatory agency which has
jurisdiction over the Company or any Subsidiary to terminate the employment of a Participant; (iv)
the conviction of a Participant of the commission of any criminal offense which involves dishonesty
or breach of trust; or (v) any intentional breach by a Participant of a material term, condition or
covenant of any agreement between the Participant and the Company or any Subsidiary.
2.10. Change in Control will have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 12.2.
2.11. Code means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Reference to a
specific section of the Code or regulation thereunder will include such section or regulation, any
valid regulation promulgated under such section, and any comparable provision of any future law,
legislation or regulation amending, supplementing or superseding such section or regulation.
2.12. Committee means the Compensation Committee of the Board, or such other
committee appointed by the Board pursuant to Section 3.1 to administer this Plan, serving on the
date that this Plan is approved by the shareholders of the Company or thereafter.
2.13. Company means Horizon Bancorp, an Indiana corporation and any successor
thereto. With respect to the definition of Performance Goals, the Committee, in its sole
discretion, may determine whether Company means Horizon Bancorp and its Subsidiaries on a
consolidated basis.
2.14. Covered Employee means an Employee who is a covered employee as defined in
Code Section 162(m) (3).
2.15. Director means any individual who is a member of the Board of Directors of the
2.16. Disability means a disability as determined for purposes of the Federal Social
Security Act which qualifies the Participant for permanent disability insurance payments in
accordance with such
Act. Disability for purposes of the Plan will not include any disability which is incurred
while the Participant is on leave of absence because of military or similar service and for which a
governmental pension is payable.
2.17. Effective Date means February 1, 2003.
2.18. Employee means all employees of the Company or an Affiliate, whether such
employees are employed on the date that this Plan is adopted by the Board or become employed
subsequent to such approval.
2.19. Exercise Price means the price at which a Share may be purchased by a
Participant pursuant to the exercise of an Option.
2.20. Fair Market Value means the per share closing price for the Shares, as
reported by the NASDAQ Stock Market or by such other exchange or market on which the Shares are
then listed or regularly traded, determined as of the day on which the applicable Award is granted
to a Participant.
2.21. Fiscal Year means the annual accounting period of the Company.
2.22. Freestanding SAR means a SAR that is granted independently of any Option.
2.23. Grant Date means, with respect to any Award granted under this Plan, the date
on which the Award was granted by the Committee, regardless if the Award Agreement to which the
Award relates is executed subsequent to such date.
2.24. Incentive Stock Option means an Option granted under this Plan to purchase
Shares which is designated as an Incentive Stock Option and is intended to meet the requirements of
Code Section 422.
2.25. NASD Dealer means a broker-dealer who is a member of the National Association
of Securities Dealers, Inc.
2.26. Non-employee Director means any individual who is a member of the Board of
Directors and who is not an employee of the Company.
2.27. Nonqualified Stock Option means an Option granted under this Plan to purchase
Shares which is not an Incentive Stock Option.
2.28. Option means an Incentive Stock Option or a Nonqualified Stock Option.
2.29. Option Period means the period during which an Option will be exercisable in
accordance with the applicable Award Agreement and Section 6.
2.30. Participant means an Employee or Non-employee Director to whom an Award has
been granted.
2.31. Performance Goals means, except as otherwise provided in Sections 8.4.2 and
9.3.2, the goals determined by the Committee in its sole discretion to be applicable to a
Participant with respect to an Award. As determined by the Committee in its sole discretion, the
Performance Goals applicable to each Award granted under the Plan to a Participant who is not a
Covered Employee, will provide for a targeted level or levels of financial achievement with respect
to one or more of the following business criteria: (a) return on assets; (b) earnings before
interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA); (c) net income; (d) total shareholder
return; (e) return on equity; (f) Affiliate or division operating income; (g) pre- or after-tax
income; (h) cash flow; (i) cash flow per share; (j) earnings per share (basic or diluted); (k)
return on invested capital; (l) economic value added (or an equivalent metric); (m) share price
performance; (n) improvement in or attainment of expense levels; and (o) improvement in or
attainment of working capital levels. The Performance Goals may differ from Participant to
Participant and from Award to Award. In the case of a Participant who is a Covered Employee, as
described in the
preceding sentence, the Performance Goal will be based on (i) return on equity; (ii) net
income; (iii) return on assets or (iv) a combination of two or more of these measures.
2.32. Performance Period means the period of time during which Performance Goals
must be achieved with respect to an Award, as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion.
2.33. Performance Share means an Award granted to a Participant pursuant to Section
2.34. Performance Unit means an Award granted to a Participant pursuant to
Section 9.
2.35. Period of Restriction means the period during which the transfer of Shares of
Restricted Stock is subject to restrictions and, therefore, the Shares are subject to a substantial
risk of forfeiture. As provided in Section 8, such restrictions may be based on the passage of
time, the achievement of specific target levels of performance (in the case of performance-based
compensation under Section 162(m) of the Code), or the occurrence of such other events as may be
determined by the Committee in its sole discretion.
2.36. Plan means the Horizon Bancorp 2003 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan, as set
forth in this instrument and as hereafter amended from time to time.
2.37. Restricted Stock means an Award granted to a Participant pursuant to
Section 8.
2.38. Retirement means, in the case of an Employee, the termination of employment by
a Participant on or after attaining age 65 for reasons other than Cause, death or Disability.
2.39. Rule 16b-3 means Rule 16b-3 promulgated under the 1934 Act, and any future
rule or regulation amending, supplementing or superseding such rule.
2.40. Section 16 Person means a person subject to potential liability under Section
16(b) of the 1934 Act with respect to transactions which involve equity securities of the Company.
2.41. Shares means the whole shares of issued and outstanding regular voting common
stock, no par value, of the Company, whether presently or hereafter issued and outstanding, and any
other stock or securities resulting from adjustment thereof as provided in Section 4.6, or the
stock of any successor to the Company which is so designated for the purposes of the Plan.
2.42. Stock Appreciation Right or SAR means an Award, granted alone or in tandem
with a related Option, that is designated as a SAR pursuant to Section 7.
2.43. Subsidiary means a corporation, partnership or limited liability company, a
majority of the outstanding voting stock, general partnership interests or membership interests, as
the case may be, of which is owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by the Company or by one
or more other Subsidiaries of the Company. For the purposes of this definition, voting stock
means stock having voting power for the election of directors, or trustees, as the case may be,
whether at all times or only so long as no senior class of stock has such voting power by reason of
any contingency. A Subsidiary includes any Subsidiary of the Company as of the Effective Date and
each corporation that becomes a Subsidiary of the Company after the Effective Date.
2.44. Tandem SAR means a SAR that is granted in tandem with a related Option, the
exercise of which will require forfeiture of the right to exercise such Option and to purchase an
equal number of Shares under the related Option; and, when a Share is purchased pursuant to the
exercise of such Option, the SAR will be forfeited to the same extent.
2.45. Termination of Service in the case of an Employee, means the occurrence of any
act or event or any failure to act, whether pursuant to an employment agreement or otherwise, that
actually or effectively causes or results in a Participant ceasing, for whatever reason, to be an
Employee of the Company or an Affiliate, including, but not limited to, death, Disability,
Retirement, termination by the Company or an Affiliate of the Participants employment with the
Company or an Affiliate (whether with
or without Cause) and voluntary resignation or termination by the Participant of his or her
employment with the Company or an Affiliate. A Termination of Service will also occur with respect
to an Employee who is employed by an Affiliate if the Affiliate ceases to be an Affiliate of the
Company and the Participant does not immediately thereafter become an Employee of the Company or
another Affiliate. For purposes of this Plan, transfers or changes of employment of a Participant
between the Company and an Affiliate (or between Affiliates) will not be deemed a Termination of
Service. Termination of Service in the case of a Non-employee Director means the failure to be
reelected to the Board of Directors or resignation or removal from the Board.
3.1. The Committee. This Plan will be administered by the Committee. The
decision or action of a majority of the actual number of members of the Committee will constitute
the decision or action of the Committee. The Committee will consist of not less than three
Directors. The members of the Committee will be appointed from time to time by, and will serve at
the pleasure of, the Board of Directors. It is intended that the Committee be comprised solely of
Directors who both are (a) Non-employee Directors under Rule 16b-3, and (b) outside directors
as described in Treasury Regulation Section 1.162-27(e)(3). Failure of the Committee to be so
comprised will not result in the cancellation, termination, expiration or lapse of any Award.
3.2. Authority of the Committee. Except as limited by law or by the Articles
of Incorporation or By-Laws of the Company, and subject to the provisions of this Plan, the
Committee will have full power and discretion to: (a) select Employees and Non-employee Directors
who will participate in the Plan; (b) determine the sizes and types of Awards; (c) determine the
terms and conditions of Awards in a manner consistent with this Plan; (d) construe and interpret
this Plan, all Award Agreements and any other agreements or instruments entered into under this
Plan; (e) establish, amend or waive rules and regulations for the Plans administration; and
(f) amend the terms and conditions of any outstanding Award and applicable Award Agreement to the
extent such terms and conditions are within the discretion of the Committee as provided in this
Plan; provided however, the Committee may only accelerate the exercisability or vesting of an Award
in connection with a Participants death, Disability, Retirement, in connection with a Change in
Control, or to the extent such actions involve an aggregate number of Shares not in excess of five
percent of the number of Shares available for Awards. Further, the Committee will make all other
determinations which may be necessary or advisable for the administration of this Plan. Each Award
will be evidenced by a written Award Agreement between the Company and the Participant and will
contain terms and conditions established by the Committee consistent with the provisions of this
Plan. Any notice or document required to be given to or filed with the Committee will be properly
given or filed if hand delivered (and a delivery receipt is received) or mailed by certified mail,
return receipt requested, postage paid, to the Committee at 515 Franklin Square, Michigan City,
Indiana 46360.
3.3. Delegation by the Committee. The Committee, in its sole discretion and on
such terms and conditions as it may provide, may delegate all or any part of its authority and
powers under this Plan to one or more Directors or officers of the Company; provided, however, that
the Committee may not delegate its authority and powers (a) with respect to grants to Section 16
Persons, or (b) in any way which would jeopardize this Plans qualification under Code Section
162(m) or Rule 16b-3.
3.4. Decisions Binding. All determinations and decisions made by the
Committee, the Board and any delegate of the Committee pursuant to Section 3.3 will be final,
conclusive and binding on all persons, including the Company and Participants. No such
determinations will be subject to de novo review if challenged in court.
4.1. Number of Shares.
4.1.1. Maximum Number. Subject to adjustment as provided in Section
4.6, the maximum number of Shares cumulatively available for issuance under this Plan
pursuant to the: (a) exercise of Options; (b) grant of Affiliated, Freestanding and Tandem
SARs; (c) grant of Shares of Restricted Stock; and (d) payment of Performance Units and
Performance Shares, will not exceed One Hundred Thousand (100,000) Shares, plus (i) any
Shares which are the subject of options but are not issued under the 1997 Key Employees
Stock Option and Stock Appreciation Rights Plan of the Company, that are not thereafter
issued and would otherwise have been available under that plan; (ii) shares under that plan
that are forfeited, cancelled or expire unexercised; (iii) Shares tendered (actually or by
attestation) to the Company in connection with the exercise of Options; (iv) Shares
purchased by the Company in the open market or otherwise using the cash proceeds upon the
exercise of Options; (v) Shares settled hereunder in cash; (vi) Shares withheld pursuant to
Section 11; and (vii) the number of Shares equal to the value, as determined by the
Committee in its sole discretion, of the income tax deductions recognized by the Company in
connection with the exercise of Non-Qualified Stock Options and disqualifying dispositions
of Shares acquired on the exercise of Incentive Stock Options, determined as of the date on
which the Companys federal income tax return is filed less the total number of Shares
previously issued under this Plan, and less the total number of Shares then subject to
outstanding Options or other Awards. Notwithstanding the foregoing, effective as of June 1,
2010, subject to approval by the Companys shareholders at the Companys 2010 annual
shareholders meeting, an additional One Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand (175,000) will be
available for issuance under the Plan. The foregoing share reserve will be supplemented by
an additional number of Shares that remain in acquired company plans that are assumed by the
4.1.2. Limits Based on Award Type. In calculating the number of Shares
available for issuance under this Plan, (a) no more than One Hundred Thousand (100,000)
Shares will be cumulatively available for the grant of Incentive Stock Options under this
Plan, (b) no more than Fifty Thousand (50,000) Shares will be available for the grant of
non-Option Awards, and effective as of June 1, 2010, subject to approval by the Company
shareholders, at the Companys annual meeting in 2010, an additional One Hundred
Seventy-Five Thousand (175,000) Shares will be available for the grant of non-Option Awards,
(c) during any Fiscal Year, no Participant will be granted an Award for more than One
Hundred Thousand (100,000) Shares, and (d) no Participant will receive Performance Units
under Section 9 having an initial value greater than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000).
Shares issued under this Plan may be either authorized but unissued Shares, treasury Shares
or reacquired Shares (including Shares purchased in the open market), or any combination
thereof, as the Committee may from time to time determine in its sole discretion.
4.1.3. Forfeited and Unpurchased Shares. Shares covered by an Award that are
forfeited or that remain unpurchased or undistributed upon termination or expiration of the
Award may be made the subject of further Awards to the same or other Participants. If the
exercise price of any Option is satisfied by tendering Shares (by either actual delivery or
attestation), only the number of Shares actually issued, net of the Shares tendered, will be
deemed issued for purposes of determining the number of Shares available for grants under
this Plan. Additionally, if Shares are withheld pursuant to Section 11.2, only the number of
Shares actually issued, net of the
Shares withheld, will be deemed issued for purposes of determining the number of Shares available for grants under this Plan.
4.2. Release of Shares. Subject to the limitations set forth in this Plan, the
Committee will have full authority to determine the number of Shares available for Awards and, in
its sole discretion, may include (without limitation) as available for distribution (a) any Shares
that have ceased to be subject to an Award; (b) any Shares subject to an Award that have been
previously forfeited; (c) any Shares under an Award that otherwise terminates without the issuance
of Shares being made to a Participant; (d) any Shares that are received by the Company in
connection with the exercise of an Award, including the satisfaction of any tax liability or tax
withholding obligation; or (e) any Shares repurchased by the Company in the open market or
otherwise, having an aggregate repurchase price no greater than the amount of cash proceeds
received by the Company from the exercise of Options granted under this Plan. Any Shares that are
available immediately prior to the termination of the Plan, or any Shares returned to the Company
for any reason subsequent to the termination of the Plan, may be transferred to a successor plan.
4.3. Restrictions on Shares. Shares issued upon exercise of an Award will be
subject to the terms and conditions specified herein and to such other terms, conditions and
restrictions as the Committee in its sole discretion may determine and provide in the Award
Agreement. The Company will not be required to issue or deliver any certificates for Shares, cash
or other property prior to the (a) listing of such Shares on any stock exchange (or other public
market) on which the Shares may then be listed (or regularly traded), and (b) completion of any
registration or qualification of such shares under federal, state, local or other law, or any
ruling or regulation of any government body which the Committee determines to be necessary or
advisable. The Company may cause any certificate for any Shares to be delivered hereunder to be
properly marked with a legend or other notation reflecting the limitations on transfer of such
Shares as provided in this Plan or as the Committee may otherwise require. Participants, or any
other persons entitled to benefits under this Plan, must furnish to the Committee such documents,
evidence, data or other information as the Committee considers necessary or desirable for the
purpose of administering this Plan. The benefits under this Plan for each Participant, and each
other person who is entitled to benefits hereunder, are to be provided on the condition that he
furnish full, true and complete data, evidence or other information, and that he promptly signs any
document reasonably related to the administration of this Plan requested by the Committee. No
fractional Shares will be issued under this Plan; rather, fractional shares will be aggregated and
then rounded to the next lower whole Share.
4.4. Shareholder Rights. Except with respect to Restricted Stock as provided
in Section 8 and dividend rights as provided in Section 4.5, no person will have any rights of a
shareholder (including, but not limited to, voting rights) as to Shares subject to an Award until,
after proper exercise or vesting of the Award or other action as may be required by the Committee
in its sole discretion, such Shares have been recorded on the Companys official shareholder
records (or the records of its transfer agents or registrars) as having been issued and transferred
to the Participant. Upon exercise of the Award or any portion thereof, the Company will have a
reasonable period in which to issue and transfer the Shares to the Participant, and the Participant
will not be treated as a shareholder for any purpose whatsoever prior to such issuance and
transfer. No payment or adjustment will be made for rights for which the record date is prior to
the date such Shares are recorded as issued and transferred in the Companys official shareholder
records (or the records of its transfer agents or registrars), except as otherwise provided herein
or in an Award Agreement.
4.5. Dividends and Dividend Equivalents. The Committee may provide that Awards
denominated in Shares earn dividends or dividend equivalents. Such dividend equivalents may be paid
currently in cash or Shares or may be credited to an account established by the Committee in the
Participants name. In addition, dividends or dividend equivalents paid on outstanding Awards or
issued Shares may be credited to such account rather than paid currently. Any crediting of
dividends or dividend equivalents may be subject to such restrictions and conditions as the
Committee may establish, including
reinvestment in additional Shares or Share equivalents. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
dividends or dividend equivalents on unvested portions of Awards whose vesting is subject to the
achievement of specified Performance Goals will be subject to the same restrictions as the
underlying Shares or units to which such dividends or dividend equivalents relate.
4.6. Changes in Stock.
4.6.1. Substitution of Stock and Assumption of Plan. In the event of
any change in the Shares by virtue of any stock dividends, stock splits, recapitalizations
or reclassifications or any acquisition, merger, consolidation, share exchange, tender offer
or other combination involving the Company that does not constitute a Change in Control but
that results in the acquisition of a Subsidiary by the Company, or in the event that other
stock is substituted for the Shares as the result of any merger, consolidation, share
exchange or reorganization or any similar transaction which constitutes a Change in Control
of the Company, the Committee will correspondingly adjust the (a) number, kind and class of
Shares which may be delivered under this Plan, (b) number, kind, class and price of Shares
subject to outstanding Awards (except for mergers or other combinations in which the Company
is the surviving entity), and (c) numerical limits of Sections 4.1, 6.1, 7.1, 8.1 and 9.1,
all in such manner as the Committee in its sole discretion determines to be advisable or
appropriate to prevent the dilution or diminution of such Awards; provided, however, in no
event will the One Hundred Thousand Dollar ($100,000) limit on Incentive Stock Options
contained in Section 6.1 be affected by an adjustment under this Section 4.6.1. The
Committees determinations under this Section 4.6.1 will be final and conclusive.
4.6.2. Conversion of Shares. In the event of a Change in Control of the
Company pursuant to which another person or entity acquires control of the Company (such
other person or entity being the Successor), the kind of shares of stock which are subject
to this Plan and to each outstanding Award will, automatically by virtue of such Change in
Control, be converted into and replaced by securities of the Successor, having full voting,
dividend, distribution, preference and liquidation rights, and the number of shares subject
to an Award, the calculation of an Awards value and the purchase price per share upon
exercise of the Award will be correspondingly adjusted so that, by virtue of such Change in
Control of the Company, each Participant will (a) in the case of Options, have the right to
purchase (i) that number of shares of stock of the Successor which have a Fair Market Value,
as of the date of such Change in Control of the Company, equal to the Fair Market Value, as
of the date of such Change in Control of the Company, of the Shares of the Company
theretofore subject to each Option, and (ii) for a purchase price per share which, when
multiplied by the number of shares of stock of the Successor subject to each Option, will
equal the aggregate exercise price at which the Participant could have acquired all of the
Shares previously optioned to the Participant; and (b) in the case of Awards other than
Options, Performance Shares and Performance Units, have the right to receive that number of
shares of stock of the Successor which have a Fair Market Value, as of the date of such
Change in Control of the Company, equal to the Fair Market Value, as of the date of the
Change in Control of the Company, of the Shares of the Company to which each Award relates.
The Committee, in its sole discretion, will determine the method by which Awards of
Performance Shares and Performance Units will be adjusted due to a Change in Control of the
Company. Shares issued in connection with the Awards that are assumed, converted or
substituted under this Section 4.6.2 will not reduce the number of Shares reserved for
issuance under Section 4.1.
5.1. Eligibility. Except as herein provided, the individuals who are eligible
to participate in this Plan and be granted Awards are those individuals who are Employees of the
Company or any Affiliate and Non-employee Directors of the Company. The Committee may, from time to
time and in its sole discretion, select Employees and Non-employee Directors of the Company to be
granted Awards and will determine the terms and conditions with respect thereto. In making any such
selection and in determining the form of the Award, the Committee may give consideration to the
functions and responsibilities of the Employees or Non-employee Director to the Company or its
Affiliates, the value of the Employee or Non-employee Directors services (past, present and
future) to the Company or its Affiliates and such other factors deemed relevant by the Committee in
its sole discretion. An Employee or Non-employee Director will become a Participant in this Plan as
of the date specified by the Committee. A Participant can be removed as an active Participant by
the Committee effective as of any date; provided, however, that no such removal will adversely
affect any Award previously granted to the Participant.
5.2. No Contract of Employment. Neither this Plan nor any Award Agreement
executed hereunder will constitute a contract of employment between an Employee and the Company or
an Affiliate, and participation in this Plan will not give an Employee the right to be rehired by
or retained in the employment of the Company or an Affiliate.
5.3. No Right to Be Retained on Board. Neither this Plan nor any Award
Agreement executed hereunder will give any Director the right to be retained, nominated or
re-elected as a Director.
6.1. Grant of Options. Subject to the terms and provisions of this Plan, the
Committee, at any time and from time to time, may grant Options to any Employee or Non-employee
Director in such amounts as the Committee, in its sole discretion, may determine. The Committee may
grant Incentive Stock Options, Nonqualified Stock Options or any combination thereof; provided,
however, Non-employee Directors may not be granted Incentive Stock Options. Subject to the terms
and provisions of this Plan, the Committee, in its sole discretion, will determine the number of
Shares subject to each Option; provided, however, no Participant may be granted Incentive Stock
Options under this Plan which would result in Shares with an aggregate Fair Market Value (measured
on the Grant Date(s)) of more than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) first becoming
exercisable in any one calendar year.
6.2. Option Award Agreement. Each Option will be evidenced by an Award
Agreement that will specify the Exercise Price, the number of Shares to which the Option pertains,
the Option Period, any conditions to exercise of the Option and such other terms and conditions as
the Committee, in its sole discretion, determines. The Award Agreement will also specify whether
the Option is intended to be an Incentive Stock Option or a Nonqualified Stock Option. All grants
of Options intended to constitute Incentive Stock Options will be made in accordance, and all Award
Agreements pursuant to which Incentive Stock Options are granted will comply, with the requirements
of Code Section 422.
6.3. Exercise Price. The Exercise Price for each Option will be determined by
the Committee under this Section 6.3; provided, however, except in connection with a corporate
transaction involving the Company (including, without limitation, any stock dividend, stock split,
extraordinary cash dividend, recapitalization, reorganization, merger, consolidation, split-up,
spin-off, combination, or exchange of
shares), the terms of outstanding Awards may not be amended to reduce the exercise price of
outstanding Options or cancel outstanding Options in exchange for cash, other Awards or Options
with an exercise price that is less than the exercise price of the original Options without
shareholder approval.
6.3.1. Nonqualified Stock Options. In the case of a Nonqualified Stock
Option, the Exercise Price per Share will be determined by the Committee; provided, however,
in no event will the Exercise Price be less than 100 percent of the Fair Market Value of the
Shares to which the Nonqualified Stock Option relates, determined as of the Grant Date.
6.3.2. Incentive Stock Options. In the case of an Incentive Stock
Option, the Exercise Price will be not less than 100 percent of the Fair Market Value of the
Shares to which the Incentive Stock Option relates determined as of the Grant Date;
provided, however, that if, on the Grant Date, the Participant (together with persons whose
stock ownership is attributed to the Participant pursuant to Code Section 424(d)) owns
securities possessing more than 10 percent of the total combined voting power of all classes
of stock of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, the Exercise Price will be not less than
110 percent of the Fair Market Value of the Shares to which the Incentive Stock Option
relates, determined as of the Grant Date.
6.3.3. Substitute Options. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections
6.3.1 and 6.3.2, in the event that the Company or an Affiliate consummates a transaction
described in Code Section 424(a) (e.g., the acquisition of property or stock from an
unrelated corporation), individuals who become Employees on account of such transaction may
be granted Options in substitution for options granted by such former employer. If such
substitute Options are granted, the Committee, in its sole discretion and consistent with
Code Section 424(a), may determine that such substitute Options will have an Exercise Price
of less than 100 percent of the Fair Market Value of the Shares to which the Options relate
determined as of their respective Grant Dates. In carrying out the provisions of this
Section 6.3.3, the Committee will apply the principles contained in Section 4.6.
6.4. Duration of Options. Subject to the terms and provisions of Sections 10
and 12, the Option Period with respect to each Option will commence and expire at such times as the
Committee provides in the Award Agreement, provided that:
(a) |
Incentive and Nonqualified Stock Options will not be exercisable later than the
tenth anniversary of their respective Grant Dates; |
(b) |
Incentive Stock Options granted to an Employee who possesses more than 10
percent of the total combined voting power of all classes of Shares of the Company,
taking into account the attribution rules of Code Section 422(d), will not be
exercisable later than the fifth anniversary of their Grant Date(s); and |
(c) |
Subject to the limits of this Section 6, the Committee may, in its sole
discretion, after an Option is granted, extend the maximum term of the Option. |
6.5. Exercisability of Options. Subject to the provisions of Section 12
and this Section 6, all Options granted under this Plan will be exercisable at such times, under
such terms and subject to such restrictions and conditions as the Committee determines in its sole
discretion and as specified in the Award Agreements to which the Options relate. After an Option is
granted, the Committee, in its sole discretion, may accelerate the exercisability of the Option.
6.6. Method of Exercise. Subject to the provisions of this Section 6 and the
applicable Award Agreement, a Participant may exercise an Option, in whole or in part, at any time
during the Option Period to which the Option relates by giving written notice to the Company of
exercise on a form
provided by the Committee (if available). Such notice will specify the number of Shares
subject to the Option to be purchased and will be accompanied by payment in full of the total
Exercise Price by cash or check or such other form of payment as the Company may accept. If
permitted by the applicable Award Agreement, payment in full or in part may also be made by:
(a) |
Delivering Shares already owned by the Participant for more than six months, or
such lesser period of time that may be permitted by the Committee, that have a total
Fair Market Value on the date of such delivery equal to the total Exercise Price; |
(b) |
The delivery of cash by a broker-dealer as a Cashless Exercise, if permitted by
the Committee and the applicable Award Agreement; |
(c) |
Reducing the number of Shares issued upon the exercise by the largest number of
whole Shares that has a Fair Market Value that does not exceed the aggregate exercise
price for the Shares exercised under this method. Shares will no longer be outstanding
under an Option (and will therefore not thereafter be exercisable) following the
exercise of such Option to the extent of (i) Shares used to pay the exercise price of
an Option under the net exercise, (ii) Shares actually delivered to the Participant
as a result of such exercise and (iii) any Shares withheld for purposes of tax
withholding; or |
(d) |
Any combination of the foregoing. |
If payment of the Exercise Price of an Option is made in whole or in part in the form of
Restricted Stock, a number of the Shares to be received upon such exercise equal to the number of
shares of Restricted Stock used for payment of the Exercise Price will be subject to the same
forfeiture restrictions or deferral limitations to which the Restricted Stock was subject, unless
otherwise determined by the Committee in its sole discretion.
No Shares will be issued until full payment therefor has been made. Subject to any forfeiture
restrictions or deferral limitations that may apply if an Option is exercised using Restricted
Stock, a Participant will have all of the rights of a shareholder of the Company holding the class
of Shares subject to the Option (including, if applicable, the right to vote the Shares) when the
Participant has given written notice of exercise, has paid the total Exercise Price, and such
Shares have been recorded on the Companys official shareholder records (or the records of its
transfer agents or registrars) as having been issued and transferred to the Participant.
6.7. Restrictions on Share Transferability. In addition to the restrictions
imposed by Section 14.7, the Committee may impose such restrictions on any Shares acquired pursuant
to the exercise of an Option as it may deem advisable or appropriate in its sole discretion,
including, but not limited to, restrictions related to applicable Federal and state securities laws
and the requirements of any national securities exchange or market on which Shares are then listed
or traded.
6.8. Termination by Reason of Death, Disability or Retirement. Unless
otherwise provided in the Award Agreement or determined by the Committee in its sole discretion, if
a Participant incurs a Termination of Service due to death, Disability or Retirement, any unexpired
and unexercised Options held by such Participant will thereafter be fully exercisable until the
expiration of the Option Period.
6.9. Other Termination. Unless otherwise provided in the Award Agreement or
determined by the Committee in its sole discretion, if a Participant incurs a Termination of
Service that is involuntary on the part of the Participant (but is not due to death or Disability
and is not with Cause) or is voluntary
on the part of the Participant (but is not due to Retirement), any Options held by such
Participant will terminate on the Termination of Service, except that such Options, to the extent
exercisable at the time of Termination of Service, may be exercised until the expiration of the
shorter of the following two periods: (a) the thirty consecutive day period commencing on the date
of Termination of Service, or (b) the date on which the Option Period expires. If a Participant
incurs a Termination of Service which is with Cause, all of his Options, whether or not
exercisable, will terminate immediately as of the date of such Termination of Service.
6.10. Special Provision for Incentive Stock Options. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Plan to the contrary, an Incentive Stock Option will not be exercisable more than
(a) three months after the Participants Termination of Service for any reason other than
Disability, or (b) one year after the Participants Termination of Service by reason of Disability.
7.1. Grant of SARs. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Plan, the
Committee, at any time and from time to time, may grant SARs to any Employee or Non-employee
Director in such amounts as the Committee, in its sole discretion, determines. The Committee, in
its sole discretion, may grant Affiliated SARs, Freestanding SARs, Tandem SARs or any combination
7.1.1. Number of Shares. Subject to the limitations of Section 4, the
Committee will have complete discretion to determine the number of SARs granted to any
7.1.2. Exercise Price and Other Terms. The Committee, subject to the
provisions of this Plan, will have complete discretion to determine the terms and conditions
of SARs granted under this Plan; provided, however, the Exercise Price of a Freestanding SAR
will be not less than 100 percent of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the Grant Date and
the Exercise Price of Tandem or Affiliated SARs will be equal to the Exercise Price of the
Option to which such SAR relates.
7.2. Exercise of Tandem SARs. Tandem SARs may be exercised with respect to all
or part of the Shares subject to the related Option upon the surrender of the right to exercise the
equivalent portion of the related Option. A Tandem SAR may be exercised only with respect to the
Shares to which its related Option is then exercisable. With respect to a Tandem SAR granted in
connection with an Incentive Stock Option, the following requirements will apply: (a) the Tandem
SAR will expire not later than the date on which the underlying Incentive Stock Option expires; (b)
the value of the payout with respect to the Tandem SAR will be no more than 100 percent of the
difference between the Exercise Price of the underlying Incentive Stock Option and 100 percent of
the Fair Market Value of the Shares subject to the underlying Incentive Stock Option at the time
the Tandem SAR is exercised; and (c) the Tandem SAR will be exercisable only when the Fair Market
Value of the Shares subject to the Incentive Stock Option to which the Tandem SAR relates exceeds
the Exercise Price of the Incentive Stock Option.
7.3. Exercise of Affiliated SARs. An Affiliated SAR will be deemed to be
exercised upon the exercise of the Option to which the Affiliated SAR relates. The deemed exercise
of an Affiliated SAR will not reduce the number of Shares subject to the related Option.
7.4. Exercise of Freestanding SARs. Freestanding SARs will be exercisable on
such terms and conditions as the Committee, in its sole discretion, specifies in the applicable
Award Agreement.
7.5. SAR Award Agreement. Each SAR will be evidenced by an Award Agreement
that specifies the exercise price, the expiration date of the SAR, the number of SARs, any
conditions on the exercise of the SAR and such other terms and conditions as the Committee, in its
sole discretion,
determines. The Award Agreement will also specify whether the SAR is an Affiliated SAR,
Freestanding SAR, Tandem SAR or a combination thereof.
7.6. Expiration of SARs. Each SAR granted under this Plan will expire upon the
date determined by the Committee, in its sole discretion, as set forth in the applicable Award
Agreement; provided, however, that no SAR will be exercisable later than the tenth anniversary of
its Grant Date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the terms and provisions of Section 6.4 will also
apply to Affiliated and Tandem SARs.
7.7. Payment of SAR Amount. Upon exercise of a SAR, a Participant will be
entitled to receive payment from the Company in an amount determined by multiplying:
(a) |
The positive difference between the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of
exercise and the exercise price; by |
(b) |
The number of Shares with respect to which the SAR is exercised. |
At the sole discretion of the Committee, the payment may be in cash, in Shares which have
a Fair Market Value equal to the cash payment calculated under this Section 7.7, or in a
combination of cash and Shares.
7.8. Termination of SAR. An Affiliated or Tandem SAR will terminate at such
time as the Option to which such SAR relates terminates. A Freestanding SAR will terminate at the
time provided in the applicable Award Agreement.
8.1. Grant of Restricted Stock. Subject to the terms and provisions of this
Plan, the Committee, at any time and from time to time, may grant Shares of Restricted Stock to any
Employee or Non-employee Director in such amounts as the Committee, in its sole discretion,
determines. Subject to the limitations of Section 4, the Committee, in its sole discretion, will
determine the number of Shares of Restricted Stock to be granted to each Participant.
8.2. Restricted Stock Award Agreement. Each Award of Restricted Stock will be
evidenced by an Award Agreement that specifies the Period of Restriction, the number of Shares
granted and such other terms and conditions as the Committee, in its sole discretion, determines.
Unless the Committee in its sole discretion determines otherwise, Shares of Restricted Stock will
be held by the Company, and will not be delivered to any Participant until the end of the
applicable Period of Restriction.
8.3. Transferability. Except as provided in Section 6.6, Section 14.7, and
this Section 8, Shares of Restricted Stock may not be sold, transferred, assigned, margined,
encumbered, gifted, bequeathed, alienated, hypothecated, pledged or otherwise disposed of, whether
by operation of law, whether voluntarily or involuntarily or otherwise, until the end of the
applicable Period of Restriction.
8.4. Other Restrictions. The Committee, in its sole discretion, may impose
such other restrictions on Shares of Restricted Stock as it may deem advisable or appropriate in
accordance with this Section 8.
8.4.1. General Restrictions. The Committee may impose restrictions on
Restricted Stock based upon any of the following criteria: (a) the achievement of specific
Company-wide, Affiliate-based, Subsidiary-based, divisional, individual Participant or other
Performance Goals, (b) applicable Federal or state securities laws, or (c) any other basis
determined by the Committee
in its sole discretion; provided, however, except for (i) Awards of deferred Shares
received in lieu of other Awards, (ii) Awards made to Employees to replace their awards from
a prior employer that were forfeited upon the acquisition of the prior employer by the
Company, and (iii) the Participants death, Retirement or Disability, the required period of
service for full vesting will be not less than three years.
8.4.2. Section 162(m) Performance Restrictions. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Section 8.4.2 to the contrary, for purposes of qualifying grants of
Restricted Stock as performance-based compensation to Covered Employees under Code Section
162(m), the Committee will establish restrictions based upon the achievement of Performance
Goals. The specific targets under the Performance Goals that must be satisfied for the
Period of Restriction to lapse or terminate will be set by the Committee on or before the
latest date permissible to enable the Restricted Stock to qualify as performance-based
compensation under Code Section 162(m). The business goals for the Performance Criteria for
a Covered Employee under this Section 8.4.2. will be one or more of the business criteria
listed under Section 2.31. In granting Restricted Stock that is intended to qualify under
Code Section 162(m), the Committee will follow any procedures determined by it in its sole
discretion from time to time to be necessary, advisable or appropriate to ensure
qualification of the Restricted Stock under Code Section 162(m).
8.4.3. Legend on Certificates. The Committee, in its sole discretion,
may require the placement of a legend on certificates representing Shares of Restricted
Stock to give appropriate notice of such restrictions. For example, the Committee may
determine that some or all certificates representing Shares of Restricted Stock will bear
the following legend:
8.5. Removal of Restrictions. Except as otherwise provided in this Section 8,
Shares of Restricted Stock covered by each Restricted Stock grant made under this Plan will be
released to a Participant as soon as practicable after the end of the applicable Period of
Restriction. Except in the case of grants of Restricted Stock to Covered Employees which are
intended to qualify as performance-based compensation under Code Section 162(m) (the vesting of
which cannot be accelerated except as provided in Section 12.1), the Committee, in its sole
discretion, may accelerate the time at which any restrictions will lapse or remove any
restrictions. After the end of the applicable Period of Restriction, the Participant will be
entitled to have any restrictive legend or legends placed on the Shares under Section 8.4.3 removed
from his or her Share certificate.
8.6. Voting Rights. During the Period of Restriction, Participants holding
Shares of Restricted Stock granted hereunder may exercise full voting rights with respect to those
Shares, unless the applicable Award Agreement provides otherwise.
8.7. Return of Restricted Stock to Company. On the date set forth in the
applicable Award Agreement, the Restricted Stock for which restrictions have not lapsed by the last
day of the Period of
Restriction will revert to the Company and thereafter will be available for the grant of new
Awards under this Plan.
8.8. Termination of Service. Unless otherwise provided in an Award Agreement
or determined by the Committee in its sole discretion, in the event of a Participants Termination
of Service due to death, Disability or Retirement during the Period of Restriction, the
restrictions on his Shares of Restricted Stock will lapse and the Participant (or his or her
Beneficiary) will, on the date of such Termination of Service, be fully vested in the Restricted
Stock. Unless otherwise provided in an Award Agreement or this Plan, in the event of a
Participants Termination of Service for any reason during the Period of Restriction other than a
Termination of Service due to death, Disability or Retirement, all Shares of Restricted Stock still
subject to restriction will be forfeited by the Participant and thereafter be available for the
grant of new Awards under this Plan; provided, however, that the Committee will have the sole
discretion to waive, in whole or in part, subject to the restrictions of Section 8.4.1, any or all
remaining restrictions with respect to any or all of such Participants Shares of Restricted Stock.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 8 to the contrary, in the case of grants of
Restricted Stock to Covered Employees that the Committee intends to qualify as performance-based
compensation under Code Section 162(m) (the vesting of which cannot be accelerated, except as
provided in Section 12.1), no shares of Restricted Stock will become vested unless the applicable
Performance Goals have first been met; provided, further, that the Committee will not waive any
restrictions with respect to such Restricted Stock. If the vesting of shares of Restricted Stock is
accelerated after the applicable Performance Goals have been met, the amount of Restricted Stock
distributed will be discounted by the Committee to reasonably reflect the time value of money in
connection with such early vesting.
9.1. Grant of Performance Units/Shares. Subject to the terms and provisions of
this Plan, the Committee, at any time and from time to time, may grant Performance Units or
Performance Shares to any Employee or Non-employee Director in such amounts as the Committee, in
its sole discretion, determines. Subject to the limitations of Section 4, the Committee will have
complete discretion in determining the number of Performance Units or Performance Shares granted to
each Participant.
9.2. Value of Performance Units/Shares. Each Performance Unit will have an
initial value that is established by the Committee on or before the Grant Date. Each Performance
Share will have an initial value equal to the Fair Market Value of a Share on the Grant Date.
9.3. Performance Objectives and Other Terms. The Committee will set
performance objectives in its sole discretion which, depending on the extent to which they are met,
will determine the number or value of Performance Units or Performance Shares, or both, that will
be paid to the Participant. Each Award of Performance Units or Performance Shares will be evidenced
by an Award Agreement that specifies the number of Performance Units or Performance Shares, the
Performance Period, the performance objectives and such other terms and conditions as the
Committee, in its sole discretion, determines.
9.3.1. General Performance Objectives. The Committee may set
performance objectives based upon (a) the achievement of Company-wide, Affiliate-based,
Subsidiary-based, divisional, individual Participant or other Performance Goals; (b) in
either absolute terms or relative to the performance of one or more comparable companies or
an index which includes several companies; (c) applicable Federal or state securities laws;
or (d) any other basis determined by the Committee in its sole discretion. Measurement of
Performance Goals may exclude impact of charges for restructuring, discontinued operations,
extraordinary items, other
unusual or non-recurring items and the cumulative effects of accounting changes, each
as defined by generally accepted accounting principles.
9.3.2. Code Section 162(m) Performance Objectives. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Section 9.3.2 to the contrary, for purposes of qualifying grants of
Performance Units or Performance Shares to Covered Employees as performance-based
compensation under Code Section 162(m), the Committee will establish the specific targets
under the Performance Goals applicable to Performance Units or Performance Shares. Such
targets under the Performance Goals will be set by the Committee on or before the latest
date permissible to enable the Performance Units or Performance Shares, as the case may be,
to qualify as performance-based compensation under Code Section 162(m). The business goals
for the Performance Criteria for a Covered Employee under this Section 9.3.2 will be one or
more of the business criteria listed under Section 2.31. In granting Performance Units or
Performance Shares to Covered Employees which are intended to qualify under Code Section
162(m), the Committee will follow any procedures determined by it from time to time to be
necessary or appropriate in its sole discretion to ensure qualification of the Performance
Units or Performance Shares, as the case may be, under Code Section 162(m).
9.4. Earning of Performance Units/Shares. After the applicable Performance
Period has ended, the holder of Performance Units or Performance Shares will be entitled to receive
those Performance Units or Performance Shares, as the case may be, earned by the Participant over
the Performance Period, to be determined as a function of the extent to which the applicable
Performance Goals have been achieved. Except in the case of Performance Goals applicable to
Performance Units or Performance Shares granted to Covered Employees which are intended to qualify
as performance-based compensation under Code Section 162(m) (which cannot be reduced or waived
except as provided in Section 12.1), after the grant of a Performance Unit or Performance Share,
the Committee, in its sole discretion, may reduce or waive any Performance Goals or related
business criteria applicable to such Performance Unit or Performance Share.
9.5. Form and Timing of Payment of Performance Units/Shares. Payment of earned
Performance Units or Performance Shares will be made as soon as practicable after the end of the
applicable Performance Period. The Committee, in its sole discretion, may pay earned Performance
Units or Performance Shares in the form of cash, in Shares (which have an aggregate Fair Market
Value equal to the value of the earned Performance Units or Performance Shares, as the case may be,
determined as of the last day of the applicable Performance Period) or a combination thereof.
9.6. Cancellation of Performance Units/Shares. On the date set forth in the
applicable Award Agreement, all Performance Units or Performance Shares which have not been earned
or vested will be forfeited and thereafter be available for the grant of new Awards under this
9.7. Termination of Service. Unless otherwise provided in an Award Agreement
or determined by the Committee in its sole discretion, in the event of a Participants Termination
of Service due to death, Disability or Retirement during a Performance Period, the Participant (or
his Beneficiary) will receive the Performance Units or Performance Shares which relate to such
Performance Period. Unless otherwise provided in an Award Agreement or determined by the Committee
in its sole discretion, in the event of a Participants Termination of Service for any other
reason, all Performance Units or Performance Shares will be forfeited and thereafter be available
for the grant of new Awards under this Plan. Distribution of earned Performance Units or
Performance Shares may be made at the same time payments are made to Participants who did not incur
a Termination of Service during the applicable Performance Period. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Section 9 to the contrary, in the case of Awards of Performance Units or
Performance Shares to Covered Employees that the Committee intends to qualify as performance-based
compensation under Code Section 162(m) (the vesting of which cannot
be accelerated except as provided in Section 12.1), no Performance Units or Performance Shares
will become vested until the applicable Performance Goals have been met.
10.1. Amendment, Suspension, or Termination. The Board may supplement, amend,
alter or discontinue this Plan in its sole discretion at any time and from time to time, but no
supplement, amendment, alteration or discontinuation will be made which would impair the rights of
a Participant under an Award without the Participants consent, except that any supplement,
amendment, alteration or discontinuation may be made to (a) avoid a material charge or expense to
the Company or an Affiliate, (b) cause this Plan to comply with applicable law, or (c) permit the
Company or an Affiliate to claim a tax deduction under applicable law. In addition, subject to the
provisions of this Section 10.1, the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion at any time and
from time to time, may supplement, amend, alter or discontinue this Plan without the approval of
the Companys shareholders (a) to the extent such approval is not required by applicable law or the
terms of a written agreement, and (b) so long as any such amendment or alteration does not increase
the number of Shares subject to this Plan (other than pursuant to Section 4.6) or increase the
maximum number of Options, SARs, Shares of Restricted Stock, Performance Units or Performance
Shares that the Committee may award to an individual Participant under this Plan. The Committee may
supplement, amend, alter or discontinue the terms of any Award theretofore granted, prospectively
or retroactively, on the same conditions and limitations (and exceptions to limitations) as apply
to the Board under the foregoing provisions of this Section 10.1, and further subject to any
approval or limitations the Board may impose. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event may the
Board or the Committee amend the repricing provisions of the Plan or any Award without approval of
the Companys shareholders.
10.2. Duration of This Plan and Shareholder Approval. This Plan will be
effective on the Effective Date and, subject to Section 10.1 (regarding the Boards right to
supplement, amend, alter or discontinue this Plan), will remain in effect until the tenth
anniversary thereof. No Option will be exercised and no other Award will be exercised or otherwise
paid hereunder until this Plan has been approved by the holders of at least a majority of the
outstanding Shares at a meeting at which approval of this Plan is considered; and provided further,
no Incentive Stock Option may be granted under this Plan after the tenth anniversary of the
Effective Date.
11.1. Withholding Requirements. Prior to the delivery of any Shares or cash
pursuant to the payment or exercise of an Award, the Company will have the power and the right to
deduct or withhold, or require a Participant to remit to the Company, an amount sufficient to
satisfy all Federal, state and local income and employment taxes required by applicable law to be
withheld with respect to the payment or exercise of such Award. In no event will any amount
withheld be in an amount that would require the Company to incur accounting charges.
11.2. Withholding Arrangements. The Committee, in its sole discretion and
pursuant to such procedures as it may specify from time to time, may permit a Participant to
satisfy a tax withholding obligation, in whole or in part, by (a) electing to have the Company
withhold otherwise deliverable Shares (except in the case of exercises of Incentive Stock Options),
or (b) delivering to the Company Shares then owned by the Participant having a Fair Market Value
equal to the amount required to be withheld;
provided, however, that any shares delivered to the Company satisfy the ownership requirements
specified in Section 6.6(a). The amount of the withholding requirement will be deemed to include
any amount that the Committee agrees may be withheld at the time any such election is made, not to
exceed, in the case of income tax withholding, the amount determined, based upon minimum statutory
requirements, by using the maximum federal, state or local marginal income tax rates applicable to
the Participant with respect to the Award on the date the amount of income tax to be withheld is
determined. The Fair Market Value of the Shares to be withheld or delivered will be determined as
of the date that the taxes are required to be withheld.
12.1. Change in Control. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan to
the contrary, in the event of a Change in Control of the Company, all Awards granted under this
Plan that then are outstanding and that either are not then exercisable or are subject to any
restrictions or Performance Goals will, unless otherwise provided for in the Award Agreements
applicable thereto, become immediately exercisable, and all restrictions and Performance Goals will
be removed, as of the first date that the Change in Control has been deemed to have occurred, and
will remain removed for the remaining life of the Award as provided herein and within the
provisions of the related Award Agreements.
12.2. Definition. For purposes of Section 12.1, a Change in Control of the
Company will be deemed to have occurred if the conditions or events set forth in any one or more of
the following subsections occur:
(i) |
Any merger, consolidation or similar transaction which involves the Company and in
which persons who are the shareholders of the Company immediately prior to the
transaction own, immediately after the transaction, shares of the surviving or combined
entity which possess voting rights equal to or less than 50 percent of the voting
rights of all shareholders of such entity, determined on a fully diluted basis; |
(ii) |
Any sale, lease, exchange, transfer or other disposition of all or any
substantial part of the consolidated assets of the Company; |
(iii) |
Any tender, exchange, sale or other disposition (other than disposition of the
stock of the Company or Horizon Bank in connection with bankruptcy, insolvency,
foreclosure, receivership or other similar transactions) or purchase (other than
purchases by the Company or any Company sponsored employee benefit plan, or purchases
by members of the Board of Directors of the Company or any subsidiary) of shares of
stock which represent more than 25 percent of the voting power of the Company or
Horizon Bank; |
(iv) |
During any period of two consecutive years, individuals who at the date of the
adoption of the Plan constitute the Board cease for any reason to constitute at least a
majority thereof, unless the election of each director at the beginning of the period
has been approved by directors representing at least a majority of the directors then
in office; |
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Change in Control of the Company (i) will not occur as a
result of the issuance of stock by the Company in connection with any public offering of its stock;
(ii) will not be deemed to have occurred with respect to any transaction unless such transaction
has been approved or shares have been tendered by a majority of the shareholders who are not
Section 16 Persons; or (iii) will not occur due to stock ownership by the Horizon Bancorp
Employees Stock Bonus Plan Trust, which forms a part of the Horizon Bancorp Employees Stock Bonus
Plan or any other employee benefit plan.
13.1. Gender and Number. Except where otherwise indicated by the context, any
masculine term used herein also includes the feminine, the plural includes the singular, and the
singular includes the plural.
13.2. Severability. In the event any provision of this Plan is held illegal or
invalid for any reason, the illegality or invalidity will not affect the remaining parts of this
Plan, and this Plan will be construed and enforced as if the illegal or invalid provision had never
been included herein.
13.3. Requirements of Law. The grant of Awards and the issuance of Shares
under this Plan will be subject to all applicable statutes, laws, rules and regulations and to such
approvals and requirements as may be required from time to time by any governmental authorities or
any securities exchange or market on which the Shares are then listed or traded.
13.4. Governing Law. Except to the extent preempted by the Federal laws of the
United States of America, this Plan and all Award Agreements will be construed in accordance with
and governed by the laws of the State of Indiana without giving effect to any choice or conflict of
law provisions, principles or rules (whether of the state of Indiana or any other jurisdiction)
that would cause the application of any laws of any jurisdiction other than the state of Indiana.
13.5. Headings. The descriptive headings and sections of this Plan are
provided herein for convenience of reference only and will not serve as a basis for interpretation
or construction of this Plan.
13.6. Mistake of Fact. Any mistake of fact or misstatement of facts will be
corrected when it becomes known by a proper adjustment to an Award or Award Agreement.
13.7. Evidence. Evidence required of anyone under the Plan may be by
certificate, affidavit, document or other information which the person relying thereon considers
pertinent and reliable, and signed, made or presented by the proper party or parties.
14.1. No Effect on Employment or Service. Neither this Plan nor the grant of
any Awards or the execution of any Award Agreement will confer upon any Participant any right to
continued employment by the Company, retention on the Board or will interfere with or limit in any
way the right of the Company to terminate any Employees employment or service at any time, with or
without Cause. Employment with the Company and its Affiliates is on an at-will basis only, unless
otherwise provided by a written employment or severance agreement, if any, between the Employee and
the Company or an Affiliate, as the case may be. If there is any conflict between the provisions of
this Plan and an employment or severance agreement between an Employee and the Company, the
provisions of such
A -19
employment or severance agreement will control, including, but not limited to, the vesting and
forfeiture of any Awards.
14.2. No Company Obligation. Unless required by applicable law, the Company,
an Affiliate, the Board of Directors and the Committee will not have any duty or obligation to
affirmatively disclose material information to a record or beneficial holder of Shares or an Award,
and such holder will have no right to be advised of any material information regarding the Company
or any Affiliate at any time prior to, upon or in connection with the receipt, exercise or
distribution of an Award. In addition, the Company, an Affiliate, the Board of Directors, the
Committee and any attorneys, accountants, advisors or agents for any of the foregoing will not
provide any advice, counsel or recommendation to any Participant with respect to, without
limitation, any Award, any exercise of an Option or any tax consequences relating to an Award.
14.3. Participation. No Employee or Non-employee Director will have the right
to be selected to receive an Award under this Plan or, having been selected, to be selected to
receive a future Award. Participation in the Plan will not give any Participant any right or claim
to any benefit under this Plan, unless such right or claim has specifically accrued under the terms
of this Plan.
14.4. Liability and Indemnification. No member of the Board, the Committee or
any officer or employee of the Company or any Affiliate will be personally liable for any action,
failure to act, decision or determination made in good faith in connection with this Plan. By
participating in this Plan, each Participant agrees to release and hold harmless the Company and
its Affiliates (and their respective directors, officers and employees) and the Committee from and
against any tax liability, including, but not limited to, interest and penalties, incurred by the
Participant in connection with his receipt of Awards under this Plan and the deferral, payment and
exercise thereof. Each person who is or was a member of the Committee, or of the Board, will be
indemnified and held harmless by the Company against and from (a) any loss, cost, liability or
expense (including, but not limited to, attorneys fees) that may be imposed upon or reasonably
incurred by him in connection with or resulting from any claim, action, suit or proceeding to which
he may be a party or in which he may be involved by reason of any action taken or failure to act
under this Plan or any Award Agreement; and (b) any and all amounts paid by him in settlement
thereof, with the Companys prior written approval, or paid by him in satisfaction of any judgment
in any such claim, action, suit or proceeding against him; provided, however, that he will give the
Company an opportunity, at the Companys expense, to handle and defend such claim, action, suit or
proceeding before he undertakes to handle and defend the same on his own behalf. The foregoing
right of indemnification is exclusive of any other rights of indemnification to which such persons
may be entitled under the Companys Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws, by contract, as a matter
of law or otherwise, or under any power that the Company may have to indemnify them or hold them
14.5. Successors. All obligations of the Company under this Plan, with respect
to Awards granted hereunder, are binding on any successor to the Company, whether or not the
existence of such successor is the result of a Change in Control of the Company.
The Company will not, and will not permit its Affiliates to, recommend, facilitate or agree or
consent to a transaction or series of transactions which would result in a Change in Control of the
Company unless and until the person or persons or entity or entities acquiring control of the
Company as a result of such Change in Control agree(s) to be bound by the terms of this Plan
insofar as it pertains to Awards theretofore granted and agrees to assume and perform the
obligations of the Company and its Successor (as defined in subsection 4.6.2) hereunder.
14.6. Beneficiary Designations. Any Participant may designate, on such forms
as may be provided by the Committee for such purpose, a Beneficiary to whom any vested but unpaid
Award will be paid in the event of the Participants death. Each such designation will revoke all
prior designations by the Participant and will be effective only if given in a form and manner
acceptable to the Committee. In the absence of any such designation, any vested benefits remaining
unpaid at the Participants death will be
A -20
paid to the Participants estate and, subject to the terms of this Plan and of the applicable
Award Agreement, any unexercised vested Award may be exercised by the administrator or executor of
the Participants estate.
14.7. Nontransferability of Awards. Except as provided in Sections 14.7.1 and
14.7.2, no Award under this Plan can be sold, transferred, assigned, margined, encumbered,
bequeathed, gifted, alienated, hypothecated, pledged or otherwise disposed of, whether by operation
of law, whether voluntarily or involuntarily or otherwise, other than by will or by the laws of
descent and distribution. In addition, no Award under this Plan will be subject to execution,
attachment or similar process. Any attempted or purported transfer of an Award in contravention of
this Plan or an Award Agreement will be null and void ab initio and of no force or effect
whatsoever. All rights with respect to an Award granted to a Participant will be exercisable during
his lifetime only by the Participant.
14.7.1. Limited Transfers of Nonqualified Stock Options.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee may, in its sole discretion, permit the
transfer of Nonqualified Stock Options by a Participant to (a) the Participants spouse, any
children or lineal descendants of the Participant or the Participants spouse, or the
spouse(s) of any such children or lineal descendants (Immediate Family Members), (b) a
trust or trusts for the exclusive benefit of Immediate Family Members, or (c) a partnership
or limited liability company in which the Participant and/or the Immediate Family Members
are the only equity owners, (collectively, Eligible Transferees); provided, however, in
the event the Committee permits the transferability of Nonqualified Stock Options granted to
the Participant, the Committee may subsequently, in its sole discretion, amend, modify,
revoke or restrict, without the prior consent, authorization or agreement of the Eligible
Transferee, the ability of the Participant to transfer Nonqualified Stock Options that have
not been already transferred to an Eligible Transferee. An Option that is transferred to an
Immediate Family Member will not be transferable by such Immediate Family Member, except for
any transfer by such Immediate Family Members will or by the laws of descent and
distribution upon the death of such Immediate Family Member. Incentive Stock Options granted
under this Plan are not transferable pursuant to this Section 14.7.
14.7.2. Exercise by Eligible Transferees. In the event that the
Committee, in its sole discretion, permits the transfer of Nonqualified Stock Options by a
Participant to an Eligible Transferee under Section 14.7.1, the Options transferred to the
Eligible Transferee must be exercised by such Eligible Transferee and, in the event of the
death of such Eligible Transferee, by such Eligible Transferees executor or administrator
only in the same manner, to the same extent and under the same circumstances (including, but
not limited to, the time period within which the Options must be exercised) as the
Participant could have exercised such Options. The Participant, or in the event of his
death, the Participants estate, will remain liable for all federal, state, local and other
taxes applicable upon the exercise of a Nonqualified Stock Option by an Eligible Transferee.
14.8. No Rights as Shareholder. Except to the limited extent provided in
Sections 4.5 and 8.6, no Participant (or any Beneficiary) will have any of the rights or privileges
of a shareholder of the Company with respect to any Shares issuable pursuant to an Award (or the
exercise thereof), unless and until certificates representing such Shares have been recorded on the
Companys official shareholder records (or the records of its transfer agents or registrars) as
having been issued and transferred to the Participant (or his or her Beneficiary).
14.9. Mitigation of Excise Tax. Subject to any other agreement providing for
the Companys indemnification of the tax liability described herein, if any payment or right
accruing to a Participant under this Plan (without the application of this Section 14.9), either
alone or together with other payments or rights accruing to the Participant from the Company or an
Affiliate would constitute a parachute payment, as defined in Code Section 280G and regulations
thereunder, such payment or right will be
A -21
reduced to the largest amount or greatest right that will result in no portion of the amount
payable or right accruing under this Plan being subject to an excise tax under Code Section 4999 or
being disallowed as a deduction under Code Section 280G. The determination of whether any reduction
in the rights or payments under this Plan is to apply will be made by the Committee in good faith
after consultation with the Participant, and such determination will be conclusive and binding on
the Participant. The Participant will cooperate in good faith with the Committee in making such
determination and providing the necessary information for this purpose.
14.10. Funding. Benefits payable under this Plan to any person will be paid by
the Company from its general assets. Shares to be issued hereunder will be issued directly by the
Company from its authorized but unissued Shares or acquired by the Company on the open market, or a
combination thereof. Neither the Company nor any of its Affiliates will be required to segregate on
its books or otherwise establish any funding procedure for any amount to be used for the payment of
benefits under this Plan. The Company or any of its Affiliates may, however, in its sole
discretion, set funds aside in investments to meet any anticipated obligations under this Plan. Any
such action or set-aside will not be deemed to create a trust of any kind between the Company and
any of its Affiliates and any Participant or other person entitled to benefits under the Plan or to
constitute the funding of any Plan benefits. Consequently, any person entitled to a payment under
the Plan will have no rights greater than the rights of any other unsecured general creditor of the
Company or its Affiliates.
By: |
Craig M. Dwight, President and Chief Executive Officer
By: |
Its: |
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MAY 6, 2010
6:00 P.M.
The undersigned hereby appoints Thomas H. Edwards, Mark E. Secor or James D. Neff, or each of them,
as Proxies, each with the power to appoint his substitute, and hereby authorizes them to represent
and vote, as designated below, all Common Shares of Horizon Bancorp that the undersigned is
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on Thursday, May 6, 2010, at 6:00
p.m. (local time), at the Clarion Inn, 5820 S. Franklin Street, Michigan City, Indiana, or any
adjournment of the Annual Meeting, on the following matters:
(Continued, and to be marked, dated and signed on the other side)
1. |
Call toll free 1-800-690-6903 on a Touch-Tone Phone. There is NO CHARGE to you for
this call. |
2. |
Via the Internet at and follow the instructions. |
3. |
Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it promptly in the enclosed envelope. |
þ |
For |
With- |
For All |
hold |
Except |
1. |
Election of Directors |
o |
o |
o |
Susan D. Aaron |
Charley E. Gillispie |
Larry N. Middleton, Jr. |
Robert E. Swinehart |
(INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual, write the individuals name on the
space provided below.)
For |
Against |
Abstain |
Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation
o |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
Amendment to 2003 Omnibus Equity
Incentive Plan
o |
Please be sure to sign and date
this Proxy in the box below.
Date |
Stockholder sign above Co-holder (if any) sign above |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
Ratification of Appointment of BKD, LLP
o |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
Shareholder Proposal to Declassify Board
of Directors
o |
6. |
In their discretion, on such other business as may properly be brought before the Annual Meeting
or any adjournment of the Annual Meeting |
Please indicate your intentions of attending the meeting on May 6, 2010, by completing the section
I WILL attend the Annual Meeting. o
Number of Persons attending will be
Please sign exactly as name appears on this card. If there are two or more owners, both should
sign. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give full
title as such. If a corporation, please sign in full corporate name by President or other
authorized officer. If a partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person.
Stockholders of record have three ways to vote:
1. By Mail; or
2. By Telephone (using a Touch-Tone Phone); or
3. By Internet.
A telephone or Internet vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares in the same manner as
if you marked, signed, dated and returned this proxy. Please note telephone and Internet votes must
be cast prior to 3:00 a.m., May 6, 2010. It is not necessary to return this proxy if you vote by
telephone or Internet.
Call Toll-Free on a Touch-Tone Phone anytime prior to 3:00
Anytime prior to 3:00 a.m., May 6, 2010 go to |
a.m., May 6,2010
| |
1-800-690-6903 |
Please note that the last vote received, whether by telephone, Internet or by mail, will be
the vote counted.
Your vote is important!